Great. I find in general that marijuana smokers tend to be more peaceable people. Less involved with the corporate spying, shadowbanning, information limiting, right infringing, constitution impeding and revoking of personal liberties of others.
Marijuana users tend to be focused on their own high, and not getting high off of others by sapping their time, energy, and strength.
Canabanoid oils repel epilepsy, seizures and reverse the spread of cancer.
Hemp bricks can be made inflammable, no more house fires. There are at least 50 industries that can be iterated or done away with completely because of hemp alone.
When I see this industry moving forward, I support. If someone says they don't or have never smoked marijuana, which is a naturally occuring plant on the earth just like grass, but they participate in vast amounts of farfetched, deviance and corruption, which we can all live without, it begs the question, as to who is getting high, and who is getting by?
I also believe uphemisms and slang has the potential to shape the way people learn or perceive an idea. For example, marijuana being dubbed as 'grass' is accurate, because it is a naturally occuring plant upon the earth, used for food, medicine and other purposes.
However, when marijuana is referred to as 'weed', to non users, it takes on a different symbolism; weeds being typically considered unwanted or useless by homeowners, agriculturalists, and landscapers. Weed is seen as a target for removal or destruction.
After all I believe it was penicillin that was designed to destroy weed. Now there's weed killer, and weed whackers, and sprays, etc.
But marijuana, now that marriage of Mary, and juan,and ana, now that makes life entirely more healthy, interesting, and enhanced. :) It sounds like marriage, and marriage can be a good thing.
Different strains cure pains. Way to go Walmart in Canada!