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RE: Raising Money to Purchase Ayahuasca Vine B Caapi and more P Virids And Tobacco Yerba Mate Mimosa Hostilis, Absinthe, and all other psychoactive and interesting plants and will send EVERYONE clones I will make from them!

in #cannabis7 years ago

Hurray ..Free seeds for everyone :P


NO NO NO free PLANTS for everyone! i wont be giving out just seeds, im gonna make cuttings and root them and give you ROOTED GROWING LIVE PLANTS ! Live plants bro! bah brah brah were all gonna be ayahuasca farmers

when you KNOW u ave your very own growing source of infinite DMT you just get this amazing feeling and you dont even need to smoke dmt or take ayahuasca haha u just get to be the shaman of your local area! I have a craigslist ad up for san dego advertising san pedro and ayahuasca to people and it has attracted me only the coolest and most interesting people in san diego, ca and evenothers in southern california because im the only local personwith an ayahusca plant that makes DMT! I cant WAIt to have ALL the pyschoactive plants! this is my ultamite hobby! And i wanna show everyone how easy it is and
IF you are a pyschedelic plant person at heartt, if you have studied ayahuasca and pyschoactive plants for years or even months and u just are facsinated and you believe ayahuasca can only be found in the amazon, I want you to know that anyone can grow it! and u can yse a greenhouse if you dont have a humid enviroment! if you cangrow weed indoors u can grow ayahuasca!

and its not about producing large amount sof DMT np its just nice to HAVE these plants

yes u can collect leaves and give em to a friend who might be just interested in extracting it, and thats coo, i wont wana get u in trouble so just grow the plants as decoration, and if u wanna make dmt out of it one day u can but thats not the point here!

Wow .. Such and dedication .. I am following you and will look forward to each and every one of your post definitely :)

hey just an uppdate my P viridis (ayahuasca DMT pant not the b caapi vine) sporuts are growing finaly and indoor too hah and i also have many many seeds but i will have siome dmt plants to send out in a few months when they get a big enoug to be safe to mail (and theyre all legal no country has them illegal that i know of)

please remind me on a futue pots of mine if u can to do anotehr post about this stuff!!!