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RE: Another Strange (And Happy) Cat Story!

in #cat7 years ago

I didn't find all the spices. So, it's lacking something.
I will get to the spice shop soon.

By the way, there should be no water features in your bed room: no fish bowl, no fountain.

Move the aquarium to the east sector of your house (to reduce the bad luck of robbery this year)

Move to the south-west sector for enhancing your wealth luck! Your choice!

I am trying to write something about feng shui; very difficult to convey the gist of the matter.


Wow, that is so interesting. My husband gave me a MUCH larger fishtank, which I filled up with crystals and moved it to the lounge this weekend. I am looking for a specific kind of fish, and will only buy when I find beautiful specimens.

Then, you could post some photos of your new fish tank!
MUCH larger!! Oh! I cannot imagine! I dare not imagine!
As big as a small swimming pool?! A bath tub?!
