Major Niggles being the ultimate douche cat this morning. Apologies for the poor light in the video, she was directly under an East facing window. And yes, that's a tray of headphone earbuds that my wonderful husband has left out on a chair. sigh
Major Niggles being the ultimate douche cat this morning. Apologies for the poor light in the video, she was directly under an East facing window. And yes, that's a tray of headphone earbuds that my wonderful husband has left out on a chair. sigh
hello @tubequeen i am really sorry to distubr you but can you gve the lnk to youtube because the videonot working i would rather die now if not see this vdieo i love cat and animals i have myself a black naughty pug that you can see on my introduce your pet post i pretty sure that you will love his pug thug suit ahahah see you around @loooping
Hi @loooping, the link is:
Not sure why it can't be accessed as my husband and I can both see it! Hopefully this helps :)
Argh, video hasn't posted... Will have to try and figure it out after work!
Edit: Figured it out!
its ok now i can see it it doent work on the esteemapp that why ahahah sohilrarious , i always ask myself why they are digging like this , is that for make the place more warm or for taking of any instect or parasite ahahah s hanks for the anwser
I think with Major Niggles, it's more to do with being an asshole!