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RE: How To Make Cannabis Infused Butter AKA Canna-Budder

in #cannabis7 years ago

So glad coconut oil works for you, it seriously does not work for the A blood type. :( Makes everything in the digestion system slippery because it's not being absorbed.

Ghee has been shown to absorb more cannabinoid oils per gram than all other oils. It's also extremely easy for all blood types to digest, making it an awesome carrier oil. When I make oil for consumption by others I always use ghee or a certified olive oil.

Crock pot cooking works awesome, you're correct. :)

Starting With Clean Cannabis is AWESOME!

Washing cannabis removes terpenes, terpenes you want infused into the carrier oil. Unless your cannabis was grown cleanly, it will most likely have one or more contaminates in and on it which will go into your canna-ghee.

I'm holding a raffle for a copy of my book which explains the variables behind growing clean cannabis. Clean cannabis is also trichome dense and very potent cannabis. ;) Enter today for a chance to win a copy.
Clean Cannabis

Secrets to Growing Trichome Dense Cannabis (the raffle)

Go BE Awesome! :D