Cannabis Relieves a Significant Number
of issues, both physical and mental. People become addicted to the relief cannabis brings to their issues. Remove the issue and the cannabis addiction evaporates. This is not addiction and cannabis is not addictive. Yes, being a troubled teen with parents who "just don't understand" can lead to finding relief through using cannabis. The escape can just as easily be video games, surfing, downhill skateboarding or skiing. The point is it isn't addictive, it's a pain reliever. Like taking ibuprofen every day for arthritis.
Not All Cannabis is the Same
Due to pressures on breeding, mainly from prohibition, the number of debilitating strains of cannabis available today is quite impressive. With the discovery of the cannabinoid called Cannabidiol (CBD), the number of functional strains of cannabis is increasing.
Yes, I grow a specific type of cannabis which improves memory, focus, mood-control and clarity of thought. These types of cannabis strains exist and represent what cannabis is truly capable of. As legalization becomes less restrictive, people are free to talk and the truth begins to flow. Where the truth about cannabis spreads, sanity slowly follows after. ;)
Mental Development?
Yes, heavy indica use can temporarily disrupt mental development. When no cannabis or functional cannabis is used instead, cognitive ability returns to normal.
Functional strains of cannabis do not inebriate or cause mental issues. Psychosis is only something to be wary of if your family has a history of it. Some pure THC strains (and Marinol(tm) a synthetic THC) can cause manic episodes in anyone, when massive amounts are used. Those prone to schizophrenia will react at lower doses.
Cannabis should be the first line defense medicine for infants and children. When used responsibly, they represent zero danger to their mind or body.
Go Be Awesome! :D