
I had this poster when I was a kid!

who didn't? I remember TURBO chewing gum with Ferrari 'rossa

For more of my automotive thoughts, please see my blog.

If i can just get one of those cars

you don't. you wouldn't know how to drive it anyway.

For more of my automotive thoughts, please see my blog.

a girl can wish, or can she not?

eh, believe me. wish of good Ford Focus ST or C 200 CDI W205 that can be fueled and maintained too

Wow beautiful car
I like it color red

when I can have that fancy car. Happy to be able to ride his beautiful luxury car
Thanks for sharing @yenlau I like it

when? never. start with 328tb

For more of my automotive thoughts, please see my blog.

Lovely, hope you will give me one for my birthday, hahahaha...... Following you, how to see you do same.. Please follow back. Thanks

in 1/87 scale, yes

For more of my automotive thoughts, please see my blog.

nice boss

Red Ferrari just how I want it, I know someday I will be to afford it till then I will keep working hard and admiring the picture or anytime I see it.