5 Things You Need To Do After Signing Up With CashJuice!

Originally published in October 2018, during the CashJuice pre-launch phase.

It’s important to get off to a fast start with any new venture!

When it comes right down to it, CashJuice is all about building a large following in order to drive traffic to your posts and promotions.

Here are the most important steps you need to take after signing up with CashJuice:

1. Upload a profile picture.

Needless to say, if your going to brand yourself online, then you must have a profile picture. People tend to follow other people and brands that they recognize. The same applies on CashJuice, just as it does on platforms such as LeasedAdSpace.

2. Complete your profile description.

In a few brief lines, let people know a bit about yourself. Your profile description can be anything. From funny and fun, to brief and ‘down to business’. Whatever you think will attract your followers.

3. Introduce yourself with your first post.

Say hello to the world of CashJuice! Announce yourself with an introduction to potential readers. Say a bit more this time. Who are you and what do you represent? Attach a photo if you want (pictures added to posts attract more attention).

4. Follow the top 50 league leaders.

As a free member of CashJuice, you can follow up to 200 people – so choose carefully. Ideally, it would be best to at least follow the top 50 league leaders. These tend to be the most dedicated CashJuice users – well informed about the platform with generally higher quality posts.

5. Leave a few comments.

Now wade into the pool and take your first step by connecting with others on CashJuice! Explore the platform and the people. When you come across a profile or post you like: then leave a comment. Don’t forget to use the like, follow, and share features!

Following the above steps will help give you the best possible start after signing up with CashJuice. Start getting the exposure early by doing this right away!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Let’s connect 🙂

All the best to your success,

Join me on Ca$hJuice: https://cashjuice.link/_surfninja Visit my public profile: https://cashjuice.com/p/surfninja Connect with me on Steemit: https://steemit.com/@thesurfninja

Originally posted on CashJuiceGuide. Steem blog powered by ENGRAVE.