#2 STORY of MAMA CAT / Continued

in #cats7 years ago (edited)

The story of Mama (Mommy) cat, left off with me finding her den and kittens.


I didn't know how the Mama cat, ( by this time I was calling her Good Girl )would react when I approached her babies.

First babies to see was a tiny all white one that could only be called a mini me, Mama.


The den was located the distance of about 2 football fields away from my front door. It was in a partial skid of Belgium blocks up against a stockade fence. just inside the very back of the 2 acre property.

I approached the den on the other side of the fence so as not to startle the kittens. There was an opening in the fence right where the skid was located, making it easy for Mama and babies to go back and forth.


To get to this area I had to cut a path through brush and poison ivy. It was also a dumping grounds for the neighbors construction debris. A steel I beam was a handy place to feed the mommy cat.

Once Mama was comfortable with me feeding her there, she began calling for her babies to come out and get some food too. The first one out was the all white one I called mini me. Then another all white that tagged after the first.


Unfortunately I don't have many good pictures of this time. I was to busy trying to feed and gain their trust, and most of the pictures I did get were out of focus.


The second white kitten was a little smaller, if that was possible. His ears were disproportionately bigger than his head, so as to look like his head had to grow to catch up to his ears. He looked more like a white mouse than a kitten, he he.

The next kitten I saw was a bit of a shock. He was all gray (charcoal )and just a ball of fur. I don't have any pictures of him by himself, so you will have to imagine his looks. By this time I was thinking of names for Mama's 3 babies. I figured I start their names off with the letter "G " , but when I saw the gray one he looked so much like a little Bear cub, I called him "Bear" right away.

I thought that was it until a little beauty with "American Shorthair" marking emerged. The word BINGO popped out of my mouth, so her name became just that.




First picture of Bear and his sister Bingo when I first got them settled in the house.


I going to continue this with a third part to show how I got all 5 into my house.


Oh! How pretty and sweet they are! Photos are beautiful. Lucky cat family with you!

And they are all sweet to this day.

Aww gosh they were so cute still are @manorvillemike

Thanks @simonjay They are very good cat but still have timid side.


OH..they are so cute!! You have a good heart @manorvillemike!! Those are some lucky kitties!!

They were impossible to resist.

They sure are!!

Aaw kitty babies! They're beautiful.
Looking forward to the rest of their story.

Hope you didn't get poison ivy. They are so cute!

Always get some poison ivy, but the ticks are my concern also. Those little black specks on Bingo's face are baby ticks.

Poor baby Bingo! I know how you feel about ticks. I got Lyme disease but thankfully it is in remission.

Lyme untreated a no no. I get dozens of bites a season, Have no problem for years, as long as you get the tick out in 48 hours.

The normal body temperature of a cat is between 100.5 ° and 102.5 °F. A cat is sick if its temperature goes below 100 ° or above 103 °F.

Relative to its body size, the clouded leopard has the biggest canines of all animals’ canines. Its dagger-like teeth can be as long as 1.8 inches (4.5 cm).

Cat fur always looks so....comfortable. Looking forward for part 3!