Love love love this story! I'm of the same age bracket as your folks and I can was a very chill time to be young adults.
Good on all of your parents for raising such an intelligent, caring and generous soul as you have become. The care and upbringing shows <3 <3. I'm also very grateful for your sense of humor, as I can't laugh about pounded beavers and button pushing with anyone else, so Kudos to all!!!
It is only with love that I write about all my parents.
My husband and I decided not to have kids so what I create is mainly for my nieces and nephews to happen upon one day. I thought I’d tell them when I’m 80 or so. It’s my long chill for them.
No pressure, but I’m their really really crazy Aunty and I think that obligates me to live up to the title. Lol!
(I hope my parents feel the same way. ;D )Hahaha! Thanks @tamaralovelace!
Yes, you do have obligations to uphold! I'm sure they will be entranced when they start peeling back the layers and you may one day be the object of blockchain stories they regale their readers with. I believe your parents will be totally in agreement with you lol
Well, after 48 hours, all my parents are still talking to me...good sign.
Made them all laugh. Now waiting to see what they do as a direct result.
One thing I have learned from these hippies, they make time to be creative and have fun. At least they did when I was 5....why would that ever change?
I don't think that will ever change:) that's the beauty of it lol. Maybe they'll join the blockchain and regale us with tales of your life lol...turnabout is fair play lmao