Greetings, Steemians!
Welcome to our 11th Weekly Cannabis Curation Newsletter!

Each Week (hopefully every Saturday evening😏), I'll share a list of the best of the posts we've curated in the last 7 days and highlight a little about each one.
As more and more folks find Steemit, I'm finding I need more eyes to help curate High Quality Cannabis Content. Can YOU help? Join our Discord channel today!

On to the show!

In no particular order... Don't forget to get out there and vote!
Female Cannabis Seeds(Found in Cannabis from the dispensary)
It's the miracle of life! Found seeds. Add love. Watch 'em grow!😍

Potcoin? Hempcoin? Dopecoin? What's your flavor? 😎

Some Frosty buds I grew from bag-seeds last Winter
Another rags to riches story. These plants are just LOVELY!😍

The Power of Cannabidiol (CBDs) and the Future of Wellness
This is really great info on CBD, plus a product (with links) to learn more about. 😀

ICO Analysis: Majato

Image from their old EventBrite page.By @elite.skeete Read this. It's very important for us to stay informed. @elite.skeete did a bunch of the work for us.
Decarboxylation - How you can activate your Cannabis
Do YOU know what decarboxylation is? It's pretty important. You should check it out! 😀
Seed Starting ~ Cannabis Seeds Part 1
Awesome tutorial on germinating your little baby cannabis seeds. Lots of pictures, clearly made with love. 😍

10 reasons why you SHOULD smoke Cannabis.
These are some pretty legit reasons, complete with links to learn more. What are you waiting for?!🤓

Why should I eat more cannabis seeds for my health?
Whilst we are on the topic of consuming... The seeds are great too! Click through to find out all the benefits!🙃

Lily's New Toy: Dr. Dabber Boost Black Edition Review and Photo Shoot
Do you dab? Then don't hesitate! Go check this out! The images are great! 😍

World Health Organization declares Medical marijuana has NO public health risks.

Keep up the great work! I'll see ya next week!

If you ever have ANY questions on how to format, use markdown (the post editor) or properly site your sources and/or images just come on into Discord and I'll help you the best I can. 🤓 I'm often signed in as the real me
🌟Pimp Your Post🌟 A Beginner's Guide to making your Steemit posts LOOK AWESOME. @carrieallen. 😍 Also, check out this (old) post I created on Markdown. You won't be disappointed. 😎
The objective of TransientFlowers is is to build a strong cannabis community on Steemit and in the real world by curating high quality, original cannabis content and motivating and supporting members of our curation team and the cannabis community as a whole.

For more information on the project and how to get involved: Curation Updates
Things you can do to help!

- Upvote all the transientflowers posts and ReSteems.
- ReSteem the ones you deem worthy.
- Send more people to our chat groups to help curate.
- VOTE for posts in the chats by adding an emoji to the entry. (Don't know how to do this? Just ask!)
You are never REQUIRED to Upvote or ReSteem a post.
Sign up for Discord chat, this link should take you right to the group, if not comment below. Find me! @carrieallen
All images were taken from the above posts and belong to the authors, were sited, were created by me, or are from Weedemoji.com, or are free images and/or linked.
Now, get out there and Upvote, curate, and CREATE new quality cannabis content!
We want you!

Let's grow together!

Curate, UpVote & ReSteem!

Thank you for your work :D It makes me happy to see that my content is good ^^
It totally is! Thank you! 😍
:D maybe you have some wishes for my next articles? :)
@transientflowers, thanks for including my blog post in your weekly cannabis curation newsletter. Great to see you actively supporting the Cannabis Community on Steemit.
Thank you!
I'm so sorry I was away from the interwebs for several days with the holiday and traveling. I'm back to it! The Newsletter will come out this weekend. Thanks for creating awesome content!
love your content. glad that there is a community like this on steemit! super inspiring! hope you can take the time to check out some of my content. @transientflowers @carrieallen https://steemit.com/cannabis/@xavwav/win-rare-vanilla-or-grape-backwoods-so-you-think-you-can-toke-challenge-1-tokechallenge
I'm so sorry I missed this! The holidays had me away from the interwebs... thus, missing the Newsletter last week. The new one will come out this weekend. I'm back on top of things.
I'm sorry again, for missing this.