Happy to Share lolz! Enlightenment still in progress.
Missed this event for the last 11 years; it’s only offered on 1 Saturday a year. This year (in the flow) saw an obscure ad, the day before. Spent a few hours there, came home to luckily catch baby snapping turtles hatching. No shit!
This venue is really popular with families herding young children. It’s just like going to a museum that’s a kid magnet and kids that can tell you the 411 on every saurus-going. The only way I can manage that level of energy is if I medicate before I leave the house. It’s kind of like a Cinderella thing... I’m running to vacate as my cannabis (cloak for other people’s protection) wears off. Lol! Just like when the ice cracked on the river when I was standing on it! Hahaha! Get the fuck out of my way kid!
I used a dramatic setting (that shouldn’t surprise anyone) lol! seriously it was a setting on my phone, I cannot take any credit for catching that light or the image. I pointed my phone, made a few adjustments and Bob’s Your Uncle.
Man, it made it look eerily alive some how.
Hope things are well for you. ;)Hey Miss @lyndsaybowes! I think that snake currently crawling my spine has a thing or two to do with the heavy Reptilian / Alien thing I’m drawing to me right now....
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Ooooh TRUE DAT!! Bless them!!
I don't care what excuses you give me, it's still an epic shot, you got the angle, you chose the right filter, it's still O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G in my eyes!
Things are going not too shabby over here, summer is winding down, I have a few girls still outside growing, harvested 1 already, about to get that batch curing. Veggies are almost all done, except the tomatoes in the greenhouse, they'll be blasting until the beginning of November <3<3<3 #chickenbitches were great, I started free ranging them, and then there was a fucking bobcat sighting near our place so they are back locked up and hate the shit out of me.
Boys are growing...it dawned on me the other day that in 10 years they will all be adults....eeeek!!!
Good for you on the staggered harvest! That makes the workload a little more civilized.
I lmao when you said:
Or, something close to that...and look at your yield!
A perfect crop.
Bobcat, yeah your fowl had no hope in hell. You made the right call.
A decade goes fast...savour your time with your sons. You’re doing a fantastic job mentoring them. They have the life skills to survive. ;)