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RE: Smoking pot / weed for my first time in 42 years !

in #cannabis8 years ago

Most people don't get high their first time smoking. If I were you I would choose a hybrid of indica and sativa to get a more general feeling of Maryjane. I remember the first time I got high, not the first time I smoked, and it was like whoa! But after that a lot more manageable and the more you do it the less it really disables your faculties, if you will. I would vaporize if I were you since it is a lot easier. I like the classic hotbox variety but be careful and start small. Two to three hits and you should be good. To te best of my knowledge it needs to build up a little in your sustem before you get high but that was like 1990's information haha. I don't "partake" anymore since it's illegal, I am a Father and a Nurse and have to take random drug tests but I really wish I could. There is nothing better to cap off a long day than smoking some bud. Far better than a glass of wine in my opinion. You will not become addicted unless it is a mental dependence where tou just want to be high all the time or have used it for anxiety for so long that stopping makes you feel anxious and stressed but there are no addictive chemicals in there. You may get bloodshot eyes but I never did. Vaporizers also don't smell that much so thats a good thing. You can do it inside and no one will even know. My suggestion is just don't have anything planned or need to go out in public after smoking. Do it at the end of the day until you know how it feels. After that do it however you want but legally knoe your laws. And dont buy anything with seeds in it. The law is usually anything over 28 grams is intent to sell and not a personal use $30 non-criminal possession ticket. Most people buy a gram or 1/8 ounce. Thats what I used to buy. $30 for a 1/8 and I had the best hookup too. All different types of special strains that stunk up my entire condo haha. Those were the days. Now I am more concerned with making sure my Junior High Schooler isn't doing it. But once I stop Nursing under someone else I may start smoking again especially since I am in a medical MJ state and my PCP is a Medical MJ Dr. and everything is covered under the need to use which is great. It is such a safe "drug" that it really should not be illegal. It is seriously a lot safer than being even slightly buzzed off alcohol and driving. Everytime I have a couple drinks and drive I take a breathalizer that I bought and am amazed at how I feel and am still well under the legal limit. Makes me really scared to think there can be so many people driving that just had four drinks half an hour ago. The legal limit should be half what it is for alcohol and MJ should be legal in my opinion. Plus the heath aspect. Alcohol is sooo much worse for you than vaporizing THC. It is a comparison hardly worth drawing it is so blatant. Well anyhow I hope you have a good experience and don't worry you wont hallucinate. Idk shy they classify it as a hallucinogenic drug but they do. If you want a really fun time try mushrooms 🍄. P. cubensis. Just make sure you don't have anything to do within the next 12 hours. You can even make them at home very easily. Takes about a month or two tops. I try to do that once every five years or so. It is a really great experience and will make you hallucinate but not in the way you think. In my experience you don't really know until you try and the TV makes everything seem so much different than it actually is. Except for LSD. All bets are off with that stuff. Good luck and have fun ✌️❤️🇺🇸


Absolutely wonderful post. Thank you! Upvoted

Thanks. Hope I helped out a little. Smoking has such a negative stigma because of the lazy pothead stereotype but I know lawyers and Doctors who smoke every single day. It is the most benign "drug" out there. Also it helps so much if you are hung over or nauseas. That is what I miss most I think. Feeling nauseas and smoking and having it just magically go away. Plus sex is great if you are both high haha. Can't forget that aspect hahaha