Reno to Stockton Cali. Smoking weed all the way!

in #cannabis2 months ago


I didn't do it... Most times...

However today I absolutely did do it. We did like 170 miles from Reno Nevada to Stockton California today. And then we pulled into a Chipotle and got this super gigantic burrito that was absolutely and completely what I needed.

Off to the bank and then off to the weed store! Where I got this really scrumptious and super tasty little package of cannabis.



Then met this really cool guy and got to smoke some weed with him! Killer guy.

Then GrandMaster showed up!

My friend. And top of the world of talent... And it was really good just for us to hang out and shoot the shit like we normally do on Facebook Messenger all the time. However this time we actually get to see each other's laughs and reactions to our insanely funny jokes and running conversation...

I loved how he poked fun at me because of my deathmatch threat. Yeah Ron Saturn aka Mr douchebag AKA Mr bitch boy AKA Mr leader of the trailer Park boys has a deathmatch warrant out for me. Yep if I'm ever caught it's going to be instant smack on the weenie! Yep Ronnie just might whack my weenie twice! Lol.

So yeah apparently because I quoted my friends podcast and one of his guests? I now have this warrant of death match above my head which means that run apparently is allowed to attack me. I really don't know if he wants to do that... But.....


Anyways. Class tomorrow. After getting the Serrada Tour from GM Darren...

I'm blessed beyond measure to get to experience this.

Thank you. It's really humbling when you have such amazing Friends.

Like the fact that 100% of my footwear blew up. I actually had brought it up to Darren and he said he'd keep his eyes open. Oh today I got the most amazing gift. Actually a $75 pair of shoes that are pull on and are exactly what I need and perfectly in my exact size... Oh wow...

Again I am absolutely humbled. And I'm really excited to be able to work really hard on stick work and do my best to do what I can to learn.

I am super duper duper tired. Puppy dog is too.

It was hot.... Damn hot. I really should have left super early in the morning however I wanted to stop by and do a tiny little errand for my friend Darren. And absolutely mission accomplished.

Even doing the tiniest thing for your friends sometimes can be recognized for the heart in which your friends are there for you. I absolutely would do that and more...


What I would so to get some clean cannabis! But social "security" will not let Me buy it with the card They put My pittance on - it's My money and They should have no say! Not that I have a lot to spend after paying for food and sundries. Living in pain because the legal stuff sold in the smoke shops here is besmirched with something unhealthy.

I'd be growing my own here soon. I'm going to stop on the way north and try to end up with some work and getting where I can grow my ass off...

Weed and food.

Hope you are having a wonderful day. Thanks for the comment!

I do hope that works out for You!!! I'm just too disabled and homeless to grow food. Haha!

Even doing the tiniest thing for your friends sometimes can be recognized for the heart in which your friends are there for you. I absolutely would do that and more...

This is a wonderful concept from your side and I totally agree with it.