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RE: Hello world (from a BC cannabis grower)

in #cannabis7 years ago

looks awesome. keep up the great work man!
i have been using herb since I was 16 to help with my anxiety and stress. i was on the medical marijuana program here in WA state before they shut it down for recreational. i have some friends that operated the largest cannabis forum in the NW for about ten years before they shut it down. they made a coin called "Cannacoin" back in 2014. I talk about it on my feed. I helped them get their current business moving and I manage the Facebook page for Cannacoin as well as a 420NW group. that and I am going on about 5 years that I have been involved with crypto to the point where I was mining and i'm moving into programming for android now


That's pretty cool, I did a bit of mining as well back in the days with scrypt ASICs still holding some Dogecoins (love that community as well). Did you just get into programming out of interest? What's your background?