Hi Lee Anne Ireland is treating me very well. I've just come back from seeing my South African dentist who is great. Always have your guard up here on steemit as there are many scammers who will try and take advantage of you. Steemit is controlled by the few idiots that were in on the start and can be very nasty - so be careful. You should consider minds.com as well. They are also changing over to the crypto reward method. You can post your stuff into both platforms so as to earn some extra cash. Unfortunately it takes a long time to get ahead on steemit. I have stopped posting and just trading the internal market as it is much less stressful. You are welcome to ask me any questions if you get stuck. Good luck and enjoy the journey.
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You travel all the way to South Africa to see your dentist? Lol.. must be a damn good dentist!
Thanks for the heads up regarding scammers. I'll be sitting down with a friend soon who knows Steemit well to gain some insider knowledge and tips so that I'm not naive to fall into any scam.
Luckily I'm not here to make money. I really do wish to promote Cape Town and my photography.
No genius my South African dentist in Ireland. I look forward to seeing your photography. Consider adding the camera's details with the photos as it is always interesting. Sometimes people will take your photos and post it as their own so watermark them if you can. :)

It also crossed my mind.