If you recall, the original dry weight of the buds that I grew from seed and used in the first wash, was 68.5 grams.
I also grew and harvested 32.6 grams of sugar leaves.
After the 68.5 grams of buds were done soaking in the 94% over-proof alcohol for 3 minutes (in the first wash) I filtred them out of the alcohol mixture by using a fine mesh strainer. I saved the buds in a glass jar to do what's traditionally known as a second wash. A second wash is also a concentrate or a fully extracted cannabis oil but the main difference is that you let the plant material soak for a longer time period.
In this case, I let my material soak for 25 minutes and I shook the jar for a full minute to start, then for another full minute at the 10 minute mark and then for another full minute at the 21 minute mark. This was to ensure that the mixture was being regularly agitated during the soaking period.
Here's what the sugar leaves looked like in their dried and cured form before being soaked:
If you look closely you can see the trichomes which look like little white hairs at this level of magnification.
Pro-tip: The sugar leaves are trimmed away from the cannabis flower buds. These are the leaves that grow very closely to the buds. They themselves, contain trichomes with resin-rich gland-heads. Due to the fact that these leaves are traditionally cut away from the buds, this plant material is often referred to as trim. Many people like to make infused butter or coconut oil with trim and then use that infusion in baked goods. This makes what's known as a medible or medicated edible. However, trim can also be used very successfully to make a fully extracted cannabis oil.
As A Result Of The Professional Cannabinoid Testing I Had Done On My First Wash Oil
I coined the following new phrase: DECARB or DIE.
Decarboxylation refers to the process of changing the raw cannabinoid molecules from their raw form into their active form. In the case of the cannabinoid THC, this molecule is known as THC-A in its raw form and it rapidly changes into Delta-9 THC with the addition of heat over time. (Delta-9 THC is the psycho-active form of THC and is responsible for the high or "change in state of being" that people can feel when they ingest it.)
To decarb THC-A, the buds and sugar leaves need to be exposed to 250 degrees F, for 45 minutes in a pressure cooker.
I shared this pressure cooking technique in a video in chapter 3. If you missed it, you can find the link for it here:
Pro-tip: It is my humble (but professional) opinion that a proper decarboxylation must be done if you want to create an active product that you plan to eat. Potency of the final medication is directly related to how efficient you have been at achieving the conversion of the molecule THC-A to Delta-9 THC. Once the oil has been extracted from these leaves and the buds, it will be completely ready to eat and it will be medically potent because it was decarbed in advance. Often people who have been making oil for years, only smoke it. They will spread a thin layer of it on rolling papers or use it in a bong or special vapourizer that's been designed to hold oil. In these ingestion methods, external heat is being applied which does the decarboxylation almost instantly once the oil has been heated. If the oil is eaten,the effects of it are 10 times stronger than if it's smoked. The person's liver makes its own conversion and turns Delta-9 THC into 11-THC and that's why it's stronger. A single regular dose of concentrate (which is the size of a grain of rice) lasts approximately 8 hours. The effects of smoking may last 60-90 minutes depending on how many draws or inhalations were taken. When people are using this oil to treat disease they need it to be as potent as it can be. Potency can mean the difference between life or death especially if someone is planning to use it to treat cancer or advanced cases of colitis or Crohns disease.
With all of that said, I decarbed the sugar leaves as the first step in my Second Wash procedure.
This is what 32.6 grams of sugar leaves looked Like Once I Decarboxylated Them Using A Pressure Cooker.
You'll notice that the colour of the leaves have changed and the material looks like it has been toasted evenly without being burnt or scorched.
- I put the previously soaked buds and the freshly decarbed sugar leaves in a 1.5 litre glass jar and I added all the 94% proof alcohol which was approximately 3/4 of a litre. As described earlier, I shook the jar for a full minute on 3 separate occasions. (At the beginning of the soak and at the 10 and 21 minute marks.) You'll notice the odd seed has floated to the top, yet again. (sigh) I just scooped them off the top with a spoon and composted them. (Let's not forget that because I let a male plant live so that I could see how it looked and what it did, I now have about a 1,000 seeds of my Tall Happy Jamaican strain. This means that I will be able to plant and grow these seeds for years to come as long as I store them properly. (As much as it was a pain to sift and sort seeds, it was a tremendously beneficial learning exercise and I'm actually glad that I got to experience it.)
- After 25 minutes of soaking time, I filtred off the bulk of the plant material using a fine mesh strainer.
- Then I filtred it through a coffee filtre (twice) to make sure that I captured any little bits of leaves or buds.
- After I got the alcohol mixture filtred, I took the left over plant material (that consists of the buds that have now been soaked twice and the leaves that have been soaked once) and I ran it through a juicer. I used the juicer to separate and pulp or fibre from any remaining liquid that the pulp was retaining. I was able to squeeze out approximately a 1/4 of a cup of additional liquid and I added this directly to my collection jug.
- The bin on the left contains the liquid that was squeezed out. The very dry plant fibre is on the right. At this point, I considered the plant material to be spent and I composted it. (I probably could've have made one hell of a rum cake with it and stored it in my cold room, but I thought that I owed my liver and the livers of my family and friends, a little tender love and care.)
For The Sake Of Comparison
The jug on the left (that is decidedly yellow) is the first wash, alcohol infused tincture. The jug on the right that contains the dark mixture is the second wash, alcohol infused tincture. (A 3 minute soak versus a 25 minute soak.)
Pro-tip: In the 25 minute soak, we are also extracting chlorophyll out of the plant which turns both the alcohol tincture and the finished concentrate a dark green colour. The chlorophyll also has a direct impact on the flavour of the oil. It's hard to describe but the oil from the first wash has a citrus after-taste and is thinner in consistency. The second wash tastes more earthy and like a strong wheat-grass. It definitely tastes green and stronger in flavour.If I had put this alcohol tincture in direct sunlight for a few hours, I may have been able to remove some of the green colour from it using sunlight. That is a common technique used. The day I made this oil, I didn't bother.
- I placed the alcohol infused tincture into the Green Oil Machine and set the temperature to 100 degrees Celsius. The machine evapourates and condenses the alcohol so that it can be reclaimed. Some of the alcohol is being lost in the process between the plant material and the coffee filtres. From a 1.14 litre bottle of alcohol, I am able to do approximately 4 infusions using the Green Oil Machine before I no longer have enough alcohol left to cover 2 ounces or 60 grams of buds. (30 grams is the minimum amount of plant material that I would use to make an oil with. Generally, for every 30 grams of plant material you can expect to make about 3 grams of finished oil.)
- Once the majority of the alcohol has been reclaimed, the temperature will spike from 100 degrees Celsius to 105 degrees Celsius. That's how you know that most of the alcohol has been removed and you can turn the machine off and carefully open the lid.
Pro-tip: As mentioned previously, you want to make sure that you keep the Green Oil Machine on a level surface. This ensures that the concentrate won't scorch as the alcohol is being reclaimed. You'll also notice that I have positioned the alcohol bottle that is capturing the reclaimed alcohol,lower than the Green Oil Machine. This is so that I can take advantage of gravity and help the alcohol flow back into the bottle safely and with ease. When you open the Green Oil Machine after you have distilled or re-captured the alcohol, open the lid away from you so that the steam can escape without burning you in the process.
- When you open the lid, open it a way from you. Steam and other vapours will come out of the machine once it's opened. After two extractions completed, I have approximately 500 ml of alcohol left.
For The Sake Of Comparison
This never ceases to amaze me. The fact that you can pull valuable plant medicine out of a plant, using a colourless alcohol, turn that mixture into a densely coloured liquid and then distill the alcohol out, returning it to its colourless state. (That process just fascinates me and it never gets tired.)
Here's the Second Wash concentrate that has collected in the bottom of the Green Oil Machine. Beautiful golden and rich brown colours are visible.
- At this point you could turn the machine back on to 90 degrees Celsius and finish evapourating off the remaining alcohol to produce a thicker oil. I actually added a small amount of alcohol back into the concentrate so that I could pour it from the machine into a small glass sealer jar. If the oil is thick and cools you will need a blade from a utility knife to lift and scrape the oil off the bottom of the machine.
- Once in the glass jar, I left this oil on a coffee cup warmer for 6 hours so that I could make sure all the alcohol was evapourated out of it. Then I drew the oil up into a syringe, once it was cool enough to do so.
I was able to produce approximately 5 ml of finished, fully extracted cannabis oil from my Second Wash procedure.
This makes my total oil production: 11 mls captured from the buds and trim of 3 plants
For comparison sake
The jar residual on the left is from the first wash and it's yellower in colour and not as thick. The jar residual on the right is from the second wash and it's darker brown with hints of green and yellow in terms of its colour.
I have now personally tested both batches of oil and I find them very comparable in over all effect and potency.
From a flavour perspective the first wash is better because it doesn't taste as pungent.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...occasionally we will be sampling oils, all in the name of science and health. ;)
~ Rebecca Ryan
You're amazing woman with so much knowledge , no wonder people who get high are smart . Why is this still illegal ?!
That's a great question @ journeyoflife!
Here's what my opinion on the subject is:
It's still illegal because it allows people to be in good health and use their brains to really think for themselves. When people are sick, fat, tired and nearly dead, they are really easy to control, and they're great pharmaceutical consumers. The general population has been led to believe that they can only survive if they take their monthly prescriptions (x3-7 depending on geographical location) because they've given their power away to others who they think have more authority than themselves. This belief removes the onus on the person to take responsibility for their own health. Instead of changing their lifestyle habits, it is easier to take a hand full of pills, pay through the nose for them and call it a day.
This herb balances every system and gland in the body. It also balances brain chemistry and provides long lasting relief from chronic pain. It's just plain evil, that it's still illegal. (My rant is over. Hahaha!)
In other words , they do not want us to advance and find out the truth of what they are doing to the people and rather have people on other stupid shit that one day eventually takes their life .
Marijuana is the most relaxing drug , man people are crazy who don't agree to that
Yes on all counts!
Thank you for the compliment @ Journeyoflife! I think that you're an amazing and intelligent woman, too. ;)
Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages.. while most people will claim marijuana has lots of good sides, but still it's an addictive substance and has the potential to cause havoc inside a person's mind. That's why it's illegal in most of the world.
I have to reply for now. I will study this a little later.
You have made it possible for your followers to learn a lot about cannabis and all the possibilities that it offers for the users.
All we can do is thank you. For now at least.
I am hopping that at some point in time. That you will be able
to offer us "cannabis products" crafted by your own study and
work. I would like to have some of your expertise and benefit
in a product that you could offer.
Oh, I know. Governments and their regulations.
But, we can all dream anyway.@rebeccaryan
Not to steal your thunder here in your post.
But Pat has been grumbling at me for quitting the futures.
So, I may be getting started back in a limited way in it again.
Doesn't matter. If I could just trade it as a hobby and not
the high pressure. Well, maybe.
Enough of that talk.
Sorry to digress. But as a friend. I wanted you to know.
Thank you again for all your laborious work for us.
We all appreciate it.
How I wish I could assist you doing this process my friend! You are such a pro! Bravo!
Btw I've been trying to comment on this post for the last 1 hour my friend! Steemit is slow/down again! Now I switched to Busy.org and it's working fine!
Dear Rebecca, how do you know all this, are you a chemist or a biologist by education? :)
8 years of personal study on the subject of cannabis plant medicine.
26 year back ground in Western Medicine as a health care professional.
A certification in aromatherapy, holistic nutrition and I've put MS (which I have been afflicted with and is an autoimmune condition) into remission using an eating lifestyle that's high plant based along with cannabis everyday. I've made it my mission to educate people about this plant in an effort to help others. ;)Excellent question @magnata!
You have a very interesting life. Thank you.
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very good post my friend..
good job..
Thank you @humaidi! I'm glad you like it. ;)
you are welcone,,
i have new my post plase you are visit my blog..
Beautiful @humidi! Steemit wouldn't let me comment on it so hopefully you'll get this one. :)
thanks friends for your motivation very well, hopefully you are always healthy
Nice instruction.Those marijuana leaves are actually called sugar leaves??
Yes. Or, they can also be called trim.
natural and herbal products are always benifited for health and your home made techique ensure the quality of cannabis oil.
Thanks for your lovely comment @sheikh27!
professional cannabis oil extractor. impressive work & nice article. @rebeccaryan
Very valuable post How To make fully extracted Cannabis Oil with easily learn to instructions. Some problems have this production. But nicely introduce these.
Upvote/ Resteemed
very good post and shelf for the life health
My memory for names and numbers is terrible so when I read all the names and number facts, they kind of float past my brain and don't sink in. The sugar leaves are from near the flowers, but I have seen people pick leaves from a plant with no flowers on it. Obviously those leaves must have something in them too. Will you be talking about the rest of the plant in future articles? Any plans to create a table to categorize / tabulate the numerical facts in one place for easier comparison? (Might be hard to make a table in here, but you could use Word or Excel and then capture the table as an image).
By the way, I'm using steemitstage.com to read and post this because Steemit.com has been un-usable for me today. Steemitstage looks and works exactly like steemit, whereas busy.org took a while for me to figure out how to navigate and use it.
The delightful thing Rebecca :)
I know that there are different kinds of plants and herbs to help people. the post you have shown us today has a lot of information thanks for your time and effort
quite awesome perfect post with step by step instructions :D
Very detailed... Thanks for the post.
What is the shelf life of the oil?
Indefinitely as long as it is stored properly. I just finished some that was 9 years old. As the oil ages, like with any form of cannabis, the THC in it degrades and changes to CBN over time. CBN is heavily sedative and is great if you suffer from insomnia, which I unfortunately do.
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mahon bantuan nya
People here are friendly. We all will help you. :)Welcome to Steemit @nandasaputr!
maaf telat membalas,,terimakasih @rebeccaryan, mohon bantuan nya...
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Peace in Blunts Fam 🔥💨
Thank you for sharing
Just so you know. I tried to Resteem this post. And it showed up on my blog for just a few moments. Then it disappeared. That was early this morning.
Now it won't accept my Resteem click.
Maybe that will change. But I doubt it.
Sorry. I tried.@rebeccaryan
juice is very fresh ,, buddy please go to my blog, I will always follow you i will upvote and resteem your post.
very good post and shelf for the life health
What an excellent post chock full of excellent info! I've wondered how to make oil and now I see it's more involved and has just enough equipment that I probably won't go this route with my plant's yield. My plant isn't nearly ready to harvest, but hopefully by the time it is I'll have decided what I want to do with it!
i first freeze my buds before making them to oil, nylonstocking, buts in, stocking in the freezer, after few hours take it out, cover it with drinkable alchol 94 % leave that for half an hour, take the sock out, give it a good squeeze, and than the infusion will go in my slow cooker, for about 4 hours. I am in love with your green machine ! and after reading the test that you did at medicinwheel, i think next time i will first use a high pressure pot. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Awesome! Real good tutorial!
If you are interested, please check my post! https://steemit.com/health/@elbreeder/video-skin-cancer-homemade-treatment-working-in-3-weeks
Can you send me some?
I continuously follow your chapters in the extraction of cannabis oil well