Ludicolo & Tyranitar Pokemon Cards Reveal From Japan's Battle Partners Set

in #cards14 days ago

Hi there. In this post I cover the Ludicolo evolution line and the Tyranitar evolution line from Pokemon Japan's Battle Partners. Source 1

Source For Tyranitar Evolution Line



Lotad is a 60HP Basic Water Pokemon with one retreat cost and Lightning weakness.

The single attack of Water Gun requires one Water Energy to do 20 damage. Any Basic Pokemon as a part of an evolution line that has an attack that does 20 damage for one Energy is not too bad in the early game.



Lombre is the Stage 1 evolved form of Lotad. It has 90 HP with one retreat cost and Lightning weakness.

Its only attack is Aqua Slash which requires two Water Energy. This attack does 70 damage with the drawback of this Pokemon cannot attack the next turn (unless it goes to the Bench and comes back in). Two water Energy for 70 damage is okay sometimes as you can one hit knockout a 70HP Basic Pokemon.



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Ludicolo is the final evolved form of Lotad. This Stage 2 Pokemon has 140 HP with two retreat cost and Lightning weakness. The Hydro Splash attack is not very good as it costs 2 Water Energy and 1 Colourless Energy to do just 130 damage.

The ability on Ludicolo called Vital Samba is kind of interesting. If this Ludicolo is in play then each of your Pokemon in play has +40HP. When it says the effect of Vital Samba doesn't stack it means that you can use this effect once. Multiple Ludicolos would not make it +80HP or anything. It is still +40 HP for each of your Pokemon in play. The HP boost from this ability is nice. Is it worth the deck space to put in Lotad, possibly Lombre, Ludicolo and Rare Candys? I dunno.

As the powerful Irida Supporter is going out of standard play as we head into the G, H, I standard format this evolution line does not seem good. If Water Pokemon do receive support from the regulation mark I cards then Ludicolo could be playable. For now I say no.

Image Source


Larvitar + Pupitar

Larvitar is a 70 HP Basic Pokemon with a single attack. The Crunch attack requires two Colourless Energy to do 20 damage. If you get Heads you discard an Energy from the opponent's Active Pokemon. This discarding Energy effect is sometimes effective and annoying for the opponent. The attack cost is not that easy to meet though.

Pupitar is a 90HP Stage 1 Pokemon that evolves from Larvitar. It has 90 HP, one retreat cost, Grass weakness and 1 attack. The Take Down attack requires two Colourless Energy to do 60 damage with 20 recoil damage to itself.



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Tyranitar is the final evolved form of Larvitar. It evolves from Pupitar. This Stage 2 Pokemon is of the Dark type with 190 HP and 3 retreat cost.

Its Daunting Gaze ability is quite powerful. As long as this Tyranitar is in the Active Spot your opponent cannot play Item cards from their hand. The opponent has to move this Tyranitar from the Active Spot or knock it out if they want to play Item cards again.

The Crackling Stomp attack does 150 damage along discarding the top 2 cards from the opponent's deck. The energy cost is one Dark Energy and one Colourless Energy. This attack is okay but it lacks knockout power against many Pokemon ex.

The problem with Tyranitar's item lock is that it is much easier to use Budew. Budew is a Basic Pokemon that can item lock the opponent with its attack.


Thank you for reading.