Its very clear by now, with all the side effects we see on tv everyday for pharmaceuticals. When you try and remedy one problem you end up with several problems from one medication! Just like organic food, and NoN-GMO, we should have, and deserve the right to choose one form of medication over the other! In the past 30 years we have definitely seen opiates have a negative impact on our society not to mention benzos, like Xanax and Klonopin! We have an entire generation that has been putting foreign chemicals into their bodies for years now.
No telling what the long-term side effects could, and will be! The War on Drugs has been a failed effort since inception, and only used to profit the government!
as long as the War on Drugs continues, the military industrial complex will keep profiting from the hard-working people that make up our country!
Check out this post and this book!
Nice post man! Ty for sharing that!🤘