Well, I managed at least a few photos today, unlike yesterday haha. They all posed for at least a few seconds, just enough to snap a shot. And I got Blaze and Cleo together, which is definitely a success, lol. Enjoy today's photos!
Tiger, chillin'.
Cleo, nappin'.
Blaze and Cleo discussin' cat things.
Blaze, starin' (at me).
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Great to see they are always having fun!
Lovely photography @grapthar!! 🤗
thanks @stardivine!
I see that your children have there toys! I had to put a cardboard box next to there cat tree to pick up there toys. They will not put up there toys!😻
Haha yes, we have a basket (or 3) filled with toys... they play with them for a week or two, then abandon them for months, when suddenly, they have an interest in them again, completely randomly haha.