Black Market Cannabis Dominates Legal Markets

in #cannabis6 years ago

The Public Has Spoken

Due to Inconsistent Effort from the Government of Canada, Legal Sales Only Present 16% of the Market

This is all unfortunate in hindsight with the Liberal Government destroying their reputation with scandals and unachieved goals. Canadians are still facing persecution for Cannabis and landlords are still treating cannabis users like narcotic drug addicts. We need to change everything about the efforts put forth by Justin Trudeau and his failure administration that is plague with resignations and retirement after his long and desperate struggle to fill his father's shoes, sorry buddy you failed and you should hang your head in shame for the rest of your life for what you have done to Canadian tax payers.

I am never voting Liberal again and Marc Emery along with his joke ex wife can scream and cry all they want because they got the legalization that children designed...

I am Pissed Off About Cannabis Legalization and if you Are too Have Your Voice Heard!

"Give credit where it is due, but show no fool sympathy."

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