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RE: Cannabinoids

in #cannabis8 years ago

Here is my biggest problem with Pot activism: The sheer amount of BS. Look I support legalizing Pot. I'm not a user myself, but I understand it's mostly harmless, and certainly much less harmful than many other substances that are perfectly legal. Go ahead, legalize it, you have my vote.

But I have seen cannabis proposed as a miracle cure to EVERYTHING! There is literally no possible health benefit or condition that you can think of that pot proponents out there wont claim it to bestow or cure.

No, pot is not a miracle cure or an untapped medical phenomena. It is a relatively mild drug that is used mostly for recreation but can also have some uses in pain management or treating anxiety. That's it.


Are you from the future? There are many people studying the topic and say promissing things about it, but you seem to know more then them. Where do they go wrong? In this study from 2014 they still said it was very promissing ... Please update this study and tell me where they went of track ... Thanks :)

I am not saying that cannabis has no medical applications, of course it does. I'm saying I've seen it touted as a miracle cure that can address literally almost anything.

Depression: Pot
Anxiety: Pot
Pain: Pot
IBS: Pot
High Blood Pressure: Pot
Cancer: Pot
Alzhiemers: Pot
Autism: Pot
Fibro Mailgia: Pot
Skin Wrinkles: Pot
Muscle Soreness: Pot
Acne: Pot
Arthritis: Pot

pot pot pot pot pot

You name it, some "Study" claims that pot will cure it.

Cannabis has been in our diets for millenia ... taking it out of the diet might be a reason for that ... I worked in a coffeeshop in the Netherland (budtender) and there were people with all kinds of diseases that called it their medicine ... We had to stop letting forgeign people in the shops (politics, it was only in a few cities near the border) and I had sick people crying in front of me, because they didn't know where to go for decent "medicine" and they had to buy it on the streets, where you never know what you will get. Was heartbreaking to see ...