Roger & Snorre - Private Business

in #cartoon9 years ago

Thank you for nice story.Hi! @fyrstikken

Knock Knock
Who is there?

Fyrstikken who??

🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 UPVOTES Away 😊😊😊😊😊 @fyrsttiken @fyrsttiken I can shoot my Rocket at

That extra BIG smile in Roger's face hahaha

Great original work and very entertaining. Make my day.

Very funny and brighter the day for me. Thanks

Thank you Good cartoon!!

Snore is wrong, Roger IS funny

Can't a man have some good personal time?! HERESY!!!

ahhahaha roger dont that is not funny

I get a weird feeling while reading this o_O

Haha! Great entertainment! Loved it! :D

i love comic very much , upvote and followed you @fyrstikken

roger do not interrupt a man while in the toilet, dont do that

Good cartoon!!