Where are my bird friends at?

in #catlast year


Hewo Hoomans and friends

I saw two birds perched on an antenna yesterday and talked about them on my post I've been thinking about them ever since. I want to play with them so badly. I know they're probably there again today, but I can't find them.

I've been sitting by the window all day, watching the antenna. I've even tried meowing and chirping at them, but they don't pay me any attention.

I'm starting to think that maybe they don't like me. Maybe they're scared of me. But I don't know why. I'm just a friendly cat.

I'm not giving up though. I'm going to keep trying to find those birds. I know that if I keep trying, I'll eventually succeed.

After all, that's how conditioning works. When animals learn a behavior that gets them a desired outcome, they tend to repeat that behavior in the hope of getting the same outcome again.

So, I'm going to keep sitting by the window and watching the antenna. I'm going to keep meowing and chirping at the birds. And eventually, they're going to come down and play with me.

I just know it.

Nine lives on hive