Our #CatsofSteemit Turned 1 on June 1st :)

One Year Ago They Were Born Right In Our Home!

Video 1:45

Of course none of this was ever planned or expected, our friend
gave us a hunting cat named Edgar to help us with our mouse problem. Well Edgar was a SHE, and was in HEAT and not long after started getting a really big belly...So we went from having ONE cat to 5 cats in a relatively short amount of time. Here is the story of her birthing written a year ago: Edgar Had Her Kittens

Not long after the kittens were weaned, Edgar disappeared...for good, she's still not back. One of the kittens also left us. So then there were 3.


These two (Grayson and Mini-Mewey) have been inseparable since they both got neutered last month. We got their surgeries done only a day apart, so that no one would be walking around with balls for a long time with the other guy having none.


It's been a lot more pleasant around here for ScratcherLina (the female) too. No more being stalked around the house with someone's nose attached to her __ BLEEEEEEP__ 24/7...


Ah I can finally rest in peace...

More Man Snuggles


Everyone loves my bed lol, this time even Stryder is on it too. I feel so popular!


Yes, you are so popular, now could you please stop that incessant clicking with the black boxy thing and let us get some rest?!!
-Greyseaux & MiniMew


Lina is a polydactyl? Did I know that before? She looks like she has an extra toebean or two on that paw!
I heart your kittehs. They are long-distance kitteh frens. <3
I'm glad the boys got their surgeries taken care of. Were they spraying before, or were you spared that? Before Butterscotch (my first cat) got snipped, he had a particular toy he did it on, and nothing else thankfully. The day he went to the vet, my mom gleefully threw that toy out. LOL
Also, is that baby Greyseaux and Batmew with Edgar in the video??? Awwww! <3

Yes, it was the boys in that video, the 1st and 2nd born! Greyseaux is the leader of course hehehe!

No, they were not spraying yet, thank goodness, or humping anything...I've heard some horror stories over the years of cats and their favourite blanket, or toy, or ... their hooman's laundry... eeek! hehheee!!

Oooh Butterscotch... LOL! Glad it didn't become a habit...I have a friend who's male got nipped and he still does the nasty to unsuspecting laundry...

Scooter and Butterscotch full size.jpg
Butterscotch was also besties with my baby brother. He helped look after him. But he was my Butter. <3 Anytime he caught a mouse, he'd leave it at my bedroom door. Mind you - he was declawed in the front, and he still caught them! Luckily for me, my dad would find them because I was at school and get rid of it, so I just got to praise my mighty hunter without having to deal with the corpse. :D

That is the cutest pic ever, can totally see baby bro's smile from the side there, d'awwww...

I'm happy that you only heard about the gifts that were left for you, no one likes to walk out a door and step on a carcass LOL!

Declawed cats can still hunt, Marion's cat Joey brings plenty of mice and he's also old AF too!

I forgot to answer you about the extra toes. Yes, Greyseaux and Scratcherlina both have 24 digits. And poor BatMew...only got 18! LOL!!! He has only 4 toes on each hind leg, and the normal amount on the front paws LOLOL!! Poor guy...but he looks so dainty like a little ballerina :)

Maggie is declawed in the front and she's the one that took a miller moth out of the air for me - so for sure, they're still hunters! <3
Awww, their toebeans! I've heard of polydactyls a lot but never heard of a kitty missing a toe! It doesn't bother him walking or jumping? It's like some of those toebean genes got sent to his siblings when he needed them! <3

HAHAHA Gooo MAGS! LOL~! Greyseaux eats bugs too, I love that!

Batmew actually can climb and walk normally he looked pretty agile the times he's escaped LOL! Up the tree no probs. He is very shy though, and a loner compared to the other two..I wonder if he's got self esteem issues? It's hard to live in the mighty Greyseaux's personality shadow, never mind being physically deficient compared to him too. :D :D

Awwwww, Batmew is the Smokie to Greyseaux's Pendock. ;) Except, you know, they get along.

And as for the huntress:
Maggie why hello.jpg
I am hardcore. Don't fuck with me. You don't want these paws.

our friend
gave us a hunting cat named Edgar to help us with our mouse problem. Well Edgar was a SHE

Ha...I once adopted out a kitten to someone who wanted only a female that turned out to be a male...Ooooooops...my bad...

But it turned out well enough for both because the lady loved the little fluff ball and kept him.

I'm glad she wasn't mad at you! :D

She just called me with a humorous sarcastic voice to tell me, "I just took Powder to the Vet and SHE turned out out to be a HE...

I apologized and offered to take Powder back, but she had already fell in love with him and bonded, so she kept him :~)

Thanks for responding.

Happy birthday.... I remember when you got Edgar to kill the mouse.. doesn't seem like a year ago

After all of this it may have been easier to look into some better mouse traps! LOL :D

Thought Bernie may have changed his ways. Haven't seen a flagging in weeks. 😐

Ah FML lolololol :D

Aw! I love that you kept the female cats name, Edgar! Sorry she has gone missing. What fun to watch them grow up together. I imagine it is rare for so many litter mates to stay together their whole life. Are they all indoor/outdoor kitties?

It is pretty rare for littermates to be together, in the place they were born, for their lives. They are all amazing cats, with really great personalities, and they love to be loved. They are indoor unfortunately, we've lost a couple cats to this stupid highway our home is on :'( As much as I love for animals to be free, cats just cannot seem to stay away from the road. Our neighbours have cats "go missing" all the time too. :(

That's awesome when they get to live their whole lives in one familiar place with people who love them. All three of ours were adopted. Two were true "rescues."

Also...thanks for YOU KNOW WHAT.

I'll be back Sunday...

Luv ya!

Oh the #catsofsteemit ❤❤❤ Just purrrrfect fluffs!! Happy birthday kittens 🎂

Baww.... cute kitties. Thanks for sharing these with us!

Thanks for stopping by, I don't think we've met yet, nice to see you @ma1neevent!

Happy Cativersary my dear friend :) X

D'awww!!! Teh kittehs!!