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RE: Will Virtual Currencies Help Or Hinder Catalonia Independence?

in #catalonia7 years ago

Help Me Compile Cryptocurrencies Available in Catalonia

Note these innovations and collaborative efforts:

Bank of the Commons, the new banking era

FairCoop is one of the co-founders of Bank of the Commons (BotC), a revolutionary open cooperative initiative whose aim is to bring some fresh air into the dark world of banking and finances and to offer support to cooperative projects and social currencies all over the world, both at a global and a local level. BotC brings them the latest technologies in banking and payment systems, inside an environment where they can stay loyal to their values.

The official systems are continuously adopting new banking and payment technologies to make their services easier and easier to use, but they aren’t really implementing this advances for the common good. Bank of the Commons’ aim is to put these latest technologies at the service of solidary economy projects to help them grow and consolidate. But it goes even further: the blockchain revolution makes it possible to decentralize banking and make it more transparent, so BotC is using it to obtain much desired sovereignty in finances, participatory budgeting and money creation, adopting FairCoin as a strategic global social currency. This means to change the basis, not only the shape.

    • Integral revolution: an interview to Enric Duran about CIC

    • CIC and P2pfoundation strategic partners pdf:

    • International co-op wants to break free from the state :
      A group of activists in Spain have set up a European Cooperative Society which will allow them to create a legal tool for co-operative projects. The society, Freedom Coop,...
      A group of activists in Spain have set up a European Cooperative Society which will allow them to create a legal tool for co-operative projects.
    • The society, Freedom Coop, is aimed at individuals or collectives, including co-operatives, who are self-employed. It enables them to buy and sell products and services, or manage their own projects, without having to register as legal entities for these activities in their countries.

      The project aims to minimise the groups’ interaction with nation states in terms of employment and administrative issues. Read more...

    • Enric Duran is a Catalan anti-capitalist activist, best known for his act of “financial civil ... backed by its own socially-oriented cryptocurrency, Faircoin. ... Cooperativa Integral Catalana as a living model of open cooperativism. read more:
    • Faircoin: