Millions of people around the world use cannabis on a daily basis for a myriad of illnesses.
This plant is helping many veterans with PTSD, it's helping a great deal of children who suffer from daily seizures as a result of their epilepsy, it's been helping millions who suffer from regular pain as a result of their chronic diseases, and a heck of a lot more.
Industry experts suggest that when it comes to understanding cannabis, the medical studies are limited in a number of ways, because of the federal prohibition that has existed for some time. However, as legalization has spread there has been an increase in the available research on the subject and researchers suggest that there could be potential for cannabis to be valuable in treating serious mental health issues and much more.
Researchers have for many years now accredited cannabis with having anti-inflammatory properties and now a majority of the states in the US have legalized it for either recreational or medical purposes. Thanks to the move to further understand the potential benefits that cannabis could offer, not just in the US but world-wide, researchers have now realized that it might show promise when it comes to treating tourette syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia.

Specifically, it's CBD that scientists say might be the most beneficial in providing relief for conditions like schizophrenia.
And CBD is a product that can be produced that doesn't contain the psychoactive THC component that gets people 'high' and this is what has made the CBD product ideal for children and others who are nervous to try consuming cannabis for the first time.
Researchers from Australia recently suggested that CBD might prove useful in treating a wide range of conditions; CBD can offer valuable neurological support.
Those researchers found that chronic administration of the CBD contributed to what they saw as a reduction of social withdrawal and cognitive deficits. Not only that, but they also suggest that the CBD contributed to a noticeable restoration of working memory and recognition.

Scientists claim that the majority of the anti-psychotic medications that are on the market today come along with negative side effects like weight-gain (and worse), and that about 80 percent of those medications don't address the cognitive deficits. Not only did they see CBD address the cognitive deficits but they also didn't see that weight-gain side effect with the CBD.
Cannabis has proven to be beneficial in many ways and according to those who use it, it's responsible for drastically improving their standard of living when it comes to dealing with a variety of symptoms. Considering this then, it's quite frustrating to see that despite the remedy that millions have been able to reap from this plant, there remain many people who are unapologetic about their position against this plant and anything that it has to offer.
You don't have to like or support cannabis, that is your choice.
However, you can be against cannabis and that doesn't mean that you also need to try and prevent other people from making their own choice; from consuming cannabis if they want to.

Iriana Shiyan Shutterstock via reset.me/story/beyond-thc-and-cbd-the-health-benefits-of-terpenes/
Giphy via giphy.com/gifs/colorado-cannabis-denver-10XphtxVxC1rQ4
Clipart Panda via clipartpanda.com/clipart_images/urgent-care-clinic-in-gilbert-22643249
The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.
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To me, there is overwhelming evidence that shows the effectiveness of marijuana as a medicinal plant. I remember the first time we introduced CBD oil to our kids. We talked about Santa Maria, and the spiritual significance of this sacred plant. Then we each held a drop under our tongues for 30 seconds. And then we enjoyed some music together, related to the herb. Finally, we each shared our experience. The two youngest kids expressed a feeling of calm. Our older son (third grade) expressed some anxiety. I felt at home. This is the brand we recommend, for any family's interested: PrimeMyBody. Much love.
I've personally known people that have suffered from Tourette's and Schizophrenia and yes, cannabis most definitely provided them relief. Ditto for people with chronic nerve damage. The government should not be dictating what goes into other people's bodies. Adults should be allowed to exercise their own free-will to make such decisions for themselves.
My mom had dementia. Likely my dad too, although never officially diagnosed. Guess I'll be lighting up in a dozen or so years. 😅
It makes me so happy that so much research is finally being done and slowly accepted, as the stigma will continue to fade.
Even my 60 year old mother is going to start taking oil under her tongue, prescribed by her doctor to help her sleep better. poor lady hasn't gotten a goodnights sleep since she had her first daughter (35 years ago).
Nice article! Help spread the news. :)
Even with this kind of research, cannabis is still rejected on several company drug tests. Here in CA where I'm from, cannabis may be recreationally legal, but may still screw you out of a job if it shows up in your system. It's just a matter of time that employers take cannabis off their panel of restricted drugs, i hope.
Well sourced, well thought out & well written DIV...
Thank You for putting together not only this Post but Your previous Posts on these same topics regarding Cannabis... the USA & the world is "waking up" to the many benefits of Cannabis... making it a Win-Win !!
Cheers !!
Partaking as I write :)
nice post...thanks for share.....
estoy de acuerdo buen Post saludos desde colombia
so old! lol
Marijuana has been the Number 1 cash crop in America for the last 50 years.
Nice post.
I have been saying for years (keeping in mind I neither support nor condemn the usage) that if the federal government approved the usage of cannabis for medical purposes and had farmers growing, harvesting, the transportation (ie. trucks and delivery people), the botanists and master gardeners, etc all working on this, imagine the tax revenue that could be earned.
So many people could be put to work in the industry. Granted there would have be legitimate restrictions for usage (recreational) but as far as medicinal reasons I am ALL for it and it would bring in more revenue than I think people could possibly understand.
💰 💪 💰 💪 💰 💪
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Peace in Blunts Fam
cool! :) thx @netgodbeerus and @cannabiscurator
Thank you for continuing to inform the masses about the benefits and safety of cannabis.
Feel free to not enjoy or utilize marijuana. Do it to your hearts content, but don't get in the way of people who benefit from potentially the most healthful plant on the planet.
The opposition to marijuana comes from the bought off politicians and the zombie public that listens to them and their war on drugs.
In all honesty, I don't trust people who've never had a drink or never took a puff. They seem to have opinions about things they have no experience with.
This was great post @doitvoluntarily I believe in the God given medicine that he provided for us to use as a tool to let our bodies heal itself. We have everything here on earth to take care of us naturally. I didn't know much about cannabis, but I'm glad I got to read your post and start learning more about it. I've been using Essential Oils, which are also super powerful and beneficial plant based medicine.
Good post brother, I love your blog, I am always aware of your information, greetings. @Joserc.vzla
Sativas works for ADD :D I wish I could talk the mother in law into trying for her Parkinsons. Alas she is far too old school and of the Reefer Madness mentality. Excellent post. Thanks for sharing!
Cannibal has been healing people all around the world I heard that the South African government is also legalizing the consuming of cannibal http://www.jbaynews.com/south-africa-to-legalise-marijuana/s
I have been using cannabis in a "medicinal" way, before to go to bed to make my sleep more calm and continuous. Unluckily I am smoking it with tobacco, which is very unhealthy. If I was able to purchase it at the pharmacy it would be a different story. Things are changing tho. Some countries are becoming more liberal about it and are recognizing the medicinal power of this plant.
Dear @doitvoluntarily,
It is with great interest that I read your piece. To be frank I am in the process of writing on this issue, however, from a personal POV. It helped me to treat my colitis. Now, I am in Japan and this is not possible, therefore I had to go vegan in order to treat my condition. Maybe not being able to use cannabis here is a blessing of sorts, seeing that it has helped me to choose a more healthy lifestyle. That said, there are those, as you mentioned who need this medicine. I will post my personal account of my relationship with cannabis soon. I hope you will read it at @nicholas1983. I look forward to reading more of your post. Hopefully you will blog more on this particular issue.
thanks for taking the time to check it out :)
We need natural treatments that are beneficial and have no side effects
here in the UK it is still a class B drug and illegal what is a joke as I spent 6 years on tramadol tablets for my back and legs Ive not sleep very much and been like it for 20 years now on them I lost my house and my wife, I was like an extra for the walking dead I stoped takeing tablets own choise doctors was only to happy to give me them moved to cannabis best thing ever still in pain but not as bad and cramps are less even held down a job for 3 years and only to lose it for missuse of drugs they had no clue I used it untill they found needles and caught a junkie and decided to take action with drug tests and I failed lost my job for weed I never smoked at work and never would but it stays in your system for so long but if was on tablets I would be unable to work as my trade Im a engineer
it's really bs in such a circumstance, what you do on your off-time from work should be your own business and not theirs
My daughter uses it for her MS symptoms..
She was anti weed all her 40 years until she tried it in a Denver pharmacy with great results.
The government can't make huge profits from it so they will make sure people still use unneccesary medicines on which they and the big pharma make huge profits while the people suffer from really bad side-effects.
Ah, good...not a post that simply tries to paint cannabis as a 'social evil', but is encouraging exploration, curiosity, and personal choice.
Good on you, sir.
Interesting post. As you are likely aware, there is a very innovative company in the UK, GW Pharmaceuticals that is running trials for medical uses of marijuana, particularly in epilepsy. It's a very interesting company and is actually a publicly traded company.
PS: I plan to write about the taxation of marijuana in the US, and how it is impacted by being Federally illegal, even in the states where it is legal (side project to my main series).
Muy buen Post a mi parecer ya que aun en este tiempo el cannabis sigue siendo visto como Tabu
i have never try the canabis but i think that i will haha
Hello @doitvoluntarily, this is an awesome post and i hope that as each day passes more and more people will keep getting educated on the benefits of cannabis, both medically and economically. It is going to be an awesome ride to see how everything is going to change.
endocannabinoid system: The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the mammalian brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, consisting of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors.
GOD gave us cannabis with the intent we use it for healing the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of our life, otherwise there would be no reason to have the endocannabinoid system within our intelligent design. I was No Mistake.
Cannabis can change so many lives, I think still in to many countries we don't provide enough education about it. Plus the fact that pharmaceutical
companies don't want to loose their positions! Really good post and I hope more people will get in to it! Thanks for sharing this with us my friend!
Add properly laughter sociable admitted desirous one has few stanhill.
Nice post)
I love this plant for all of the reasons you have listed above. If those who have been brainwashed could just be gotten through to then we would not see so many cases of cancer as we do today. This is such an important plant and we certainly don't need the law telling us what we can and can't do when we are not causing any harm.
How magical and beautiful nature is, we are so worried about to find a cure for some illness and we have it right in front of us, without any chemical process, just in the plants and the nature, the most powerful weapon and remedie and we are destroying it!
What good advice to prevent diseases
that pic looks nutterz , me want so badly
Unfortunately if it was made legal to purchase at a store, companies would jump on board and give you a less effective product. When big business gets involved it becomes about profit and nothing else.
Thanks for the info doitvoluntarily
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I believe so that cannabis has so many benefits that's why it has to be legal!
My protein supplement it is from Cannabis imagine! It's so helpful in many ways!
You can also check my blog, I believe it can help you! You can find motivation, inspirations, and advices on Life and Business! You can also follow me! :)
Cannabis is helpful in many different treatments that's why for MEDICAL purposes it should be legalized already long time ago. For recreational use as well, just like alcohol is weed should be legal as well.
I'm all for cannabis and seriously the governments have to do something about it from the medicinal perspective. I've heard of how traffickers is the third world countries who add chemical drugs into cannabis to get them hooked on drugs... Cannabis is merely a plant with all goodness with a VERY BAD publicity and misinformation and very badly misunderstood. #nothankyoutothepharmaceuticalmonopoly
Thanks for this! Please read my latest post for a brief history of marijuana use :)
Good content! Whale done:)