Hello, everybody.
Because it is insomnia, I always take three kinds of sleeping drugs for seven years.
I take photographs of the cats as a part of healing since 2013 year.
[Preface 2]
Does everybody reading this article now love cats?
Do you want to take a domestic cat more neatly cutely?
Because I describe all my filmcraft, I would like acquaintance till the last.
Lv1 誰でも簡単にできる。
Lv2 誰でも少し意識すればできる。
Lv3 撮影者の意識が前提。猫の気紛れでできる
Lv4 運がいいと撮れる
I write the degree of difficulty in addition.
Lv1 Anyone can simplify it.
Lv2 If anyone is conscious a little, you can do it.
Lv3 The consciousness of the photographer is a premise. Can do it for the whim of the cat.
Lv4 If is lucky, you can take it.
1 舌を出した瞬間を撮ろう
2 あくびした瞬間を撮ろう
3 寝相を撮ろう
4 顔だけ撮ろう
5 逆光を利用しよう
6 カメラのグリッド機能を利用しよう
7 斜めに撮ってみよう
8 猫の注意を引こう
9 動画から抜き出そう
10 自動補正をかけてみよう
11 編集機能を利用しよう
12 まとめて撮ろう
13 フィルターを利用しよう
14 ぼかしを入れよう
15 合成をしよう
1 Let's take the moment when took out
2 Let's take the moment when yawned
3 Let's take sleeping posture
4 Let's take only a face
5 Let's use backlight
6 Let's take the grid function of cameras
7 Let's take it diagonally
8 Let's attract the attention of cats
9 Let's seem to surpass it from animations
10 Let's take automatic revision
11 Let's use editing features
12 Let's take it in a mass
13 Let's use filters
14 Let's put shading off
15 Let's do composition
1 舌を出した瞬間を撮ろう
難易度 : Lv3
1 Let's take the moment when took out tongue
A degree of difficulty: Lv3
I do not know whether it is the same as a dog, but the cat licks it with a tongue when a nose dries. Let's photograph the moment.
2 あくびした瞬間を撮ろう
難易度 : Lv3
2 Let's take the moment when yawned
A degree of difficulty : Lv3
Because a cat is a sleeping baby, it makes a yawn better if sleepy. However, time for yawn is approximately four seconds in a moment.
I hold a camera to a cat and do not come out when I do not hold out.
3 寝相を撮ろう
難易度 : Lv1
3 Let's take sleeping posture
A degree of difficulty : Lv1
The sleeping posture is multifarious by a cat.
The relaxed cat shows a stomach. It is hot and may appear.
4 顔だけ撮ろう
難易度 : Lv2
4 Let's take only a face
A degree of difficulty : Lv2
The normal catches the whole body of the subject (cat) and is apt to photograph it.
The attention of the person who looked if I take only a face is suitable.
5 逆光を利用しよう
難易度 : Lv3 or Lv4
5 Let's use backlight
A degree of difficulty : Lv3 or Lv4
The photography using backlight is not an absolute, but it is impossible when it is not the outside. However, it is killing two birds with one stone because the scenery is put if I come out.
If I locate a cat and arrest you, as for the photography using light to shine from a window, it is possible for a window facing south.
6 カメラのグリッド機能を利用しよう
難易度 : Lv1
6 Let's use the grid function of the camera
A degree of difficulty: Lv1
The line of length and breadth should appear when I use a grid function.
I catch a cat on the point of intersection and photograph it.
I arrest you in the center, and it is hard to get tired than time when I photographed it, and the person should watch it with caution.
7 斜めに撮ってみよう
難易度 : Lv2
7 Let's take it diagonally
A degree of difficulty : Lv2
Because movement is given, the photography from a slant is hard to get tired.
It is possible even if I trim it by editing diagonally later.
8 猫の注意を引こう
難易度 : Lv1
8 Let's attract of the attentions of cats
A degree of difficulty : Lv1
I call for the name of the cat and make a sound and let attention be suitable for a camera.
Then it becomes the camera glance.
10 動画から抜き出そう
難易度 : Lv2
10 Let's seem to surpass it from animations
A degree of difficulty : Lv2
I photograph a cat and an idle animation.
I pull out the best moment later.
I omit the imag
11 自動補正をかけてみよう
難易度 : Lv1
11 Let's use editing features
A degree of difficulty : Lv1
As for iPhone, a photograph should change by photograph application → photograph → editing icon → automatic revision neatly in ON.
12 まとめて撮ろう
難易度 : Lv4
12 Let's take it in a mass
A degree of difficulty : Lv4
You catch plural cats and photograph it.
13 フィルターを利用しよう
難易度 : Lv1
13 Let's use filters
A degree of difficulty : Lv1
A filter is in "fotor" of the iOS application. I choose it depending on the hue of the photograph, and let's regulate the strength.
14 ぼかしを入れよう
難易度 : Lv1
14 Let's put shading off
A degree of difficulty : Lv1
Depth should be born if I focus it toward you.
15 合成をしよう
難易度 : Lv2
15 Let's do composition
A degree of difficulty : Lv2
The end

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@@@@@@@@@@@ nice post keep it up :) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Looking at all those cats yawning makes me tired!!! 😊