Original http://8ch.net/pol/res/8278810.html
Archive https://archive.is/rWZGf#selection-9921.0-10053.44
Abbe Lowell adlowell@chadbourne.com C (202) 974-5605 W C 202 841 4772
Adam Goodheart agoodheart2@washcoll.edu 410-708-1659
Adam Gopnik Auxclercs 212-427-2810 H 212-286-5662 19 E. 88th St. Apt. 6A NY NY 10128
Al From afrom@dlcppi.org afrom@dlcppi.org 608-1205/546-0007
Al Gore ag@carthagegroup.com ag@carthagegroup.com 703-875-9207
Al Gore ag@carthagegroup.com 615-292-1488 H 615-327-2227 12 Lynwood Blvd Nashville TN 37205
Alan Rusbridger alan.rusbridger@guardian.co.uk alan.rusbridger@guardian.co.uk 207278-2332 W 207239-9644 W 7767446650
The Guardian 119 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3ER UK Alex Fields 847-373-7049
Alex Gibney alex@601nw.com 212 352 3010 x121 W 917-596-4059
Jigsaw Productions 601 W, 26th St. 17th Fl NY NY 10001
Alex Goldfarb adgoldfarb@earthlink.net 917-250-2956 C
Alice Novak 760-345-2298 H 503-644-1752 Pam H
Allan Zee abz@spiritone.com 503-234-3211 W 360.379.1255 H 503) 233-8053 H
260 S Palmer Drive Port Townsend, WA 98368 2903 SE Brooklyn Street Portland OR 97202
Allison Silver silver@nytimes.com silver@nytimes.com 212-473-4223 H 212-556-7645 W
NY Times 15 Gramercy Park South Apt. 12B NY NY 10003
Amy Bonderant 202-471-4417 H
1340 31st St. NW DC Anatol Lieven alieven@ceip.org 202-387-6258 H 939-2328 W
Carnegie Endowment Andras Hamori andras.hamori@allianceatlantic andrashamori 310-388-7710, m 207-734-4348 H 310-899-8025 W 323 654 5920 C 323-654-5989 C 7803893213 C
Andrew Shapiro Andrew_Shapiro@clinton.senate. 202-224-5553 W 202-236-6461 C
Andrew Stephen stephena@verizononline.net newstatesman@usa.net 202-333-8158 H
Andrew Terrill Wallace.A.Terrill@us.army.mil 717-245-4056 W
Army War College Andrew & Leslie Cockburn amcockburn lccockburn (202) 342-9488 H 540-937-5275 H
Anita Drobny adrobny(at)aol.com 847-831-4505 H 847-562-0700 W
Anita Stapen astapen(at)earthlink.net 520-547-2250 C C C C C
150 Ricardo Avenue Oakland CA 94611 Anji Hunter anji.hunter(at)gmail.com 44-182-572-3751 C
Ann Pincus apincus(at)publicintegrity.org 703 778 4271 W
Anna Stein anna(at)annastein.com 202 244 4442 W 646 942 7903 C
Anthony Barnett anthony.barnett(at)opendemocracy. 7879 42 45 49 C London
Anthony Lewis anthony.lewis617(at)gmail.com 617-661-0860 H 508-696-8636 (MV) Fax 617-354-2229 W
Anthony Weiner anthony(at)anthonyweiner.com Cheftwan(at)mail.house.gov 917-783-9001
Arianna Huffington ariannahuf(at)huffingtonpost.com chbella(at)attwireless.blackberry.net colin(at)huffingtonpost.com 310-440-9490 W (310) 245-9543 C
300 N. Carmelina Ave Los Angeles CA 90049 Arnaud de Borchgrave adeborchgrave(at)upi.com 775-3282 W 361-2859 C
Art Levine artslevine(at)yahoo.com 202-557-8443 C
Arthur Schneier 212-988-06714/737-6900 W
Rabbi Arturo Valenzuela valenzue(at)georgetown.edu valenzue(at)georgetown.edu 202-333-5263 H 202-361-7537 C
Avishai & Edna Margalit ednaum(at)math.huji.ac.il EUM(at)rsage.org AvishaiM(at)vanleer.org.il 212-319-5874 H 212-755-4737 W 646-637-3124 C
188 East 64th St. #2304 NY NY 10021 Aviva Kempner akempner(at)aol.com 202-244-1347 W 202-361-6735 C
Becca Chace 212-749-1641 H
Becky Gardner Becky.Gardiner(at)guardian.co.uk Becky.Gardiner(at)guardian.co.uk 44-207-239-9755 W
Ben Fields 847-209-7097 C
Ben Gerson benjhg(at)gmail.com 646-840-0786 H 646-839-3331 W 908-684-4081 (country) Pager
Harvard Business Review 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York NY 2 Sutton Place South NY Ben Haas benjamin.haas(at)usma.edu 440-821-1173 C
Ben Jones jones(at)dscc.org 485-3129 H
DSCC Bernard Schwartz 212-488-5301 W
745 Fifth Ave. 31st. florr New York NY Betsy Hambrecht bhambrecht(at)salon.com 415-412-8336 C
Bianca Jagger bj.88(at)btclick.com 9175703700 C
Bill Carrick bcarrla(at)aol.com 323-469-1592 H 323-333-3430 C LA
Bill Clinton 914-861-9380 (Chappaqua) H 212-348-4963 W 320-4109
Doug Band) C 917 670 0000 Doug Band C ^p55 W. 125th St. 14th Floor NY NY 10027
Bill Daley 210-351-3700 W
Bill Drozdiak wdrozdiak(at)acgusa.org drozdiak(at)compuserve.com
Renilde:212 586 5118/212 223 6437 h 212 223 6437 Haome 212-826-3636 W R6468534293 C 917-418-9760 C
Residence Palace Rue de la Loi 155 Wetstraat 1040 Brussels Belgium Clos Joseph Hanse, 1 820 5th Ave, 63/64. NY 10th fl 1170 Brussels Belgium
Bill Hambrecht billh(at)wrhambrecht.com 415-551-8602 W
Bill Kovach bkovach(at)journalism.org 301-718-2508 H 202-293-7394 W
Bill Moyers 212-560-6960 W 212-560-8545 W 917-696-8878 C
Public Affairs TV 356 W. 58th St. NY NY 10019 Bill Murray 703 793 1728 H 703 505 1788 C
Bill Richardson 505-476-2200 W 505-699-8222 C
Bill Schneider bschneider(at)thirdway.org 333-4466 H 515-2803 W C 202-422-4466 C
2700 Virginia Avenue, N.W., #911 Washington DC 20037-1909 Bistro Le Zinc John Warner 202-302-1913 C 202-686-2015 W C C C
Bob Parry robrtparry(at)aol.com 703-920-7521 H
Bob Reich rbreich(at)attbi.com rbreich(at)attbi.com 617-661-2523 H
Bob Rubin 212-793-8883 W ^pBob Shrum robert.shrum(at)nyu.edu 338-1812 H 337-9600 W 508-888-2172 H 202-365-4107 C
3100 Cleveland Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 11 Phillips Rd. Sagamore Beach, Ma 02562 Bob Somerby bobsomerby(at)hotmail.com bobsomerby(at)hotmail.com 410-462-3452 H
Bobbie Handman 212 265-5990 H
Bogart /Cindy 333-6550 W
Bonnie Berger bberger3(at)mac.com 617 542-1011 H 508 645-9553 H
220 Boylston St. #1618 46 Peases Point, Chilmark, MA Boston MA 2116
Brad Whitford hollowmen(at)mac.com 323-309-3481 H
Brant Janeway Brant.Janeway(at)us.penguingroup. 212-366-2230 W
Brian Doyle BBDOYLEMD(at)verizon.net 785-4448/296-5877 W
Dr. Bruce Lindsey BruceRLindsey 301-229-6350 H 202-257-7726 C
Bruce Lindsey BruceRLindsey 333-7351 H
Bruce Udolf 954-764-6660 W
Bryan Arling 833-5707 W
Dr. Bud Lemley Budlemley 800-654-9865 H
Capricia Marshall capricia.marshall(at)broadwave.co 737-5711 W
Carlo Bonini c.bonini(at)repubblica.it 3906 7049352 H 3906 49822876 W 39 3483214215
C Italy Carlton Carl Carlton.Carl(at)atlahq.org 202-543-0494 H 202-965-3500 x334 W 202-255-5397 C
Association of Trial Lawyers o 1050 31st Street, N.W. Washington DC 20007 Carol Joynt caroljoynt(at)verizon.net
Carol Radziwill radziwill(at)aol.com 917 678 1900 C
Carole & Herb Rudoy crudoy(at)yahoo.com 312-440-9788 H 312-560-0013 Herb C 312-560-
4451 Carole C
Caroline Graham caroline(at)c4global.com caroline(at)c4global.com 310-394-5828 H 310-753-3946 W 310 899 2727 W 310-487-2881 C C LA 363 17th St Santa Monica CA 90402
Caroline Heldman heldman(at)oxy.edu 323-259-1309 C
Caroline Kroft 202-361-7419 C
Caroline Marks caroline.marks(at)thedailybeast.c 212 524 8829 W
Cass Sunstein csunstei(at)midway.uchicago.edu csunstei(at)midway.uchicago.edu 773-288-2613 H 773-702-9498 W 773-550-2580 C
Cecile Richards cecile(at)americavotes.org 202-974-8330 W 202-550-8147 C
Celestine Bohlen CBOHLEN1(at)bloomberg.net 33 1 53 65 50 81 H 33 (0) 6 70 90 86 91 C
Paris Cesare Merlini consiusa(at)tin.it 39063222546 W Italy Council for the US and Italy Piazzale
Flaminio, 19 00196 Roma Italy Charles Burson bcburson(at)charter.net 314-644-0882 H 314-258-2358 (Bunny) C 314-378-1782 chas C
Charles Freeman cwfH(at)gmail.com 202-248-3919 H 202-333-1277 W
Charles Tiefer ctiefer(at)ubalt.edu 301 951-4239 H 301 580-1519 C
Charlie Kupchan ckupchan(at)cfr.org ckupchan(at)cfr.org 518-7021 H 518-3402 W 646-206-6704 C
Cheryl Mills cheryl.mills(at)nyu.edu cheryl.mills(at)nyu.edu 212-348-2979 W 202-412-9394 C
Chris Wolf cwolf(at)proskauer.com 202-416-6818 W 202-669-7402 C
Christiane Amanpour camanpour(at)gmail.com
Christine Ockrent christine(at)ockrent.com christine(at)ockrent.com 156228580 W 33609171396
C Paris France 3 7, esplanade Henri-de-France 75907 Paris 4 Rue Guynemer 75006
Christoper Dickey dickey(at)newsweekdailybeast.com christopher.s.dickey(at)gmail.com 212 861 1044 H 33153837615 or 7613 W 19172977613 US C 33680339487 C C
Paris Newsweek Paris Bureau Chief 3, rue du Faubourg St. Honore 75008 Paris, France Chrstine Ockrent christine(at)ockrent.com 336 09 17 13 96 C
Chuck Lewis chuck.lewis(at)verizon.net chuck.lewis(at)verizon.net 703-683-8721 H 466-1300 ext. 1217 W
Cody Shearer codyps(at)gmail.com 202-347-2042 W 202-437-5598 C
Coll Steve collsteve(at)earthlink.net 202-955-0966 W 202-341-1200 C
Cotty Chubb cotty(at)chubbco.com cotty(at)chubbco.com 323–802-1886 W 310-403-8291 C
Craig Unger cunger(at)nyc.rr.com cunger(at)nyc.rr.com 212-608-0608 H 212-998-6027 W 917-673-9548 C
Dan Benjamin dbenjami(at)csis.org dbenjami(at)csis.org (202) 775-3294 W
Dan Freifeld danf(at)nyu.edu 917-273-0800 C
Dan Moldea moldea(at)moldea.com 202-338-4836 H 202-486-8899 C
Dan Morgan danmorgan1968(at)gmail.com (301) 654-3158 H 240-994-4184 C C C C
Dan Payne payneco (617) 398-6345 H (617) 480-1980 W (617) 480-1980 C 617-851-3271 C C
70 High St. #3, Charlestown, MA 2129 Dan Rather drather(at)hd.net (646) 378-7400 W
Dan Yergin 364-5323 H 363-3443 W
Dana Thomas Danafifethomas 145489274 H 608013688 C
Danielle Mattoon mattoon(at)nytimes.com ddm919(at)aol.com 718-369-4191 H 212-556-3915 W
27 Sherman St. Brooklyn NY 11215 Danny Goldberg DannyG2295 212-414-3190/206-1919 H 212-871-8110 W
120 W. 44th St. Suite 70 NY NY 10036 David Bennahum davidsol(at)panix.com 212-838-1335 C
David Brock david_brock(at)mediamatters.org davidbrockdc(at)hotmail.com 202-756-4107 W 202-744-7480 C 302-226-3566 (Rehobeth) Pager
David Calleo dpcalleo 663-5796 W 390565933129 (Elba) Pager
Casa Fangati 57037 Portoferraio Elba Italy David Carmen carmend(at)carmengroup.com 202-785-0500 W 202-256-4157 C
Carmen Group 1301 K St NW Eighth Floor East Washington DC 20005
David Carr carr(at)nytimes.com dcarr(at)nytimes.com 646-498-6244 C
David Corn dacor(at)aol.com 301-270-4648 H 202-546-2239 W 301-379-3282 C
David Dlouhy 301-718-1773 H 240-475-1699 C
David Fromkin 212-838-6333 H 212-355-7515 W
David Gopoian dgopoian(at)optonline.net gopoda(at)consumer.com 914-378-2672 W
David Greenberg davidgr(at)rutgers.edu 212-663-5027 H C C (646) 504-5071 C C New York 310 West 72nd Street, #7AB
New York NY 10023
David Jones jones2898(at)aol.com 202-439-2631 C
David Keene 202-785-0500 W 202-262-1694 C
David Kendall dkendall(at)wc.com dkendall(at)wc.com 434-5145 W 434-5029 Fax
David Lavin dlavin(at)thelavinagency.com dlavin(at)thelavinagency.com 800-265-4870 W
David Lesch dlesch(at)trinity.edu 210-999-7631 C C C C C
210-883-8027 mobile
David Leserman david(at)leserman.name 303-449-8004 H 303-931-2475 C
2806 Cordry Ct. Boulder Colorado 80303
David Lipsey lipseyd(at)parliament.uk 208-677-7446 H 207-219-8509 W London Lord 96 Drewstead Road London SW16 1AG
David McKean David_McKean(at)Kerry.Senate.gov 202-528-2949 H 202-224-2741 W 202-359-7425 C
David Michaelis david(at)schulzbiography.com cb(at)clarabingham.com 212 799 5070 H 256-8840 C
(Clara Bingham) 15 W. 81st St Apt. 12A New York NY 10024 David Miliband d.gunners2010(at)gmail.com 207-586-2117 H 207-219-8320 W 7824518265 C
David Moberg dmoberg(at)igc.org 773-493-0996 x3881 W
David Morrison djm(at)piml.co.uk (0)20 7514 1902 W London David Rieff 917-353-7205 C
David Rosenthal David.Rosenthal(at)simonandschust 212-698-7451 W 347-512-3153 C
David Roskies daroskies(at)jtsa.edu 212-666-2694 C 646-240-7790 C
David Rothkopf DJROTHKOPF(at)aol.com 301) 320-0702 H 202-457-7930 W 202-457-7920 W 202 257 8698 C
Garten Rothkopf 1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20006 7205 Loch Lomond Drive
Bethesda MD 20817
David Seldin dseldin(at)prochoiceamerica.org 202-973-3079 W
NARAL Communcations
Dir. David Sirota dsirota(at)americanprogress.org dsirota(at)americanprogress.org 682-1611 W 294-6113 C
David Talbot dtalbot(at)salon.com dtalbot(at)salon.com 415-285-1021 H 415-645-9230/645-9249 dir W 415-205-0875 C
Salon (Janet Jones, asst) 22 4th St SF CA 94103 David Wilhelm dwilhelm56(at)gmail.com 614-670-4095 H (312) 726-3988 W 312-320-8011 C
Wilhelm & Conlan 70 E. Lake St #1700 Chicago David Williams D.Williams(at)mail.house.gov dwilly3215 202 225-5665 W 202-744-7439 C
Deborah de Shong deshongd(at)dnc.org deshongd(at)dnc.org 863-8033 W
Denis McDonough Denis_McDonough(at)daschle.senate 224-7741 W 228-3647 Fax
Dennis Jett dcjett(at)cox.net djett(at)ufl.edu 352-5323 x501 W 352-538-1772 C
University of Florida Dean, Intl Center 123 Grinter Hall PO Box 113225 Gainesville Florida 32611
Denys Blakeway denys.blakeway(at)Blakeway.co.uk denys.blakeway(at)Blakeway.co.uk 0207-743-2040 W London
Derek Shearer dshearer(at)oxy.edu dshearer(at)oxy.edu 310-230-8775 H 310-562-1435 C LA 925 Greentree Rd Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Desiree Adib dadib(at)airamericaradio.com 646-274-4918 W 646-283-0633 C
diane mcwhorter dmcwhorter(at)earthlink.net 212/663-1966 H 646-270-1963 C Auto-Added
Dick Bell richardbelldc(at)hotmail.com 712-3078 W
Dimitri Nionakis NionakisD(at)howrey.com 202.383.7215 W
Howrey LLP Dogwalkers
McCrae 202-834-3309
Deirdre 202-320-5652
Jake Harris 487-4483
Don Baer don(at)baerbard.com 240-893-3399 C
Don Kerrick donkerrick(at)comcast.net 703-271-7490 W 703-980-7770 C
Don Russell 61293568147 H
Don Russell Don_Russell(at)WestAM.com.au lisabee(at)bigpond.com 61 2 9356 8147 H 61 2 97778087 W 61 419 427 269 C 61 408 605 508 Lisa C
Donna Kaufman adream97(at)aol.com (773) 327-6545 H 773-307-7889 C C C C
2642 N Magnolia Ave Chicago Illinois 60614
Dotty Lynch djl(at)cbsnews.com dottylynch(at)gmail.com 457-4576 W 202 374-9611 C
Doug Band dband(at)clintonfoundation.org 917-670-0000 C
Doug Page dpage(at)tribune.com dpage(at)tribune.com 312-576-6182 H 312-222-8647 W
Chicago Tribune Media Services Doug Sosnik 917-656-8236 C
Douglas Brinkley Douglas.Brinkley(at)rice.edu douglas.brinkley(at)gmail.com 504-621-3939 H C C C C
Dr. Leonard Friedman 362-4545 W 487-8591 C
Opthalmologist 4201 Conn. Ave. NW Suite 211 Washington Car door: *1387
Dr. Paul Cohen (202) 659-9100 W
Dentist Ed Epstein edepstein(at)att.net eje(at)nyc.rr.com 212-249-4003 H 646-912-3339 C
Ed Markey 301-718-7774 H 225-2836 W 617-448-4683 C
Ed Miliband 7717865676 C
Ed Victor ed(at)edvictor.com 917 699 5100 C 44 7971 452 996 C 44 207 224 3030 H
Ed Vulliamy EdVulliamy ed.vulliamy(at)Observer.co.uk 212-505-6768 H 917-856-4613 C
Edward Felsenthal edward.felsenthal(at)thedailybeas 212-524-8826 W 917-680-8381 C
EJ Dionne edionne(at)brookings.edu (202) 362-5472 H 797-6067 W 301-229-3616 H
Elaine Kamarck elaine_kamarck(at)Harvard.Edu elaine_kamarck(at)Harvard.Edu 212-722-4199 H
Elaine Shannon 202 253-6515 C
Eleanor Randolph randolph(at)nytimes.com 212-206-8755/206-7716 H 212-556-7483 W Auto-Added 14 E. 17th St. 6 NY NY
Eli Attie EliAttie 323-656-0469 H 818-954-5668 W 310-770-8611 C
1242 North Laurel Ave., Apt. E West Hollywood CA 90046
Elisabeth Sifton elisabeth.sifton(at)fsgbooks.com esifton(at)earthlink.com 212-932-9237/609-924-7475 H 212-741-6900 W
FSG FSG 19 Union Square West 11th Floor NY NY 10003
Elizabeth Sheinkman Sheinkman 212-243-8480 W 7753329487 C
Ellen Charles 337-3057 H
Ellen Chesler echesler(at)sorosny.org echesler(at)sorosny.org 212-548-0600 W
Eric Alterman Era00001 (212) 665-1260 H
305 W. 98th Street, #2-CS
NY NY 10025 Eric Bates eric.bates(at)rollingstone.com 212-484-1675 W
Eric Boehlert eboehlert(at)aol.com boehlert(at)salon.com 973-509-2775 H 973-610-3867 C
Eric Melby Melby(at)scowcroft.com 202-413-5940 C
Erica Payne epayne(at)newdem.org 212-673-0343 W 646-253-1910 W
New Democrat NetW Erick Mullen erick(at)mullenandcompany.com 202-409-8803 C
Eugene Robinson robinsong(at)washpost.com
Eva Orner evaorner(at)mac.com 917 361 4014 C
Evan Smith esmith(at)texasmonthly.com 512-320-6965 W 512-797-3009 C
Ezra Suleiman ensuleiman 33142869814/860021 H 330680665774 W 0142869814 (H) Fax
25 quai Voltaire (code: 29B54) 5th Floor to right 75007
Paris Madame Roux: 603729551 0142617230 cell below
Fareed Zakaria fareed.zakaria(at)newsweek.com 212-445-4672 W 917-324-8740 C
Newsweek International 251 W. 57th St. NY NY Finley and Willie Lewis 737-7683 W 508-693-8278 (MV) Fax
Flynt Leverett 202-797-4389 W
Forrest Claypool fclaypool(at)fstreet.net 312-603-6380 W 773-315-1650 C
Francesco Olivieri (202) 609-7798 W 202 527-4094 C
816 Connecticut Ave Ste.600 Washington DC
Frank Costello frank(at)costello-associates.fsnet.co.uk 646-544-5385 C C C C C
Frank Mankiewicz f.mankiewicz(at)hillandknowlton.c 202-462-7202 H 202-944-5104 W
Frank Rich frrich(at)nytimes.com frrich(at)nytimes.com 212-787-1026 H 212-556-7414 W
Fred Michel f.michel(at)btopenworld.com fmichel(at)reputation-inc.com 208-877-0045 H 207-758-2813 W 7801138249 C London 8 Grafton St (Green Park Tube) 5 Brathway Road London SW18 4BE
Fred Siegal fredfein 718-941-7352/693-0609 H
Gara LaMarche glamarche(at)sorosny.org
Garry Trudeau dbury1(at)mac.com 212-759-8985 H 212-721-5075 W 212-759-8564 H New York 7
Beekman Place New York Ny 10022 119W. 72nd NY NY 10023 Garry Wills 847-491-9412 H 847-491-3406 W
Gary Berntsen Berntseng2004(at)yahoo.com 703-774-4452 C C C C C
Gary Hart Gary.Hart(at)cudenver.edu 303.352.3763 H 303-607-0888 W
Coudert Brothers 950 17th St. Gary Kamiya kamiya(at)salon.com kamiya(at)salon.com 415-645-9260 W
Gary Sick ggs2(at)columbia.edu 212-222-9614 C
Gary Smith gs(at)americanacademy.de 4930-80483-100 W 4930804830 W 49178-7888 939 C
American Academy in Berlin Gayle Smith 387-3991 H
Gene Lyons eugenelyons43(at)yahoo.com 501-759-3290 H 501-993-7033 C
335 Hill Loop Houston AR 72070 Geoff Garin ggarin(at)hartresearch.com 202-234-5571x154 W
Geoffrey Cowan gcowan(at)usc.edu adamsaileen(at)aol.com 213-740-3987 W
Annenberg School/USC 3502 Watt Way Suite 304 LA CA 90089
Geoffrey Ward 212 787 4618 H 290 West End Ave Apt 17C New York NY 10023
George Packer gpacker(at)earthlink.net 718-915-7869 C
George Soros 212-262-6300 W
Soros 888 Seventh Ave NY NY 10106
George Weidenfeld agw(at)orionbooks.co.uk 0207 351 0042 H 0207 520 4411 W London Orion
Publishing Group Lord Orion House 5 Upper St. Martin's Lane London WC2H 9EA 9 Chelsea Embankment Flat 23 London SW3 4LE
Georgia Abraham gcabraham gabraham(at)telesiscorp.com 294-1366 C
Gerry Rafshoon 337-5302 H 3123 Dumbarton St. Washington DC 20007
Gianni Picco gdpincorporated(at)gmail.com 203-351-1151 C 917-864-8480 C C C C
Glyn Davies 207-408-8124 W London Glyn Davies daviesgt(at)state.gov jdavies(at)wc.com (jackie)
Godfrey Hodgson 1993868867 H
Greg Craig gcraig(at)wc.com MV: 508-645-9490 H 434-5506 W
Greg Jordan gwjordan(at)yahoo.com 202-256-1647 C 21922 Sherwood Landing Road Sherwood MD 21665
Greg Speed speed(at)dccc.org (202) 485-3442 W 365-0594 C
DCCC Greg Theilman 703-931-8928 H
Greg Thielman 703-931-8928 H
Greta Van Sustren greta(at)foxnews.com 243-3116 H 842-6390 W 498-1438 C
Guido Goldman guidogoldman(at)yahoo.com 646-522-6621 C
Guido Moltedo g.moltedo(at)europaquotidiano.it 06/45401017 W 348/4710753 C Rome Europa Via di
Ripetta, 142 Rome Italy 186
Gwen Haas gwenhaasmd(at)aol.com 440-605-4000 H 216-906-4936 C
Gwyn Lurie GLurie 310 476-6548 H 310-874-3135 C LA 2021 Sixth St Santa Monica CA 90405
Hamilton Fish hamfish(at)nationinstitute.org 212-729-3762 C 212-209-5445 W
Hans Hanker hanker(at)igc.org hanker(at)igc.org 212-397-2806 W 646-345-1499 C
Harald Braun harald.w.braun(at)siemens.com 49 89 636 38883 W Berlin SIEMENS AG
Wittelsbacherplatz 2 D-80333 München Harold Evans 631.653.6840 H
Harold Ickes 887-6726 W
Harris Yulin nomax2(at)earthlink.net,
Harry Jaffe 202-746-0333 H
Harry McPherson 202-861-6464 W
Harry Thomason 818-655-5779 H 818-378-1843 C
4024 Radford Ave. Building 5 Suite 104 Studio City California 91604
Heather Booth HBoothgo 202-338-1349 H 202-374-0762 C
Henry Louis Skip"" Gates 617-876-4221 H 617-496-5468/4170 W
Hillary Clinton 3067 Whitehaven street, NW Washington DC 20008 Hillary Clinton 202 228-0772 Fax
Hillel Schwartz hillel2000(at)cox.net noise699(at)gmail.com 760-436-7748 C C C 760-809-1054 C C
699 N Vulcan Ave #37 Encinitas CA 92024
Howard Wolfson hwolfson(at)gloverparkgroup.com hw6152(at)gmail.com (202) 297-7871 C
HRC 342-0374/265-8074 (DC) H 224-5723 W 914-861-9369/202-228-0283 Fax 914-861-9380 (Chappaqua) C
Huma Abedin Huma_Abedin(at)clinton.senate.gov
2020 12th St, NW #709
Washington DC 20009 Husain Haqqani hhaqqani(at)ceip.org haqqanih 202-270-2570 C
Ira Arlook 726-0855 H 822-5200 x246 W 258-5437 C
Iris Newman 847-681-1203 H 847-638-1675 C
Isabel Hilton Isabel.Hilton(at)opendemocracy.ne isabelhilton(at)mac.com 44 20 7359 4107 H 44 20 7608 2000 W 7768571370 C
Isabel Hilton isabelhilton(at)mac.com +44 (20) 7359 4107 H +44 (20) 7608 2000 W +44 (20) 7608 2666 Fax +44 7768571370 C London
opendemocracy.net Editor 23-25 Great Sutton Street London EC1V0DN United Kingdom United States of America http://www.opendemocracy.net
Jack Bass bassj(at)cofc.edu bassj(at)cofc.edu 843-958-8805 H 843-953-7018 W 843-452-8012 C
Jackie Blumenthal Jackieblumenthal 669-0746 C
Jacob Weisberg jacob.weisberg(at)slate.com 212-445-5308 W
Slate Magazine 251 W. 57th St 19th Floor New York NY 10019-1894
Jake Tapper Tapperjake 202-222-7832 W 917-593-1685 C Auto-Added James Carville 703-739-7777 W
424 S. Washington St. Alexandria VA 22314
James Chace JasChace 212-501-0754 H 845-758-0446 (Bard) W 508-228-7671 (Nantucket) Fax 917-620-3745 C JoanDC: 337-1551 Pager
James Fallows jfallows(at)the atlantic.com fallows 415-7515/333-9211 H
James Galbraith galbraith(at)mail.utexas.edu galbraith(at)operamail.com 512-480-0250 H 802-365-7582 H 512-297-6544 C
James Harding james.harding(at)ft.com james.harding(at)ft.com 434-0985 W
FT James Pinkerton pinkerto(at)ix.netcom.com pinkerto(at)ix.netcom.com 2023525721 C 202-352-5721 W C C C
James Rubin JamesPRubin JamesPRubin1960(at)gmail.com 207-229-3368 H C C 7961909509 C 917-344-9880 C London Brunswick 16
Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3ED UK 43 Brunswick Gardens London W8 Jan Eliasson 467-2611 W
Sweden Ambassador Jane Hamsher janehamsher(at)firedoglake.com 310-467-6220 H
Jane Hickie jhickie(at)pstrategies.com jhickie(at)pstrategies.com 512-432-1948 W
Jane Mayer jane_mayer(at)newyorker.com jane_mayer(at)newyorker.com 301-652-7575 H 202-955-0968 W 202-360-2865 C
The New Yorker 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW Washington DC Jane Smiley horse.chuckle(at)gmail.com
Janet Napolitano 602-542-1950 W 602-253-0883 W Governor of Arizona Executive Office 1700 West Washington Phoenix Arizona 85007
Jann Wenner jann.wenner(at)rollingstone.com mary.mac(at)rollingstone.com 212-484-1603 (Mary , sec) W
1290 Ave of the Americas NY, NY 10104
Jason Forrest Jason_Forrester(at)rockefeller.se 202-224-8516 W
Jason Miner miner(at)dnc.org 202-589-3928 W 202-257-0078 C
Jay Carson jcarson(at)shangrila.us (310) 488-9540 C
Jay Rouse jayrouse(at)aol.com (202) 689-7841 W 202) 262-3196 C
Jeff Berg 310-550-4205 W LA ICM Jeff Morley morleyj2000(at)yahoo.com 202-234-6237 H 202-413-7841 C
Jeff Seabright jeffseabright(at)gmail.com jseabright(at)na.ko.com 404-676-1014 W 404-547-0426 C
Jeff Seroy jseroy(at)fsgbooks.com jseroy(at)fsgbooks.com 212-721-9829 H 646-298-6633 C weekend: 518-784-7548 Pager
Jeff Shesol Shesol 202-237-6543 H 202-223-8108 W
Jeff Stein spytalk(at)comcast.net (202) 812-3034 C
Washington 4547 Grant Rd NW , DC
Jeffrey Frank frankjeff1(at)gmail.com 212-787-8970 H 646-678-1476 C 607-594-2721 H C C
Jeffrey Record jeffery.record(at)maxwell.af.mil (334) 953-4466 W
Jeffrey Toobin jeffrey_toobin(at)newyorker.com jeffrey_toobin(at)newyorker.com 212-286-5886 W
Jenny Backus jenny(at)backusconsulting.org 202-262-9963 C
Jerry Landay jerrylanday(at)cox.net
Jessica Stern Jessica_Stern(at)harvard.edu 617-492-6883 H (617)496-3623 W (617)495-9455 W 617-201-4562 C
Jill Abramson abramson(at)nytimes.com abramson(at)nytimes.com 703-979-2405 H 212-556-7292 W
Jill Iscol jilliscol(at)zackiva.com 212 396 2936 H 508-645-3541 H 917-488-3257 C
Jim Dobbins 703-413-1100 x5134 W
Jim Kennedy kennedy2004(at)tmail.com 1160 5th Ave. Apt. 404 NY NY 10029
Jim Moore jimoore(at)ctt-texas.net 512.260.1913 H 512.300-9232 C
Jim Naughtie james.naughtie(at)btinternet.com james.naughtie(at)bbc.co.uk 520 270 9593 C 7976702197 C London
Jim Steinberg jsteinberg(at)austin.utexas.edu 512-480-0758 H 512–232–4008 W 202-249-0635 C
Austin 3312 Duval St , Tx
Jason Forrest Jason_Forrester(at)rockefeller.se 202-224-8516 W
Jason Miner miner(at)dnc.org 202-589-3928 W 202-257-0078 C
Jay Carson jcarson(at)shangrila.us (310) 488-9540 C
Jay Rouse jayrouse(at)aol.com (202) 689-7841 W 202) 262-3196 C
Jeff Berg 310-550-4205 W LA ICM Jeff Morley morleyj2000(at)yahoo.com 202-234-6237 H 202-413-7841 C
Jeff Seabright jeffseabright(at)gmail.com jseabright(at)na.ko.com 404-676-1014 W 404-547-0426 C
Jeff Seroy jseroy(at)fsgbooks.com jseroy(at)fsgbooks.com 212-721-9829 H 646-298-6633 C weekend: 518-784-7548 Pager
Jeff Shesol Shesol 202-237-6543 H 202-223-8108 W
Jeff Stein spytalk(at)comcast.net (202) 812-3034 C
Washington 4547 Grant Rd NW , DC
Jeffrey Frank frankjeff1(at)gmail.com 212-787-8970 H 646-678-1476 C 607-594-2721 H C C
Jeffrey Record jeffery.record(at)maxwell.af.mil (334) 953-4466 W
Jeffrey Toobin jeffrey_toobin(at)newyorker.com jeffrey_toobin(at)newyorker.com 212-286-5886 W
Jenny Backus jenny(at)backusconsulting.org 202-262-9963 C
Jerry Landay jerrylanday(at)cox.net
Jessica Stern Jessica_Stern(at)harvard.edu 617-492-6883 H (617)496-3623 W (617)495-9455 W 617-201-4562 C
Jill Abramson abramson(at)nytimes.com abramson(at)nytimes.com 703-979-2405 H 212-556-7292 W
Jill Iscol jilliscol(at)zackiva.com 212 396 2936 H 508-645-3541 H 917-488-3257 C
Jim Dobbins 703-413-1100 x5134 W
Jim Kennedy kennedy2004(at)tmail.com 1160 5th Ave. Apt. 404 NY NY 10029
Jim Moore jimoore(at)ctt-texas.net 512.260.1913 H 512.300-9232 C
Jim Naughtie james.naughtie(at)btinternet.com james.naughtie(at)bbc.co.uk 520 270 9593 C 7976702197 C London
Jim Steinberg jsteinberg(at)austin.utexas.edu 512-480-0758 H 512–232–4008 W 202-249-0635 C
Austin 3312 Duval St , Tx
John Henry 202-669-7371 C
John Judis jbjudis(at)comcast.net jbjudis(at)comcast.net 301-933-9027 H 939-2322 W 301-943-0969 C
John Kornblum 4916097248169 john.kornblum(at)noerr.com 493084418803 H +49-(0) 30-20 94-20 62 W 491755848909 C Berlin NOERR STIEFENHOFER LUTZ Charlottenstrasse 57 Postfach 080544 10005 Berlin Germany
John Marks 67439960 H Jerusalem
John Marttila jpmarttila(at)aol.com 617-725-1924 H 617-338-4545 W 202-249-1466 W 617-308-1557 C
John Podesta Podestafam podesta(at)law.georgetown.edu jpodesta(at)americanprogress.org 244-5673 H 662-9534 Law school W 682-1611 (Center) W 294-6114 C
Georgetown Law Center 600 New Jersey Ave. Washington DC 20001
John Ritch ritch(at)world-nuclear.org 202-342-0374 H 207 580 7020/1 800 743 1757 H 207-225-0308 W 7881626561 C 39559149720 (Le Vigne) H
36 Harley House Marylebone Road DC phone: 202 468 7477 London NW1 5HF
John Sexton 212-998-2345 (sec, Ina) W 212-505-1258 W 212-998-2334
(Dan Evans) W New York NYU John Sifton sifton(at)oneworldresearch.com jsifton(at)cohenmilstein.com 718 852 0600 W 917 838 9736 C
John Weaver 212-463-7024 W 210-867-6711 C
Jon Landau jlandau(at)jonlandau.net 203-625-2636 W 914-251-9350 H
1 Sky Meadow Farm Purchase NY 10577
Jon Lovett 202-224-0220 W
Jon Sinton jsinton(at)mindspring.com 770.390.8959 W
5 Concourse Parkway Suite 3100 Atlanta Georgia 30328
Jonathan Alter jalter(at)jonathanalter.com
Jonathan Broder jdbroder 237-6348 H 887-8561 W 914-282-5034 C
Jonathan Dimbleby 207-743-2040 W 1225473022 C
Jonathan Freedland 207-239-9975 W 7979704196 C London
Jonathan Jacoby jacoby(at)ipforum.org 917-763-0118 C Auto-Added
Jonathan Larsen jlarsen(at)airamericaradio.com 718-625-8514 H 917-439-5887 C
Jonathan Powell jonathan.n.powell(at)gmail.com jonathan(at)jnpowell.com 207-930-4433/270-2005 dir W 7771502502 C London
Jonathan Winer jwiner(at)apcoworldwide.com (202) 778-1487 W 301-792-2334 C
APCO Worldwide 700 12th Street NW Suite 800 Washington DC 20005
Jordan Tamagni JordanTamagni(at)msn.com
Joseph Stiglitz josephstiglitz(at)hotmail.com
Joseph Wilson joe(at)jvwholdings.com 505.984.5084 H 505.984.2220 val W 505.984.2227 joe Fax 505.629.9142 C 505.629.9143 val C
1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 300 20006 223 N. Guadalupe #549
Santa Fe NM 87501
Josh Galpher jgalper(at)orrick.com 202-744-4047 C
Josh Gotbaum jgotbaum(at)earthlink.net 202-337-1677 H
(Joyce Thornhill) Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. 3375 Koapaka Street Ste G350 Honolulu HI 96819-1868 4139 Parkglen Court NW Washington DC 20007-8244
Josh Gottheimer Josh.Gottheimer(at)bm.com 202.530.4684 W 313.213.4832 C
Josh Green 362-0425 H
Josh Marshall joshua(at)j-marshall.com joshua(at)j-marshall.com 265-3310 H 917-664-7146 C 212-242-7877 H
TPM Media 805 6th avenue/ny, ny/10001
Juan Cole jrcole(at)umich.edu 734-763-1599 H 734-764-6305 W
Judd legum jlegum(at)gmail.com 202-744-6035 W
Jude Wanniski jwanniski(at)polyconomics.com jwanniski(at)polyconomics.com 877-879-7659 H
Judith McHale 301-771-4747 W
Discovery CEO Judy Blodgett judithblodgett(at)verizon.net 202-298-7192 H
Judy Miller judymillerfreespeech(at)yahoo.com 646-2228-7573 C 212-875-6727 W C C C
Julia Hobsbawm info(at)hmclondon.co.uk 0171 734 6500 H London 28 Poland St London W1V 3DB
Julian Borger julian.borger(at)guardian.co.uk julian.borger(at)guardian.co.uk 223-2486 W 256-9660 C
The Guardian Julian Epstein jul_eps(at)msn.com 423-4519 C
Julie Sender julie(at)balconyfilms.net jsend(at)earthlink.net 310-428-6642 W 310-365-0594 C
June Sarpong jsarpong1(at)yahoo.co.uk
karen greenberg lilacj55(at)aol.com 646 336-7296 H 212-998-6199 W 212-992-8854 W 917 861 7734 C 860 672 6299 H New York
Karen Kwiatkowski ksusiek(at)shentel.net ksusiek(at)shentel.net 540-477-2821 H 540-335-1833 C
Karen Lightfoot 225-5051 W
Rep. Henry Waxman House Goverment Operations Karen Skelton kskelton(at)deweysquare.com 916-447-4099 W
1127 11th St. Suite 505 Sacramento California 95814
Katheryne Walker 298-4214 W
German Embassy Social Secretary German Embassy 4645 Reservoir Rd. NW Washington DC 20007
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend kktowns(at)gmail.com 202-460-4485 C
Kathleen Strand kstrand(at)hillaryclinton.com 603-479-7475 C
Kathleen Strand 703-875-1245 W
Kathy Sloane ksloane(at)bhsusa.com
715 Park Avenue 10021-5047 NY
Katrina Vanden Huevel kat(at)thenation.com 212/209-5412 W 917-854-9961 C
Keith Berwick berwick(at)aspeninst.org berwick(at)aspeninst.org 202-736-3841 W
Aspen Institute Kelly Craighead Kelly Craighead 675-8345 W 202-302-4336 C
Ken Burns 603-756-3038 W 603-731-0128 C
Florentine Films Ken Slotnick kjs(at)wmeentertainment.com
Ken Vest kenvest(at)starpower.net 301-208-0335 H 301-461-1363 C
Kerry Kennedy kerry(at)kerrykennedy.net 914-242-1959 C
Kerry Lauerman klauerman(at)mail.salon.com 212-905-6120 W 212.924.9016 C
Khalifa al Sherif khalifa329(at)yahoo.com 962797831953 C C C C C
Kirk Tofte trisuper(at)aol.com 515-278-4396 H
Kirsten Powers KirstenPowers(at)aol.com
476 Sackett Street Apt 3 Brooklyn, New York 11231
Kitty Kelley kittykelley(at)earthlink.net kittykelley(at)earthlink.net 342-0606 H
Kurt Campbell 202 775-3267 W
L Rothschild 508-627-4796 H
Lally Weymouth lally.weymouth(at)washpost.com 212-445-5550 W (917) 699-0371 C
Lanny Breuer 363-4067 H 662-5538 W
Lanny Davis ldavis(at)orrick.com 301-963-8834 H 301-928-7532 C
Lara Bergthold larab(at)earthlink.net larab(at)earthlink.net 310-567-2720 C
Lari Martinez HilarionMartinez(at)gmail.com MartineH(at)fiu.edu (305) 348 3681 W 305 987-3490 C C C C
Florida International University Larry Diamond 650-723-1754 W 650-814-3345 W 877-466-8374 C
Larry Johnson lcjohnso(at)ix.netcom.com 301 767 0825 W 301 767-0366 H 301 442 5957 C
Laura Capps lcapps(at)johnkerry.com 712-2974 W
Laura Graham laura(at)presidentclinton.com 212-3481779 W 917-445-0352 C
Laura McClure lmcclure(at)salon.com 415-401-8277 H
Laura Sandys laura.sandys(at)capitalentry.com 07980 595861 C London 23 Warwick Square London SW1V 2AB
Laura Tyson tyson(at)haas.berkeley.edu 0207 000 6060 H 510 642 3067 W London Haas School of Business University of California, Berk 545 Student Services Building,#1900
Berkeley CA 94720-1900
Lauren Jiloty laurenjiloty(at)hotmail.com lauren.jiloty(at)bgC3.com 425.497.4330 W 425.785.5305 C C C C Executive Assistant to Bill Gates 7853 SE 27th Street Apt. E-503 Mercer Island, WA 98040
Laurie Rubiner Laurie_rubiner(at)blumenthal.senate.gov lrubiner(at)gmail.com C 202-224-5656 W C 202-641-0383 C C
Senator Richard Blumenthal Washington DC Lee Feinstein lfeinstein(at)brookings.edu leeafeinstein(at)gmail.com 2027416550 W
Lee Franklin lfranklin(at)medleyadvisors.com lfranklin(at)medleyadvisors.com 212-941-2727 W 917-450-3163 C Medley Global Advisors
Leslie Fields l.b.fields(at)lse.ac.uk 847-212-1545 C
Liaquat Ahamed lahamed2(at)gmail.com 202-746-7305 C 202-362-2153 W 202=362-3904 H
3001 44th Place NW Washington DC 20016
Lionel Barber 212-641-6503 W
Financial Times Lisa Chamberlain lisacchamberlain(at)verizon.net 212-477-0969 H 917-691-7020 C
Lissa Muscatine Lmuscatine 301-951-4214 H 301-529-5905 C
Lloyd Grove Llbengr(at)aol.com 212-595-3223 C
Lou Dubose lluis3333(at)hotmail.com ldubose(at)austin.rr.com 202-547-7002 H 202-294-2284 W 512-567-0752 C
121 12th St. SE (105) Washington DC 20003
Luca Bader lucabader(at)yahoo.com 349 3065686 C Italy
Lucy Carrigan lcarrigan(at)airamericaradio.com lucycarrigan 212-889-2965 W 917-859-3086 C
Lupo Pistelli pistelli(at)inputfirenze.it 393480515463 C Italy Lyn and Norman Lear lynbmb(at)actIII.com 310-472-7011 H
1911 Westridge Rd. Los Angeles California 90049
Lynn Rothschild lder(at)elrholdings.com lynn1(at)elrothschild.com 07787566038 PA 212-403-3683 PA 2073495500 H 212 980 0025 (geraldine) H 646-250-3567 H 7711979194 C 44-229-668-8204 H London 435 E. 52nd Street NY NY 10022 31 Tite St SW3 4JP London 435 E. 52nd St, NY 10022
Lynn Sweet lsweet(at)suntimes.com lsweet3022(at)aol.com 202-662-8808 W 202-320-6044 C
Madeleine Albright 334-2428 H 778-3565 W
Maggie Mitchell mags_mitchell(at)yahoo.com 202-256-2175 W
Mandy Grunwald 202-333-1319 W 202-669-2899 C
Marc Dunkelman mdunkelman(at)clintonfoundation.org 202-236-8786 C C C C C
Marcia Fields 847-209-4112 C
1170 Westmoor Rd Winnetka IL 60093-1843
Margaret Jay 207-286-5701 H 207-219-3000 (Lords) W London Margot Friedman mfriedman(at)dupontcirclepr.com 332-5550 W 330-9295 C
Marie Warburg marie.warburg(at)gmail.com 4032825860 W 617-230-2633 C 1607066582 C
Private Life BioMed AG Fuhlentwiete 12 Hamburg Germany 20355 c/o MN/AP Nonnensneg 9 Hamburg Germany 22587
Marilyn Melkonian 965-0205 H 333-8447 W 202-255-8963 C
Marjie Esterquest 617-472-5950 H 617-750-5028 C
Mark Danner mark(at)markdanner.com
322 West 88th Street, B NY NY 10024 Mark Ginsberg ambmcg(at)usa.net 778-1002 W 352-1995 C
1615 L St. Suite 900 Mark Green Markgreen02 212-987-8425 H 212-490-0001 W
Mark Karlin buzzflash(at)buzzflash.com 312-829-7760 H
Mark Penn 331-1115 H 842-0500/2040 W 202-415-1222 C
Mark Weiner mweiner(at)fiiri.com mweiner(at)fiiri.com 800-562-5766 H 401-840-8222/467-3170 W 401-467-3570 Fax 401-952-4929 C
Mark Weiner 800-562-5766 W
Marta Dassu marta.dassu(at)aspeninstitute.it 393355787900 C Rome Martha Raddatz martha.j.raddatz(at)abc.com 202-222-6390 W
Martin Blatt 617-492-6259 H 617-242-5648 W
Martin Kettle martin.kettle(at)guardian.co.uk martin.kettle(at)guardian.co.uk 1727370511 H 207-239-952/278-2332 W 7855163313 C London The Guardian 119 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3ER England, UK 3 AVenue Road St. Albans AL1 3QG London England, UK
Martin Kilian mkicville(at)aol.com (202) 332-8575 H (434) 296-8537 W
Martin Linsky 212-316-9892 H 617-496-3872 W
Martin Sieff msieff(at)verizon.net 301-564-5347 H 202-898-8296 W 240-997-0328 C
Martin Walker 898-8141 W 841-9023 C
Marty Blatt marty_blatt(at)nps.gov 617-242-5648 C
Mary Jacoby mjacoby(at)wdcglobalresearch.com 202 250 3619 H 202-531-0623 C 202 412 9370 C
149 Avenue du Prince Héritier Brussels 1200 Belgium 4115 Military Road Washington DC 20015
Mary Pat Bonner mpbonner(at)bonnergrp.com 703-447-0435 C
Matt Stoller stoller(at)gmail.com 617-216-9946 H
Matthew Dallek matt_dallek(at)yahoo.com 202.234.4552 H 202.302.1794 C
Matthew Waxman matthew.waxman(at)gmail.com 202-255-5230 C
Maura Moynihan mmoynihan108(at)googlemail.com 917-887-8380 C
Maurice Saatchi 207-543-4500 W London M&C Saatchi 36 Golden Sqare London W1F 9EE
Max Blumenthal xamxam1(at)yahoo.com maxjblumenthal(at)gmail.com 202-744-4951 H C C C C
054-444-3662 1801 Dorchester Road #3M
Brooklyn NY 11226
Max Brown max(at)group360.net 415-2727 W
Max Cleland 202-565-3521 H
Melanne Verveer melanneverveer(at)vitalvoices.org pverveer 265-0230 H 772-3120 W 352-6555 C
2125 Leroy Pl. NW Washington DC 20008
Melissa Pranger prmpranger(at)aol.com 208-677-5747 H London Menno Meyjes MMeyjes 137-3830-258 H 415-505-2637 C 7711810910 C London
Michael Abramowitz miabramowitz(at)ushmm.org 202-314-0394 W
Michael Forcey m4c(at)forstin.com 362-3677 H 530-7188 W
Michael Janeway mj153(at)columbia.edu mj153(at)columbia.edu 860-435-2749 (Conn.) H 212-663-5052 (h) W 202-691-4334 W 917-881-2038 C 917-301-7540 bar C
238 Indian Mt. Rd Lakeville CT 6039 Michael Levy 207-487-5174 W London Lord
Michael Lind mlind40(at)yahoo.com Lind(at)newamerica.net 202 664-4300 C
Michael Medavoy 310-273-0078 H 310-244-6106 W
Michael Sheehan michael.sheehan(at)nyu.edu
Michael Tomasky Tomasky mtomasky(at)prospect.org 301-920-0939 H 202-331-1185 W 301-512-9721 C 301-920-0923 Sarah H The American Prospect 2000 L St. NW, 7th Fl. Washington, DC 20036 1224 Dale Dr. Silver Spring MD 20910
Michael Vachon michael.vachon(at)soros.com 212-320-5526 W 917-859-0970 C
Soros 888 Seventh Ave. NY NY 10106 Michael Waldman michael.waldman(at)nyu.edu 212-998-6731 W Brennan Center/NYU 161 Ave. of the Americas 12th Floor NY NY 10013
Michal Keeley michal.keeley(at)comcast.net 301-585-6981 H 301-237-5131 C
Mickey Kaus Mickey_Kaus(at)msn.com 310 577 3141 H 917 533 8226 C
Mike Allen mike_allen(at)timemagazine.com 703-647-8545 W 202-731-5153 C
Mike Cantor mcantor(at)govolution.com mcantor(at)govolution.com 234-9282 H 835-1619 W 255-2567 C
Mike Lux mlux(at)progressivestrategies.net 202-628-7771 W
Mike Rogers mrogers(at)blogactive.com 202-588-9446 H
Mike Tomasky mtomasky(at)gmail.com sarahkerr(at)msn.com 301 920 0939 H 212-508-0799 W C C C
Minyon Moore MMoore(at)deweysquare.com 202-253-9178 C 202 879-5588 W
Molly Bingham molly(at)mbphoto.net 202 237 0073/4/5 H 202 256 6216 H
Morgan Downey Mordowney(at)gmail.com 2029570085 H
Myra MacPherson mlmacpherson(at)gmail.com 202 588 0585 H
Myra McPherson mlmacpherson(at)gmail.com 202-256-6659 C
Nancy Bagley nbagley(at)washingtonlife.com 202.745.9788 H 2301 Tracy place nw Washington DC
Narda Zacchino NZacchino(at)sfchronicle.com NZacchino(at)sfchronicle.com 415-298-5194 C
Nasim Ashraf appnasehat(at)hotmail.com 646-330-1213 C
Neera Tanden ntanden(at)yahoo.com ntanden(at)yahoo.com 494-2448 H 202-741-6374 W 202-263-0180 W 202 531 2304 C
Neil Kauffman neilkauff(at)gmail.com
Neil Kauffman 610-543-5440 H 215-546-8016 W
Nick Confessore 393-5155 W
Nick Goldberg Nick.Goldberg(at)latimes.com Nick.Goldberg(at)latimes.com 213-237-7807 W
Nick Littlefield nlittlefield(at)foleyhoag.com nlittlefield(at)foleyhoag.com 617-832-1105 H 617-491-9131 W 617-697-4988 C
Nick and Louise Wapshott wapshott(at)nyc.rr.com indianicholson(at)nyc.rr.com 646-414-1442 W 212-844-9258 C 212-844-9258 W 646-895-2919 W L:212 842 0213 W 135 East 54th Street, # 15K New York 10022, Nina Gardner 202 5605571 H 347 6139012 C Italy
Nina Planck Nina(at)NinaPlanck.com 212-982-6462 H 646 285 8541 C
51 MacDougal Street, Suite 19 New York NY 10012-3076
Norman Birnbaum red21(at)starpower.net 342-0241 H
Paolo Valentino PValentino(at)rcs.it 202-248-4938 H 202-248-7076 H
Par Nuder par.nuder(at)riksdagen.se 4685406384 H 46705954412 C
Pat Lang ismoot(at)turcopolier.com 703-888-2674 H 703-888-2685 W 202-352-8818 C
Pat Yack patrickyack(at)gmail.com
Patricia Duff mspduff(at)aol.com 212-410-6501 H 917-331-0123 C
Patricia Hewitt hewittph(at)parliament.uk 207-726-2567 H 207-215-5144 W 00162518403 (constituency Fax 7715790970 C London UK Minister of Trade and Industry a Victoria St. London
Patrick Jarreau jarreau(at)lemonde.fr 334688694664 C
Patrick Logan 847-441-4012 H 847-441-6869 W
Patti Solis Doyle Pattisolis 703-469-2008 W 202.263.0190 W 744-5191 C
Paul Begala pbegala(at)hotmail.com pbegala(at)hatcreekent.com 703-893-9033/893-9239 H 898-7981 W 703-288-5548 W 540/477-3064 H
Paul Berman PLBerman25 212-877-2488 H
Paul Blumenthal paulblumenthal(at)gmail.com
35 Graham Ave. Apt. 1B Brooklyn NY 11206
Paul Glastris Glastris 301-320-6409 H 393-5155 W 202-213-6449 C
Washington Monthly
Paul Krugman pkrugman(at)princeton.edu 609-688-0315 H
Paul London 966-7893 H
Peter Beinart peter.beinart(at)journalism.cuny.edu C C C C C
Peter Bergen bergenpeter(at)aol.com 202-986-2700 W 202-487-3480 C
Peter Brown PeterB(at)brownlloydjames.com PeterB(at)brownlloydjames.com 212-362-7850 H 212-486-7070 W
Peter Canellos canellos(at)globe.com 617-771-8489 C
Peter Daou peter(at)daoureport.com 212-945-4393 W 917-860-0088 C
Peter Dougherty peter_dougherty(at)pupress.prince martha_camp(at)pupress.princeton.edu 609-924-5915 H 609-258-4953 martha camp W 609-258-6778 W 609-577-5516 C
Peter Galbraith pwgalb(at)yahoo.com 4755 102550 H
Peter Hain peter(at)peterhain.org 207-210-1025 W 7866572598 C
Peter Knight knight(at)carthagegroup.com peter.knight(at)generationim.com 364-8477 H 419-3400 W Maine: 2073636205 Fax 236-9641 C
Peter Mandelson peter(at)mandelson.demon.co.uk peter(at)mandelson.demon.co.uk 207-229-3380 H 207-219-2449 W 7860419934 C
Peter Pringle pringlep(at)ix.netcom.com
Peter Schneider Pschneid21 493032702326 H 202-338-3656 H 1781 4170130 C
1923 38th St NW Washington DC Peter Singer psinger(at)brookings.edu 703-812-1356 H 202-797-6042 W
Peter Steinfels psteinfels(at)fordham.edu steinfel(at)nytimes.com 212 663 2469 H 212 636 7621 W
Peter & Diana Beinart dianabeinart(at)gmail.com 202-669-2721 C 202-297-6263 Diana C
Phil Singer 202-215-2537 C
Phil Trounstine phil(at)trounstine.com phil(at)trounstine.com 831-662-2652 W
Philip Bobbitt pbobbitt(at)law.utexas.edu 512-472-2779 C 512-970-8314 C C C C
Philip Gould philip(at)freud.com
Philip Turner philipsturner(at)gmail.com 917-293-0901 W
Philippe Reines Philippe_Reines(at)clinton.senate preines(at)hillaryclinton.com preines(at)gmail.com 202-224-2873 W 202-494-4581 C
Philippe Sands philippesands(at)btinternet.com 44 20 7794 7666 H
Rahm Emanuel recos(at)who.eop.gov 312-665-4289 H 773-255-2274 (Amy cell) Fax 312-953-3088 C
3407 Woodley Road NW 20009 Washington DC 20009
Ralph Alswang ralph(at)ralphphoto.com (202) 745-0455 H
Ralph Neas rneas(at)pfaw.org rneas(at)pfaw.org 467-2304 W 215-1481/531-1913 C
Ralph Whitehead rww(at)journ.umass.edu rww(at)journ.umass.edu 413-549-6112 H 413-549-1835 H 202-595-3101 H 413-545-5922 W
15 Forestedge Road, Amherst MA
Randy Beers Rand1142 202 234-1930 H 202-329-9145 C
Ray McGovern rrmcgovern 703-536-8511 H 571-239-0554 W
Rich Miholsky 301-967-4578 (Peggy) W 258-5577 C
Richard Clarke (703) 812-9199 H
Richard Cohen cohenr(at)washpost.com cohenr(at)washpost.com 212-445-4901 H 212 327 1443 C
Richard Cohen richardcohen(at)cohenpost.com cohenr(at)washpost.com 212 327 1443 H
Richard French rfrench(at)rnntv.com rfrench(at)rnntv.com 212-481-5666 W 845-339-6200 x225 W 914-420-3665 C
Regional NetW News RNN 437 Fifth Ave. 11th Floor NY NY 10016 Apt: 3 E. 71st St 12th Fl. 212-535-4499 212-535-8540 Richard French (Peter)
Richard Holbrooke rholbrooke(at)perseusllc.com 212-651-6401 W 917-415-4868 C
Perseus 1325 Ave of the Americas 25th floor New York NY 10019
Richard Kaufman richard(at)goodspot.com 310-453-5550 W 213-200-1300 C
Richard Medley richard(at)rhmgloballlc.com C (212) 201-1905 W 646-465-7860 W C C
RHM Global RHM Global LLC 1350 Avenue of the Americas, 4th Floor New York NY 10019 Richard
Parker richard_parker(at)Harvard.Edu richard_parker(at)Harvard.Edu 617-475-5139 H (617) 495-8269 W 617-216-2752 C
535 Quincy Mail Center Cambridge MA 2138
Richard Rosen richarddeanrosen(at)gmail.com 917-902-1324 C 205 W. 88th Apt. 9c NY NY 10024 Rick Berke riberk(at)nytimes.com 212-556-5824 W
Rick Hertzberg Rick TNY 212-866-2842/845-727-5095 H 212-286-5897 W 917-364-1081 C
Rick Perlstein perlstein(at)aol.com 773-517-5026 C
Rick Vandiver 210-748-2432 C
Rita Hauser rhauser(at)sprintmail.com 212-956-3645 W
Rob Johnson Rajshaman(at)worldnet.att.net rjohnson(at)bottledmajic.com 415-868-9340 H 203-552-1094 Fax 203-912-7367 C Haven Entertainment 98 Glenwood Dr. Greenwich Connecticut 6830
Rob Malley rmalley555(at)aol.com 202 352 3242 C
Rob Reiner (310)395-5505 H (310) 285-2300 W
Rob Riemen riemen(at)nexus-instituut.nl 31) (0)73 5130217 H 31. 6 11 53 18 40 C
Rob Russo RussoRV(at)state.gov
Rob Stein 703-647-4350 W
Robert Bryce robert(at)robertbryce.com 512-445-5097 H 512-589-8235 C
Robert McNamara 667-5550 H 682-3132 W
Robert Pape rpape(at)uchicago.edu 773-702-8071 W
Robert Scheer rscheer(at)usc.edu rscheer(at)usc.edu 310-451-4509/600-0972 H 510-841-7616 (h,sf) W 310-663-2513 (other) Fax
Robert Schlesinger rschles(at)earthlink.net 703-683-4494 H 202-427-6984 C
Robert Jay Lifton rjlifton(at)yahoo.com bjkappa(at)aol.com 508-349-9601 H 508-349-3544 H 617-547-5671 H
Roger Cohen rocohen(at)nytimes.com rocohen(at)nytimes.com 718-499-7065 H
NY Times
Roger Stone players02(at)hotmail.com 202-262-3034 C
Rolf Ekeus 468312653 H 317031125500 W 46705662777 C
Ron Klain Rklain(at)aol.com ronklain(at)revolution.com 202) 776-1405 W (240) 354-7223 C
Revolution LLC Counsel 1717 Rhode Island Avenue, NW 10th Floor Washington DC 20036
Ron Ladden ronladden(at)aol.com 312-853-3000 W 312- 649-9666 C
Ladden & Allen 55 W. Monroe St Suite 3950 Chicago Illinois 60603
Ron Luckerman rluckerman(at)gmail.com 818-674-0665 C 818-758-9464 H C C C
Ron Steel steel(at)usc.edu (202) 234-6686 H 626-389-7098 C USC School of International Relati University Pk LA CA 90089 Ron Suskind 202-841-4011 C
Rose Styron rosestyron(at)gmail.com 860-354-5939 (Conn.) H 212-888-6304 W 508-693-2535 (MV) Fax
12 Rucum Rd Roxbury, CT -6783 Box 1166 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Roy Spence Roy.Spence(at)IdeaCity.com 512-750-6060 C
Ruby Shamir ruby.shamir(at)verizon.net ruby.shamir(at)verizon.net
Russ Hoyle rhoyle47(at)yahoo.com
Ruth Hunter RuthHunter(at)mac.com 310-890-3165 C
Ruthie and Richard Rogers 207-974-9823/730-4887 H 207-386-4250 (River Cafe) W 7785530254 C London 45 Royal Ave SW34QE
Ruy Teixeira teixeira(at)tcf.org teixeira(at)tcf.org 301-704-8710 H
Ryan Lizza rlizza(at)newyorker.com (202) 955-0964 W (202) 494-2208 C
Sally Denton Sallydenton 505-983-3706 H 505-913-1268 C
Sam Gardiner samgard 703.534.7402 H 571.236.9747 C
4624 North Dittmar Road Arlington VA 22207 Sandy Berger shb55 363-8070 H 637-5698 W
Hogan and Hartson 555 13th St. NW Suite 300 West Washington DC 20004 4228 45th St. NW Washington DC 20016
Sarah Chace sarah_chace(at)ksg.harvard.edu 617-852-9102 C 617-441-3015 H
Sarah Hurwitz shurwitz(at)hillaryclinton.com 202-297-7831 W
Scott Berg 310-274-0116 H
Scott Horton shorton(at)pbwt.com 914 712 0706 H 212-336-2820 W C 917-216-2319 C C patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036
Scott Turow scottft(at)ameritech.net scott(at)scottturow.com 847-786-4081 H 312-876-8000 W 847-905-0410 W
Evanston 848 Dodge #104
, Ill. 60202
Sean Daniel sdan45(at)mac.com 310-476-5028 H 323-956-4805 W SB: (805)695-0579 Fax 213-379-6000 C 7824492898 C
Sean Wilentz seanwilentz(at)gmail.com swilentz(at)princeton.edu 609-921-6033 H 609-258-4702 W C 609-462-4114 C C c/o Hernandez 716 S. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91106
Sean in London Daniel seandaniel(at)tmo.blackberry.net O175 378 5472 HeatherDixon W 781 380 8563 Heathercell Fax 797 121 3924 C prod o: 175 365 6084 Pager The Metropolitan Hotel 19 Old Park Lane London, U.K. W1K 1LB 207 447 1000
Sergio Sanchez sergio_sanchez(at)yahoo.com 212-851-6459 C 703-992-6873 H
Shantelle Stein shantelle.stein(at)turner.com shantelle.stein(at)turner.com 44 207 693 1782 W
Sharon Luckerman sluckerman18(at)sbcglobal.net 313-885-4761 C
Shaun Woodward shaunwoodward(at)me.com 207-233-2216 H 1865554251 H 7919596707 C 07740428580 Camilla C 44 207 2191291 W 10 Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 Clink Wharf, London mustique 17844888151
Shawn Johnson shawnjjohnson(at)hotmail.com sjohnson(at)mwsgw.com 501-688-8828 W 479-650-0208 C Mitchell Williams Selig Gates 425 W. Capitol, Suite 1800 Little Rock AR 72201 5115 Lee Avenue Little Rock AR 72205
Sheldon Drobny sdrobny(at)aol.com adrobny(at)aol.com 847 831 4505 H 847-287-4000 C
Sheldon Hackney shackney(at)history.upenn.edu shackney(at)history.upenn.edu 508-693-0467 (MV) Fax
Simon Hoggart 181-8911780 H 207-219-0026/219-6738 W 7780958610 C London 27 Sandy Coombe Road Sloan Harris sharris(at)icmtalent.com sharris(at)icmtalent.com 203-762-7092 H 212-556-5721 W 917-748-2483/754-9212 C
ICM 40 W. 57th St. 17th Fl. NY NY
Spencer Ackerman sackerman(at)tnr.com 202-518-3894 H 202-508-4472 W 917-627-7424 C
Stanley Scheinbaum 310-471-9541 H 310-476-9853 Fax
345 N. Rockingham Avenue LA CA 90049 Stanley Sheinbaum SKS345(at)aol.com 310-472-9541 H
Stanley Sheinbaum 310-472-9541 H
345 N. Rockingham Ave. LA CA 90049 Stephanie Cutter 548-6800 W
Stephanie Streett sstreett(at)clintonfoundation.org 501-748-0420 W
Stephen Holmes HOLMESS(at)juris.law.nyu.edu (646) 336-7296 H (212) 998-6357 W C 390572318564 C 917 856 8463 C
Stephen Rivers smr(at)riverspr.com 310-395-2993 W 310 991 2401 C
Stephen Schlesinger SchlesiS(at)newschool.edu 212-866-1650 H 212-229-5808 x3214 W
Steve Clemons Clemons(at)newamerica.net 202-232-2655 H 202-276-1176 C
Steve McMahon smcmahon(at)tmsnewmedia.com smcmahon(at)tmsnewmedia.com 703-519-8600 W 703-626-9943 C
Steve Rattner srattner(at)willettadvisors.com steve(at)rattner.com C 212 396 4343 W C C C
Steve Ricchetti sricchetti(at)comcast.net steve(at)ricchettiinc.com 879-9321 W
Ricchetti, Inc. Suite 700 East 1001 G St NW Washington DC 20001
Steve Weisman sweisman(at)PETERSONINSTITUTE.ORG 301-320-2565 H 202-454-1331 W 917-207-9133 C
Steve and Maureen Rattner maureen(at)rattner.com maureen(at)rattner.com 508-693-8282 (MV) Fax
Steven Gaghan gaghan(at)gmail.com 310-908-1461 C
Stewart Wood Stewart.Wood(at)hm-treasury.x.gsi London Exchequer Sun Loma sloma(at)sbglobal.net 773-262-3148 H 773-610-1318 C
Sun 773-262-3148 H 773-610-1318 C
Susan Blumenthal 240-432-0281 C 301 437 8485 C
Susan Eisenhower seisenhower(at)eisenhowerinstitut eisenhower.strategy(at)starpower.net 301-652-6299 H 571 201 3170 C
Susan Loewenberg SALoewenberg 310-202-1863 H 310-560-1788 C
Susan McCue susan_mccue(at)reid.senate.gov susan_mccue(at)reid.senate.gov 224-0412 W 202-439-2732 C
Susie and Mark Buell belindavm(at)buellofficesf.com asteele(at)buellofficesf.com 415.248.7820 W
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 770 San Francisco, CA 94103
Tamera Luzzatto luzzatto(at)aol.com 202-333-0585/2382 H
3014 32nd St. NW Washington DC 20008
Tamera Luzzatto Luzzatto 244-3542 H 224-0290 W 228-1948 C
Taylor Branch mail(at)taylorbranch.com
Taylor Marsh taylor(at)taylormarsh.com 202-368-6441 H
Ted Widmer ted_widmer(at)brown.edu 401 863 2725 W 401-523-1148 C 401 272 2939 H
John Carter Brown Library Box 1894 Providence RI 2912 Terry Alford talford(at)nvcc.edu 703-256-6748 H
Terry McAuliffe 863-8002 (Yael Belkind) W
Terry McAuliffe terry(at)tdmca.com,
Thomas Caplan thomcap(at)aol.com 410-886-2196 H
Tanglewood PO Box 223 21339 Foster Avenue Tilghman Maryland 21671 Tim Grieve
tgrieve(at)salon.com 916-254-0807 W 916-837-3199 C
Timothy Garton Ash timothy.gartonash(at)sant.ox.ac.u 1865274470 W 7767248733 C London St.
Antony's College Oxford OX2 6JF UK Tina Brown TBOfficeNY AssistantTB(at)yahoo.com (Kara)
Tina.Brown(at)TheDailyBeast.com 212-572-2240 H 212-371-1121 W C 917-301-3056 C 6463003562 C 1745 Broadway, #22E01
New York NY 10019 447 E. 57th St. NY NY
Todd Gitlin tg2058(at)columbia.edu tg2058(at)columbia.edu 212-663-8884 H 212-854-8124 W 917-523-4005 C 518-325-5278 H
2828 Broadway Aprt. 12A NY NY 10025
Tom Baldwin tom.baldwin(at)thetimes.co.uk 202 333 4131 H 202 347 7659 W 202 368 0626 C
Tom Chandos tom(at)northbridgefunds.com tom(at)northbridgefunds.com 207-722-8329 H 207-499-7772 W 01488668037 (country) H 7798727014 C 2083456789 TC1 Pager London 9 Park Pl London
Tom Edsall tedsall(at)nationaljournal.com tedsall(at)tnr.com 202 546 8389 H 202 266 7158 W 202 631 2611 C
Tom Edsall edsallt(at)washpost.com t.edsall(at)verizon.com 546-8389 H 212 854 6042 W 202 631 2611 C
Tom Frank wedelbe(at)gsbalum.uchicago.edu 202 363 6867 H
3801 Alton Pl NW washington DC 20016
Tom Freedman TFreedma 237-9008 H 328-5046 W 271-7832 C
Tom Geoghehan geogh77(at)aol.com 312 372 2511 W 773 936 3663 C
Tom Mangold 7802880088 H 208-995-0930 W London Tom Matzzie tom(at)zzranch.com
Tom Oliphant Tom.Susan2(at)verizon.net 202-965-5415 W
Tom Schaller schaller67(at)hotmail.com schaller67(at)hotmail.com 202-518-8722 H 410-455-2845 W
Toni Morrison 914-398-7792/398-0242 H 773-667-4201 W 773-667-5429 Fax
Tony Blinken ABlinken antony_blinken(at)foreign.senate.gov 265-1362 H 224-4448 W 202-390-3914 C
Tony Podesta 352-4645 W
Tricia Davey 207-432-0803 (4) W London ICM 4-6 Soho Square 2nd Floor London
Trish Enright triciaenright(at)hotmail.com 202-230-2376 C
Tyler Drumheller tdrumheller1(at)cox.net 703-448-6702 H 202-638-5339 W 703-376-1625 C
8122 Boss St Vienna VA 22182 Viet Dinh 234-0090 W
V , W , Y Z
Vladimir Pechatnov pechatnov(at)gmail.com
VV Harrison twovees(at)aol.com
Walter and Ann Pincus pincusw(at)washpost.com pincusw(at)washpost.com 333-7770 H 334-7429 W 252-261-8247 H
Warren Beatty mp2980(at)hotmail.com 310-470-4752 H
Wayne Barrett 718-832-2454 H
Wayne Koontz clifton(at)eclipsetel.com 338-8303 H 298-6532 W
Wes Boyd wes(at)moveon.org wes(at)moveon.org 510-558-1328 W
1141 Walnut St. Berkeley CA 94707 Wes Clark 501 244-9522 W
Will Hutton will.hutton(at)virgin.net will.hutton(at)virgin.net 207-479-2158 W 7788564710 C London 34 Elms AVenue Muswell Hill N10 London William Weld 212-835-2007 W
wilson valerie 202-213-4905 C
Wolfgang Ischinger wolfgangischinger(at)web.de l-vz1(at)lond.diplo.de 0044 20 7824 1301 W London German Embassy 23 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8PZ UK
Wolfgang Nowak wolfgang.nowak(at)db.com 49, (0)30-34 07 42 06 W 0049 172 2402473 C
Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft Sprecher Unter den Linden 13-15 10117 Berlin Germany
Yosri Fouda yosri21(at)talk21.com
Zoe Chace zchace(at)yahoo.com 917-301-6983 C
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Holy shit. Resteemed.
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