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RE: Is Seed Drowning a Myth?

in #cannabis4 years ago

I'm going to join this experiment.

I'll get a 50 cups with water and a seeed in each one.

I'll make sure that each seed "appears" to be in he condition to be used for growing. (you know, makensure they are brown and not green, although i have had some white ones grow too. go figure)

It's nice to know that in 2 days it's already showing tail.

I hope drowning won't kill me new babies outside. It is raining non stop all day thus far and theybonly just popped their heads and released the outer shell off them.


Sounds like a plan! I'd suggest you start out with less than 50 though. What if half of them drown?? Although if you have a TON of seeds ... 50 will be more accurate then my experiment with 10 or so seeds.