Why am I not surprised you lived? 😛
Because you probably secretly taught Soju how to perform CPR.
Btw, I just read your email as well! Omigosh! I did not expect to get your real name and I also didn’t expect it to be what it was! Love it! Honestly, fav name reveal to date! :)
You're the first person I revealed my name to. No-one else knows my name. My dad picked my name....from a newspaper..... I hope I was named after a journalist and not some escapee who made the headlines.
I tried actifit twice. Not sure when I will really use it properly though. Also, I noticed in order to post, you would enter your password in......it would be a pain to enter the long annoying password in each time. Isn't it? And I wouldn't want to keep a copy of it on my phone in case Soju accidentally download malicious malware with her sticky paws.
Nah, I’m telling voice you....that cat knows stuff. She probably practices witchcraft and whatever it is that sharmans do. She might have resurrected you from the dead for all we know. I’d not underestimate that cat. Do you feel odd? Murderous? Omg...this could be Pet Sematary in reverse!
So funny. I do love the name. It’s not your typical female name but pretty when applied that way. It works so well for you. I often wished I was more creative with my daughters, but I indulged my mother on one of them and chose the other on the spot. They both suit the girls’ personality. But still, I went with those names because I was pissed off I couldn’t have flower names.
Most definitely you were named after an escapee...
You should only need to your password once. It saves it along with your username within the app. I’ve you struggle, get on their server discord. Or alternatively, ping @mcfarhat directly. He’s the founder and primary developer, he’s responsive and very helpful.
I sometimes get asked when I give my name 'Isn't that a boy's name?'
At least my name was spelt correctly for a female version. Don't believe my dad knew that at the time when he picked it. I met a guy online when I was booking a tour who had the same name and spelling as me. He was really intrigued and said 'At least your name is spelt the correct way'. He was suppose to be our tour guide too, but he was sick and was really devastated because he really wanted to meet another person with the same name.
That is good to hear.
Well, if you’re going to have a boy name, you got one of the best. :)
Oh yeah, necromancer....that has relevance to my novel too. But maybe not in the first book.