How I Became a Cat Person

in #cats7 years ago (edited)

Photo Feb 27, 8 31 30 AM.jpg

I never thought I would be a cat person but that all changed with Luna....

I moved into a new apartment this summer and I was so excited to finally have a place to completely call my own. I thought living alone would be the best - no one using the kitchen or the living room when I want to be, no one leaving a mess for me to clean up. The freedom to sing as loudly (and badly) as to my music as I cook. The freedom to have my boyfriend over whenever and not according to anyone else’s schedule. The freedom to walk around naked. The sky’s the limit!

I expected living alone to be great, and there were a lot of positive aspects to it, but in the end, it got a little lonely. When I came home after a long day at work, there was no one there to greet me or ask about my day. I anticipated that all this alone time would be great for my productivity. I would have so much time to work on my art and freelance work. But instead, I found myself feeling a bit down at night, so I would just mindlessly sit in front of the television.

During a previous bout of depression, I had thought about getting a pet. I had three dogs growing up and it seemed like the perfect solution except that I don’t have the capacity to take care of a dog. I work long hours. I travel often. I wouldn’t be able to give a dog the attention and care it needs. So I started thinking about getting a cat, but I’m really more a dog person. I want a pet that will greet me at the door, a pet that can snuggle with, a pet that I can smother with love. Cat’s just really don’t fit that bill….

However, after some research into breeds, I found that Maine Coons are “the dogs of the cat world.” They are friendly and loyal very similar to dogs. And photos of the breed showed they are big fluffy furballs. Well, that sounded perfect to me! In December 2017, after much consideration and research, I applied to a couple of adoption rescues in the Los Angeles area.

I met several cats, but with Luna (then Abby), I knew it was love at first purr! I met her at her foster home in Hollywood. She immediately rubbed against my legs and began purring. She was so pretty with medium length calico fur and big, captivating green eyes. Her foster mom Mary told me that she had just had a litter of 3 kittens! She was still very young, almost a kitten herself.

Photo Dec 13, 10 22 41 PM.jpg

Photo Jan 20, 4 31 47 PM.jpg

Since getting Luna, everything has changed! She makes everything better. She adds smiles and laughter everyday to my life. She a silly curious little kitty. She fills my heart. :D

Photo Feb 25, 12 26 14 PM.jpg

Photo Dec 20, 6 46 37 PM.jpg


such a pretty girl. MOW!

same here. thought i was a dog person all my life before my kitties. luna is v pretty :)

thanks! you'll have to come see her next time you're in LA - she's so funny and cute :)

A cat's normal pulse is 140-240 beats per minute, with an average of 195.

The average litter of kittens is between 2 - 6 kittens.

The first cat in space was a French cat named Felicette (a.k.a. “Astrocat”) In 1963, France blasted the cat into outer space. Electrodes implanted in her brains sent neurological signals back to Earth. She survived the trip.