The Texas Department of State Health and Services is allegedly looking to pull CBD products off the shelves in the region.
And this comes after they've recently made the moves to allow restricted use of medicinal cannabis in the state.

Thousands of folks in the region have already signed a petition, signaling their discontent with the move to have the products taken off the shelves. And dozens of Texans have helped to write letters describing how their personal use of CBD has helped them to seek remedy from a variety of illnesses.
At the moment, state authorities in Texas are extremely rigid in their acceptance of who can or cannot use cannabis or CBD products etc.
As well, it's also difficult for those who live in other states to be able to travel to visit their family and loved ones etc, who are living in Texas, because they aren't able to bring their medicinal CBD products or cannabis with them. Those individuals have to then make the decision to either suffer or miss seeing their loved ones. And that is a decision that they shouldn't have to make, because it shouldn't be anyone else's business whether or not you consume cannabis.

Authorities in the region are considering restricting the sale of CBD products so that only those who have received a state license might be able to sell it.
If there are people who can benefit from accessing this plant and they might be able to see a drastic improvement in their quality of life, then isn't it a crime to inflict violence against someone for trying to consume this plant, grow it, or exchange it with others? Right now there isn't said to be any exact time frame for the health agency in Texas to make their decision. Hopefully authorities in Texas will opt to move toward respecting the natural rights and liberty of the people there, to be able to access, grow, and trade cannabis etc, if they wish to.
via AZ Quotes
Nisangha - Getty Images via TheFrenchToast
thanks for posting this👍👍
Their close minded thinking can never be changed. Waiting for all the old generations to pass maybe them no one gives a shit about anything you do. Legality is a funny word , Its cool to do certain things on a piece of land but if you do it elsewhere you will be jailed.
Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
My small town on the edge of the Texas Hill Country is just what you would expect from stereotypical Texas. Uber Conservative. I have been getting CBD oil from one town over at a vape shop. We just had a small CBD shop open its doors here in the last two weeks. In fact their official grand opening is on Friday. (4-20) The local paper described it as "New Braunfels 1st Marijuana dispensary." Ughh. They ONLY carry CBD oils and creams and products from my understanding of their website. (I haven't been there yet)
This aptly illustrates the attitude of most of Texas and the South probably. They are ignorant of the difference between CBD, THC and the medicinal effects of either. Most people just don't know. Or only understand what the news or social media tells them too.
Being a small business person myself, I am encouraged by people putting skin in the game to bring something beneficial to the marketplace. I just hope they aren't crushed by bureaucratic ignorance and incompetence.
Especially with the looming opiate crisis, having a safer alternative for pain management would be beneficial. But since when has government ever done anything for the people other than prohibition in the name of "safety"
I plan on making the grand opening on Friday to buy some oil and show some support. Hopefully the community embraces this movement. I will post the results.
Thank for another great informative post.
Hi doitvoluntarily,
I am surprised that The State Of Texas is not more liberal in CBD issues. I am wondering why they are trying to pull CBD off the shelves.
What is the real reason behind all this?
Im so done with politicians stupidity! The land of the free my ass!
this is so dumb! i honestly don't understand why they would be fighting against CBD products as it doesn't even get you high without the THC... not to mention numerous studies with proven health benefits from CBD use
we shouldn't assume that they are in the business of making sense 😂
That is horrible..... I don't get people that will deny a person in need of a solution that really work.
So ridiculous. Sad that politicians have no morals most of the time. The people who seek the power to govern are the most seldom fit for the job.. Easily bought and paid for by the highest bidder.
Here's the number to call : 512-776-7376 or email foods.regulatory@dshs.texas.gov
I have not tried tried CBD but if it helps people it should be as legal as echinacea
But it is for our own good, for our own safety. Lies, Lies and more Lies.
Tired of politics and don't really want to listen to what they have to say, since it is nothing but lies and it just makes my blood boil.
We should have a choice of what we want to put in our bodies and how we want to heal our bodies. We are not harming anyone.
We are our own best doctors since we know our bodies and what works and what doesn't and what is safe and what is not.
Sweet post. The consumption of weed is far more dangerous then smoking since it changes once ingested and the effect are delayed. Bigger in Texas, right?
I just did a post on starting a business with a cannabis theme that you could do with little money and it is because I make topicals for my mother and as a side business.
Thanks for sharing this, sharing is caring.