Good friends of steemit, I wish you a prosperous, happy and successful weekend full of blessings on this platform, today I bring you another topic of automotive mechanics that many people overlooked to consider and it is the importance of having your engine with the right amount of oil, this is a problem of the most common in my country Venezuela since a liter of oil has a very high monetary value and it is very difficult to access it. Here in Venezuela is the most normal to see a car with an oil can because the parts are also difficult to get, but it is better to repair the car than having a lost millionaire oil without further ado we started with the issue. If you got here you must reach the end.

To start the topic we must bear in mind that they are some of the components that owe their work to oil, to clarify all the components in an engine work with oil but there are some that work more than others such as the filter, the oil pump and the crankcase. These last mentioned components are dedicated to working with oil and oil since their only job is to clean, move and cool the precious liquid.
The oil filter: this is responsible for collecting all the particles of dirt and iron that the engine can release, this is because it is not convenient to have an iron particle running through the lubrication galleries and passing through parts with a Minimum resistance tolerance as serious damage could occur.
The oil pump: there are people who say that the pump pushes the oil but it is not, the pump only moves it through smaller ducts creating oil pressure that allows the liquid to reach all parts of the engine without any problem.

The crankcase: this component does almost nothing only houses and cools the oil that falls in the gravity since it is in the lower part of the engine, this component is able to cool the oil because it is very thin and does not have much resistance to the wind.

It is very important to always have the engine at its maximum point of oil, so you can be sure that when you fence on a hill the oil pump does not suck air, because when this happens something called cavitation is produced which are air bubbles in the lubrication system, when these bubbles reach the oil pump explode generating irreparable damage and stop lubricating constantly the parts of the engine.

It is very important the correct use of oil in the engine so that its fluidity is more easily, currently vehicles with more than 1.5 liters of engine capacity use 20W50 oil that at a lower temperature is more viscous and higher temperature has greater fluidity. If you put a higher grade oil can work hot but it will be more difficult to start the engine when the oil cooled, and if you put a thinner oil is not going to lubricate as recommended and the engine will have greater wear on its components due to friction.

When you have a low level of oil you can have some sound problems in the engine, this is due to the friction of the parts and the knocking that is supposed to be filled with oil. But if we are sure that the oil level is good we can discard this problem and take the car to the mechanic.

Friends, this was all in this opportunity, any doubt leave it in the comments and I will gladly answer, it was a pleasure to have brought this valuable information for me and for you, until the next chao chao.

Muchas gracias por la información amigo cuando compre mi carro con el favor de DIOS empleare tus consejos porque me imagino que tienes más consejos para todos nosotros, Saludos.
claro que si, ahora es que hay post para rato
que buena inormación