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RE: New Survey Finds Major Support For Cannabis In Ireland

in #cannabis8 years ago

I would have thought Ireland would be at the forefront of this whole cannabis movement. Anyhow, it's a question of time before it all goes viral. They have literally taken away our free will with this one. It's been several decades since cannabis was outlawed and all in the name of what? Control!!! They know the benefits of cannabis and that our own bodies have receptors which are made to absorb CBD. They have been lying to us and are afraid of cannabis because they cannot patent something that comes from nature and they know that this can create and supply every industry out there from clothing, medicine, nutraceuticals paper etc.... Good post. You should check out mine on cannabis as well.


I'm heading over to check your cannabis post, giova - we just grow and make our own medicinal oil for friends and family :)

Wow really. Are you based out of Ireland