I am not Princess Mew Mew for nothing people. I am a bonafide cat obsessed cat lady. Miaow!
I have four kitties in my life, and they are each so different, each with their own super weird personality. I don't know why, but my kitties are fokken WEIRD! Let me show you a little about them today.
This is the original Princess Mew Mew. Her name is Princess Kimberly Jane (OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???), but now she is just Kimmi, or Kimchi. I've had her for about six years now, and she is the prissiest bitch you will ever meet. I always say that if she could talk, she would be a stuck up well to do French lady, like straight outta Aristocats.
She is super loving and sleeps on my pillow every night. When my girlfriends come over, she squeezes in-between us on my small two seater sofa, like she is totally listening to our conversation.
This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Obi (and sometimes Shithead) for short. He is such a little hood rat. I found him and his brothers and sisters in the courtyard at work, and I found them all homes. I couldn't resist keeping him, cuz he was just sooo adorable and terribly, TERRIBLY naughty. Incessantly NAUGHTY
Look how little he was!! He loves Kimmi so much, but I think he has come to be a little jealous of her, cuz he is always irritating her!
They really like the bath, I have no idea why! It may be because it is warm, not sure though!

I have also adopted a stray at work, he sleeps in my office, and has gone from a complete wilding to soft, fat little teddy bear kitty in the space of about six months. I named him Nietzche, but no one I work with can pronounce that, so now he is just plain ol' Boo Boo. Shame.
And finally, Milkshake. Milkshake is also a little stray that hangs out where I work. He is incredibly friendly for a stray, and I am working on getting him tame enough for a bath! I am currently looking for a home for him. He is so sweet and friendly, and incredibly, copies everything that Boo Boo does. It is truly cute!
I love each of my baby cats so much, and they are all so weird. I cannot begin to explain their weirdness. Here's Obi sitting on the oven. I cannot get him to not sit there. One day his is going to burn his butt!
Here is Kimchi pretending to be a Oliver Twist. She runs out of the front door every time it is opened, even though she can go outside through the balcony or windows. It's like she is begging for attention from the neighbours, to tell them what a mean mom I am! Silly gurl.
They are like my kids and I love them with all my heart. They even go with us when we go for holidays at @morkrock's parents house.
One more for the road! They love sitting on the bench in the sun, and always look at me as if to say, "Where's the coffee, ma?!"
Hope you guys enjoyed this little peek into my life! Tell me about your mew mews!
Aww man wish I could adopt milkshakes hie is so cute! π
He needs a bath so bad. I think I'm gonna attempt it this week!
Yeah his going to look so good wean your don ππ§π¦
The tiniest cat on record is Mr. Pebbles, a 2-year-old cat that weighed 3 lbs (1.3 k) and was 6.1 inches (15.5 cm) high.
aw precious little cats! and yes they're always begging for attention haha
Okay, this is my favorite post you've ever done, gonna nominate it in my friends group that does curation. Freaking hilarious
Ah thanks battle butt! That is really so nice of you x
am nominating this post for a friends curation project, I think this post is off the charts