P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.
Have you read any of your own posts they are extremely lame . 2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 thats 3 quick maths. Dont be a jelous hater you content is just crap
I kinda hate the banks, I have my reason to belive they act in the most self interested way possible, and I mean, just for 10-15 ppls in the whole world, how slefish is that? how centralized? the one thing they care is power over EVERYONE, not a country, not a thousand, I'm pretty sure they onle care for 10-15 individuals top.
Long live the anarchy! (too bad we are centurys away to be able to have it, sice anarche basis is that every single human is good and won't harm or betray any other)
P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.Have you read any of your own posts they are extremely lame . 2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 thats 3 quick maths. Dont be a jelous hater you content is just crap
I kinda hate the banks, I have my reason to belive they act in the most self interested way possible, and I mean, just for 10-15 ppls in the whole world, how slefish is that? how centralized? the one thing they care is power over EVERYONE, not a country, not a thousand, I'm pretty sure they onle care for 10-15 individuals top.
Long live the anarchy! (too bad we are centurys away to be able to have it, sice anarche basis is that every single human is good and won't harm or betray any other)