When we first got him as a kitten we thought he was a "she" and named him "Contessa" but always called him/her "Tessy." Now, HE is "Tesla" but we still call him "Tessy,"...lol....
The short-hair (front) is "Glen"...our rescue cat. He came with the name...lol...
Yes, they can. Our biggest male, is probably only about 15 pounds though. We keep them pretty active.
When we first got him as a kitten we thought he was a "she" and named him "Contessa" but always called him/her "Tessy." Now, HE is "Tesla" but we still call him "Tessy,"...lol....
The short-hair (front) is "Glen"...our rescue cat. He came with the name...lol...
Omfg...I love the mix up story...but even more, I love the name "Glen" for a cat LOLOLOLOL!!!!
LOL...Yea... the poor fellow had been badly abused. We just couldn't add to his trauma by giving him a new name to remember, too..