in #caster3 years ago

This would be the first part of CASTER CHAPTER 1: ORIGINS. Have fun Reading!

LONG BEFORE MANKIND DISCOVERED HOW TO USE MAGIC, it already existed in its primeval state. An essence that exists on all things on earth. Everything, that's created by the Almighty. They all differ in types, colors, and amounts.

Some can change color to match their surroundings, grow flowers of different colors, move mountains, change weather and others have it but don't know what to do about it. But none is far greater than Oeker, the tree.

Oeker is loved by the Almighty for he possesses wisdom and empathy towards others. Oeker is always eager to help, he is willing to give everything for others. Once, he saved a herd of Slyphants (creatures who are very powerful yet dumb) from falling into a cliff by forcefully tearing his branch to act as a bridge.

He also provides fruits for those in need, fruits he filled with his essence to restore the spirit. There are times when he loses all of his fruits but regrows them back to a bountiful. Oeker helps everyone and protected them, treating around him like his own family. As Oeker does this, he gradually grows into an enormous tree, so large that his size could compare to a hill.

One day, the Almighty called every one, He showed them His last creation, two bizarre creatures which He calls, Mankind. Everyone is surprised and happy.

"I have never seen such wonderful creature, overflowing with Holy Essence," Oeker said.

"I shall entrust you Oeker the role of watching over them, teach them how to be like you." the Almighty said.

AS DAYS PASSED BY, mankind learned how to communicate with all creatures. They are able to manipulate their essence and they keep on getting powerful. Oeker was very happy to have them, he shares his own body as their home, feeds them, and plays with them. Oeker taught them that everything the Almighty created has an essence.

"Oeker, why everyone essence different color? " the boy asked.

"Different things have different value. You have white because you two are Holy, the same essence our Almighty have'"

"I have green essence for I am one with nature that is why I can control weather and nurture leaves, seeds and flowers! Beasts have red essence, they can increase their strengths, run as fast as the wind and change their own form, but be careful with them for some are deceiving."

"The stars have yellow essence, they contain tremendous amounts of energy to guide you with light and warm you with heat. Elemental creatures like the wisp, have blue essence, they have the wisdom that I can't even reach and knows many different types of spells. " Oeker said as he sway his large branches and bears fruit.

"Eat this while you listen."

"Hmmmmmm it's sweet a while ago then it becomes sour, but it's delicious!" the boy said with his face grieving with sourness.

"It's tasty then it becomes bitter ! Why!?" the girl asked.

"It's because the fruit you eat is a Kroms berry, it changes it's color so is the taste. You see my friend, the color of essence has to do with the one who has it. " Oeker replied.

"What do you mean? " the boy curiously asked.

" It means that each essence has a corresponding nature with it. The Beast' s red essence are filled with rage and fury. You however are full of soothing calmness. Mine is peaceful. The Elementals embodies curiosity. The stars emits playful and cheerful spirit."

"Yeah, they always cheer me up when I miss the Almighty" the girl said with a smiling face.

"That's enough learning for today! I still have to see how the newborn Slyphants are doing" Oeker said.

THE TWO THEN WENT TO THE FOREST OF BEASTS to see their friend. As they journeyed the forest full of mist a dark figure appeared gleaming with its red eyes. It rushed to them with claws ready to tear and fangs eager to devour.

"You two seems really delicious to me! Why us are created with ugly faces and you have this holy essence! I shall end you deliciously!" says the beast as it runs with anger and lust for blood.

"Espirius!" the boy chanted as a wall of sphere appeared .

"So you know spell my friend, that won't save you" the beasts claws its way through the sphere and scratches the boy.

As the boy bleeds, its essence flows out and the beasts happily takes a sip.

"Delicious! So it is the taste of the gods!"

The beasts charges again, now with a noticeable increase in size and bloodlust.


A large whip was heard and suddenly the beast was shred into two.

"You shouldn't have done that, Lucos. A beast like you is noble but you lack wisdom and consumed by your jealousy"

"Oeker! thank you! I thought it's our end!" the boy cried.

"I'm sorry I'm late , if I should have let my roots come sooner. You shouldn't have witnessed such tragic event but I have to do it to save you. " Oeker said as he carries the two with his roots.

THE ALMIGHTY HEARD ABOUT THE TRAGEDY AND DESCENDED FROM HIS ABODE. He explained to the mankind that there is another form of essence, in which He has no control over it, the black essence."

" A dark essence that is able to consume other essence , the same essence that runs over Lucos, the dire wolf. For his heroic act and saving not just mankind and all the other creatures in need, the Almighty gave Oeker a golden fruit full of mighty essence.

"It is filled with my own happiness" the Almighty said as He ascends back to His home.

THE BOY AND THE GIRL GREW UP TO BE A STRONG AND FINE CREATURES OF EARTH. They no longer need the help of Oeker but they are all still friends.

In order to prevent dark essence to corrupt the vulnerable ones , the man traveled from regions to regions in search of those things that contains large amount of essence but don't know what to do with it. The woman on the other hand, focused on containing the Dark, sealing them forever in a form of relics.

As the man finishes his mission he returns back to Oeker. Together with the woman, they used their holy essence to seal them and spread them all across the world. After all what they've done the man and woman lost most of their holy essence and ask if Oeker can replenish them.

"I can't, it is only the Almighty that can restore it back to you." Oeker frowned.

"This can't be! Are we now losing all our essence!? Will we die?!" the woman shouted.

"No, I will find a way" the man bravely said then sat.

"How!? You don't even know what I'm doing after all these years that you're gone! I'm going to the Almighty! " the woman declared as she runs to the forest.

THE WOMAN WALKS INTO THE MISTY FOREST filled with anger and fear. She went into the cave where her friend lives.

"That tree didn't know how to care for us! He just wanted for the Almighty to favor him! He didn't even used his essence to help us seal those things! " the woman sobbed.

"Well, m-y fri-end , you-you're the on-ly one that could se-seal them" a voice whispers.

"Why?" the woman asked.

"Because you ha-have the-the hoooo-ly ess-sssence, the on-ly thing tha-that could seal those thingss" the voice answered.

"Bu-uut you don't ha-have to wo-rry , because you-you can res-restore it, it" the eerie whisper grew louder.

"How?" the woman curiously asked as she stands up and walk slowly to where the voice is coming.

"Come, co-me near me. I shall whis-whisper it to you" the voice grew even louder, the woman walk directly at the dark and she vanishes.

"Ea-eat the Yggdrasil" the whisper faded.

THE WOMAN RETURNED TO WHERE THE MAN IS. She's silent and blank. As if something happened but the man don't know what. As night falls, the woman ordered the man to ask Oeker to give them the golden fruit, Yggdrasil.

_"_I will not give it, it is forbidden for the both of you to eat, it is only for me to consume, it is the word of the Almighty and I shall protect it at all cost. You are losing your hope, my friend." Oeker hesitantly said.

The women then walk out from the dark, Oeker was shocked to see the woman and he then permitted them to obtain the Yggdrasil.

"But before I give it to you, I shall cast as spell for your own protection." Oeker said.

"Really?! You'll give it to us?! But why? Why did you change your mind Oeker?!" the man asked.

"It doesn't matter, he will give it to us because of his own decision" the woman answered.

"Fine then, stand right here and I shall cast it and for you to obtain it without harming you." Oeker happily said.

The two stands right before Oeker, then Oeker grabs the Yggdrasil and said to wait til he cast the spell before they can eat it.

"You should eat it no matter what happens right after I cast the spell, undestood?!" Oeker's voice grew louder.

"_Imperius Osseous Krussiastus!" _

A beam of light covered the two and a tingling pain touched them, but they still continued eating.

"What have you done!!!!!!" the woman shouted as she holds her head and felt it cracking.



"Dad what happened? "

"Well, son , that spell is meant to protect them from being consumed by dark essence, the bone crown."

"What happened to Oeker?"

"No one knows, but legends says that the tree died."

"Awwwwww. Did the fruit restored their powers?"

"Not only their powers are restored, but it gives them the ability to obtain other essence just by learning and mastering it"

"You mean they can have blue, green, yellow, red and white essence now?!"

"Yes son, but not the white essence. It's all gone"

"Awwwww, I wanted to have white essence too!"




"Uhmmmmm... Daddy, why did Oeker gave the fruit?"

"My dear daughter, the fruit is meant for the woman. She was already consumed and it's the only thing that could heal her."

"And that's why Oeker cast the bone crown spell first so that the dark essence could never touch them again!" said the boy excitedly.

"You're right son, and that's all for today. You have your first Magi school tomorrow."

"Goodnight Dad"

"Good night."