Understanding the effects of carbon on the environment and Carbon Chain as the solution.

in #carbonchain6 years ago (edited)

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**Long Post Alert...

Carbon Chain finds a carbon project that's ripe for investment, next it pays all it's registration fees. Once the project is registered and the credits issued they will then be placed on Carbon Chain's Exchange, the CCX where clients can sign contracts to buy them. If the client buys the credits using the carbon chain tokens, they will get discounted rates. Once complete the client can then use them to keep up with the carbon emission regulations. All this happens on a high-performance, transparent and secure blockchain ledger, designed by - you guessed it. Carbon Chain.

And really this is just one part of the big picture, a picture of a platform that enables any and every person in the world to do their part to prevent the crisis that will come about with climate change.

CarbonChain can also help by tracking just how compliant corporations are with environmental treaties.
There have been a whole lot of studies and research that was aimed at proving that carbon taxes are a much better way of dealing with Co2 emissions than carbon trading.

The issue with this is that the biggest companies in the world, (the Exxon mobils, the Gazproms - companies that produce up to 70% of all global carbon emissions) can lobby against these taxes in order to exempt themselves, which is entirely possible. The tax would be the only thing that incentivizes them to cut emissions and without taxes, they really wouldn't care as much about how much GCG they churn out.

The only way to accurately deal with the carbon release issue plaguing the world right now is through a carbon cap-and-trade system. Which is essentially a solid cap placed on companies limiting the amount of carbon emissions they can produce. Now sure this method can get quite tricky to enforce especially on a broad scale. Taxes are just easier.


While Taxes do increase revenue for governments, there's really more to it than that. It's about putting a cap on the quantity of emissions, corporations can produce. Which is kind of what Carbon Chain is proposing. The benefit of carbon chain is that it promotes both systems, by allowing companies to buy credits at discounted rates, they will not only be keeping with emission regulations, they will also be helping to fund offsetting projects.

CarbonChain is committed to transparency and accuracy, so thanks to it's evidence-based system, governments and environmental agencies for example UNEP can easily come across and discover important data with regards to which corporations or nations haven't being honest with their carbon reductions, which ones have been giving false reports regarding their progress and most importantly, which ones haven't been abiding to standards.

If corporations new such data is available for monitoring agencies thanks to the tamper-proof CarbonChain platform, they would be much less likely to disobey the Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement all together. And thanks to autonomous smart contracts, the entire procedure of buying and selling of carbon credits, which previously involved many steps and a lengthy paper trail will be cut down, making it much easier for individuals to take part in the program.

See when it comes to the carbon industry it can be almost impossible to accurately track how much of an impact treaties have had on the environment, unfortunaly the lack of incentives has also made it difficult for related corporations or governments to come though on their promises, this unfortunately has led to the introduction of corruption and manipulation of data.

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This was all thanks to centralized systems, but decentralized systems like CarbonChain won't just build clean projects like solar parks to help countries offset their carbon footprints and show the world just how cooperative towards hitting targets set by the Paris Agreement. But because carbon credits can be purchased at discouted rates, corporations won't have any excuse not to to participate.

One other benefit of this, in continuance to what was mentioned above is that because of the blockchain ledger - legal documents will always be available for scrutiny, documenting a corporations entire transaction history prevents any double accounting from ever taking placee while also ensuring governments keep an eye on any carbon credits that are sold illegally.

How the funds raised will be used.

Carbon Chain will be issuing 220,000,000 CCTs from 21st November, 2018 23:59 GMT as part of it's crowd sale, in an effort to raise $22M USD. CarbonChain token holders will be rewarded with upto 30% of revenue that's generated from carbon credit sales. So make sure you participate.

Do note: that Carbon Chain is still subject to review from the following nations; United States, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada. So if you happen to be in any of these regions, keep checking in to find out if approval has be granted to your country.

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All the views presented in this post are based off personal opinions and thus shouldn't be misconstrued as investment advice.