Caturday SBI Giveaway #16 / キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ #16

in #caturday5 years ago (edited)

This giveaway is closed.
Please come back on next Friday.


Caturday SBI Giveaway #16

Join me every Friday for a cat theme Caturday quiz and complete an easy task to win @steembasicincome share!

キャタデー SBI ギブアウェイ#16

毎週金曜日(日本は土曜日)@steembasicincome のギブアウェイを開催しています。
猫をテーマの簡単なクイズ & タスクに答えて @steembasicincome シェアを当てよう!


⭐️ The quiz for this week : How many teeth does an adult cat have?

⭐️ The task for this week : Tell me one interesting cat fact.


● Please leave your answers in the comments section.

● You must follow the rules, ⭐️ complete the task and ⭐️ answer the quiz correctly to be qualified.

● 3 giveaways from last week is added to this week so 6 giveaways go out this week!

● Giveaway starts on Friday and will be closed sometime on Sunday. I will edit the post with “This giveaway is closed” when ended.

● Upvote and resteem is not necessary but would be appreciated.

● The winners will be drawn and the announcement will take place the following week.

● When you are asked to share photos, it must be your own.

That’s all!
Hope to see your entry!

⭐️ 今週のクイズ :大人の猫の歯は何本でしょう?

⭐️ 今週のタスク :面白い猫の豆知識を1つ教えてください。


● 答えはコメント蘭にお願いします。

● エントリーの条件はルールを守ること、⭐️ タスクをこなし、そして⭐️ クイズに正解していることとします。

● 先週、エントリーがありませんでしたので、今週のギブアウェイは6つ!

● 期限は金曜日から日曜日(日本では土曜日から月曜日かな)終了した投稿には編集で “このギブアウェイは終了しました” と追記します。

● Upvote、Resteemは出来たらお願いします。しなくてもOKです。

● 当選者は抽選です。発表は後日行います。

● 写真をシェアするお題の時は、自分の写真でお願いします。



Thanks for visiting!




A grown cat should have 30 teeth.
And did you know that cats have a 'zoom-function' built into their ears? It's the small channels on the sides of the ears.

Zoom-function sounds really cool.
Thanks for the entry!

An adult cat has 30 permanent teeth.
It is fascinating for me to know that cats don't get cavities due to the shape of their teeth. cool!

That’s very interesting!
Thanks for the entry!

Hi @djynn! An adult cat has 30 teeth.
I always wondered how cats sweat and here is the answer. They do not have sweat glands all over their body like us humans. Cats only sweat through their paws.
Have a great weekend! : )

Omg...we were wondering about it too!
They only sweat through paws! That’s fascinating!
Thanks for the entry!

That is crazy how you were wondering the same thing. Now you know. : )

My answer for this week giveaway

Quiz: Adult cat has 30 teeth.

Task: Cats spend most of their time by licking their coats or hair to keep them clean.

Posted using Partiko Android

You should see my cat going crazy after I give her a bath.
She spends good couple of hours to clean herself LOL.
Thanks for the entry!

Adult Cats have 4 teeth.!!

4 Difficult to see Molars that break thru 20-24 weeks. The other 26 they are born with. The Shark Teeth come in at 3 to 6 months. But these 2 canines/2 incisors will replace the baby teeth.


Shark Teeth refers to the 4 adult canines/incisors coming in beside the baby teeth.

So at one stage, a cat/kitten could have up to 34 teeth. If the 4 adult molars break thru early. And Shark Teeth are present

Or lets put it this way.... 22 baby. 8 adult that break thru gums later.?

Now even I am confused....

Yes, cats get cavities, mostly just below the gumline.

Miracle Kitten Rescue....:

Photo is our most recent rescue **"Lil' Guy (The Miracle Kitten)

I’m very confused...but you are in! LOL
Thanks for the entry!