Hello, my friends. I hope you all have new years goals of crushing the world with crypto in 2018. So lets say you bought into CARDANO at 0.11 like some people I know. I will be Blunt. Get up and run not walk and download the Daedalus wallet on Cardano's site and get ready for the ride of your life. We just hit 0.98 on the 2nd day of 2018. If you saw my post a few days ago I found some info indicating Ada might be listed on coinbase! Well some of you don't feel the same way but does it really matter if Cardano makes it on coinbase? Well guess what it does not! Shortly ethos well make buying crypto so easy that it will be like shopping at the grocery store. Coinbase might give someone a turbo boost in the near future "ripple" shocker! But here is the real genis behind Cardano. It has real life geniuses. So when all these cryptocurrency come available to mainstream, and we have a 1.00 or 2.00 dollar Ada compared to a 20000.00 bitcoin. HELLO! Not only are they creating the crypto of the future but they are so smart they made just the right amount of coins . They knew exactly when, how, and why they would be taking over the crypto world. I'm sorry some of you are mad but, Cardano was sitting at .02 forever because people are lazy. Bravo to those who did the research because you found the winner. Please add Ada to your porfolio and thank me later with some Ada. Check out Charles Hopkinson.