
While many cats enjoy milk, it will give some cats diarrhea.

Agree! I don't feed my cats milk...but they may sneak it if given the chance. :)

Some Siamese cats appear cross-eyed because the nerves from the left side of the brain go to mostly the right eye and the nerves from the right side of the brain go mostly to the left eye. This causes some double vision, which the cat tries to correct by “crossing” its eyes.

Very interesting...can you tell me more about mancoons? I like the big fluffy breeds.

Since cats are so good at hiding illness, even a single instance of a symptom should be taken very seriously.

Yes, they are strong creatures and mysterious as well.

Some notable people who disliked cats: Napoleon Bonaparte, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hitler.

Un gato naranja. Un bello gato naranja y una bella foto naranja. El amor resplandece acá. Vivirá cerca del sol.

Bellas palabras ¡Gracias!

When a cat drinks, its tongue - which has tiny barbs on it - scoops the liquid up backwards.

Interesting cat fact!

Cats bury their feces to cover their trails from predators.