Indeed. I don't know what its like for you guys in the States but right now in Canada, CBD products are REALLY taking off. At the dispensary I work at , 5+ people a day who weren't using Cannabis products, getting off their meds and able to live again. From the golf club to the rugby club, anxiety to arthritis, a CBD revolution has begun! Can't wait to see what the other cannibinoids will reveal to us as more research is done.
Well, down here, it truly varies from state to state. What is legal in one state can land a person in prison in others. It's really quite sad. I hope legalization brings great things to Canada and that I can visit some time! I've never been. I've been to the airports in Toronto and Montréal, but that doesn't count.
Indeed. I don't know what its like for you guys in the States but right now in Canada, CBD products are REALLY taking off. At the dispensary I work at , 5+ people a day who weren't using Cannabis products, getting off their meds and able to live again. From the golf club to the rugby club, anxiety to arthritis, a CBD revolution has begun! Can't wait to see what the other cannibinoids will reveal to us as more research is done.
Well, down here, it truly varies from state to state. What is legal in one state can land a person in prison in others. It's really quite sad. I hope legalization brings great things to Canada and that I can visit some time! I've never been. I've been to the airports in Toronto and Montréal, but that doesn't count.
Yes! Definitely!