Si eres consumidor o cultivador doméstico de cannabis y vives en un país donde la tenencia, venta, consumo o cultivo de cannabis está prohibido y penalizado, es necesario tomar medidas para minimizar los riesgos. Da lo mismo que sea para autoconsumo, como es mi caso. No vendo ni comercio con cannabis. Si alguien se chiva o se va de la boca, puedo meterme en serios problemas. Con el tiempo llegas a acostumbrarte a una vida secretamente discreta. No visitas en casa de familiares o amigos que no comulgan con esto, no comentar con personas que no saben tratar el asunto con seriedad, no entablar mucha confianza con personas que podrían no ser lo que parecen, no dar muchos datos personales, etc, etc, etc y no decir que tienes un perfil en Hive u otras redes sociales donde publicas sobre cannabis porque podrían enterarse de cosas que a día de hoy no saben y quieres que sigan sin saber. Esa es la realidad. Como no voy a dejar de cultivar ni de consumir cannabis, estoy buscando formas de camuflar las plantas y que pasen desapercibidas a la vista de extraños. Estoy probando con tomates cherry, pero creo que, aún así, es demasiado peso para las ramas de cannabis. ¿Tú que crees?.
Que tengas un gran día.
If you are a consumer or home grower of cannabis and you live in a country where the possession, sale, consumption or cultivation of cannabis is prohibited and criminalized, it is necessary to take measures to minimize the risks. It doesn't matter if it is for self-consumption, as in my case. I do not sell or trade cannabis. If someone snitches or goes off the deep end, I can get into serious trouble. Over time you get used to a secretly discreet life. Don't visit family or friends who don't agree with this, don't comment with people who don't know how to treat the matter seriously, don't get too close to people who might not be what they seem, don't give out too much personal information, etc, etc, etc, etc and don't say you have a profile on Hive or other social networks where you publish about cannabis because they might find out things they don't know and you don't want them to know. That's the reality. Since I'm not going to stop growing or consuming cannabis, I'm looking for ways to camouflage the plants and make them go unnoticed by strangers. I'm trying cherry tomatoes, but I think that's still too much weight for cannabis branches. what do you think?
Have a great day.
Translated with DeepL.com
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That's a good idea for camouflage. It looks like the weight might be a lot for a small plant, but otherwise it definitely makes it look like a tomato plant from a distance.
Thanks! I believe that the police helicopter, it deceives him. Lol