The DEA is Rescheduling Cannabis on August 1st, This is the Beginning of the End of Cannabis Prohibition. Why?

in #cannabis9 years ago

What can possibly happen, once the DEA reschedules cannabis, that would accelerate the end of the prohibition of cannabis in the USA? What driving force could possibly tell the DEA to stick it where the sun don't shine, within 3 years?

I call them the "Pissed off Parents Brigade," and though they're mostly unorganized their ranks are growing daily. The rescheduling of cannabis will allow the truth to flow and the govt is in for it then.

Every day, a new parent discovers that their child who 'just' died could be alive and thriving. Alive and thriving on cannabis, just like other kids with the same disease, only they live in a medical cannabis state.

Ever day, a new parent discovers their child, currently dying on Rx medications, can be saved and returned to a living, thriving, enjoying-life state of being, through cannabis.

You want to talk about a driving force? You look a parent with a child who died or is dying from modern medical 'treatment' that they're not allowed to have a child who laughs and plays like other canna-kids. Go for it, Mr Politician, let's see how far you get.

Though the causes that will ultimately get cannabis legalized are tragic, the end result will be a world that benefits from the truths about cannabis.

Keep it Clean!


I'm less than hopeful but we'll see what happens.

cannabis is my only friend. it should be legal :D

LOL Great comment and I wholeheartedly agree.

Rest assured, the end of cannabis prohibition is coming to the USA. Since the USA has been responsible for shoving cannabis prohibition down the throats of the other members of the UN, the end of cannabis prohibition worldwide will follow. :)

See, one of the amazing things about cannabis is the tolerance and self analysis that comes with using it. As more people are exposed to it, tolerance and sanity will begin to take the forefront in society again. Amazing what a little bit of tolerance will do, in the face of complete ignorance. lol

Great days are coming for the world, one step at a time. :D