Mounting evidence BAYER - MONSANTO to control CANNABIS?

in #cannabis7 years ago


# sad-leaf-fear-monsanto.png
Evidence is mounting, which points strongly to the notion that Monsanto does indeed plan to take control of the cannabis plant, and it doesn’t look good for medical users, or anyone planning on getting into the industry.

It is possible that Bayer and Monsanto could create a monopoly on cannabis seeds in the same way that they have with cash crop monopoly they have over corn and soy. Through immense corporate power and the enforcement of international patent law, these big businesses could easily place themselves in a position of total control over cannabis as a medicine and recreational use sales by using the same model as they do with the food crops they control.




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it's a shame monsanto is doing this, but it also can bring out some good things as well in my opinion. this might mean weed might be legal in the near future

Corporations and people with hundreds of billions of dollars know marijuana is a miracle plant - THEY AREN'T GOING TO JUST "let us" do what we want - it REALLY IS ABOUT - POWER & CONTROL We must NOT be sheeple. They want our plants, seeds, and industry and they are willing to take it at the cost of our civil liberties -

There is still a chance to fight back against the corporations and government monopoly – one effort would be to begin simply by boycotting genetically engineered products, Miracle-Gro and other Scotts brand products, Bayer pharmaceuticals, and companies that do business with any of these.

If you can get your hands on REAL cannabis seeds, they can be stored for years to be used at a later date or if you live in an area where it is legal, grow your own, while supporting hydroponics and nutrient companies that don’t do business with these corporate behemoths.


if you keep your own seeds and work with others in a seed bank monsanto won't be a hassle

That's so nearsighted as to be like an ostrich...

i believe that canna-fear-mongering is mainly fueled by cannabinoids.

This has been a concern for a while. I hope it doesn't happen and i think the market will be what can prevent it. Nobody wants Monsanto weed so I think they would struggle to sell their product. The danger comes from over regulation of the market that would funnel business to them artificially; a law that requires seeds to come from an "approved distributor", for example.

This does worry me a bit but if it does happen, the market will likely just move back "underground" and all the producers and consumers go back to being outlaws like in the old days.

People HAVE to start INFORMING THEMSELVES and STOP letting it slip by with a "yeah - figures" attitude 😠 INFO IS POWER 💚 share share share PEER TO PEER has never been more important - be a people NOT a sheeple - and that being said :weary: Cannabis (bud stalk leaf) consumption and cultivation should be as NORMALIZED as grapes (vines, leaf & fruit) --- Bring back farmer fred! :smile: Cheer friend steemian

The Oregon Medical Marijuana project is dying a horrible and screaming death cost for patients is up nearly double or triple. Threats of police inspections and bureaucratic Hoops to jump through. However if you want to throw a deposit down on a recreational grow and adhere to every single one of the changing regulations they will make sure that any small business faces severe issues and will be forced to sell out to a corporation if it just doesn't fail completely.

Recreational Gardens have a increasing standard for security systems as well as every other requirement. Basically it means that a small-time farm spends $100,000 on security and video surveillance and next month the rules change and they must spend more for a security video surveillance system or be forced to lose their license.

Sad when profits are before patients.

Please support more rights and easier access for medical patients!