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RE: Competition And Self Interest - The Ultimate Group Strategy

in #capitalism8 years ago

It's not that competition moves us forward, it's a part of life.

You have no right to stop other people from doing what they wanna do. But some people prefer to remove the other players from the game, which is absolutely nuts.

Even I know that, and I don't compete, I just focus on my own thing.

May the best player win!


Removing other players from the game, is when self-interest warps into its ugly sister, selfishness. Even though you don't realise it, you are competing.

When you write on here you're competing for votes, when we curate in Curie, we are competing against each other to find the best posts. When you go to a nightclub, you are competing against all the other guys for the best looking woman.

You can still be chilled and compete :-) In fact, I'm remembering an old post of yours of how you met your ex-girlfriend. If that isn't the finest example of competition, I don't know what is! :-D


You absolutely fantastically nailed it!