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RE: Mimi the Cat

in #cat7 years ago

Mimi looks like a beautiful cat, but I must share some Vietnamese feline folklore to make sure you stay safe with her around.

  1. Do not touch the cat. The cat has viruses and pests that will make you sick.
  2. Do not breath in the cat dander, since that can give you lung cancer. It's best to not let the cat inside.
  3. Do not trim the cat's claws. Instead the sharp claws make great dental pics, better than what you can find at a local dentist. Just make sure to be careful when using the cat's claw to floss your teeth. Protrude the claw gently and try not to let the cat poke a hole in your eye!

Hope this advice is helpful. Right @solaski?


My Mimi did have pests as she was really reluctant to take a bath. Bathing her took brute force and incredible perseverance. Btw, I heard about your accident. Cats' problem, I guess.
Number 2 and 3 are so funny :)

Is your eye getting better from the cat claw?

According to the Doc it's better than new!