Flushing in Soil is a Self-Reinforced Delusion, and It Doesn't Work The Way You Think It Does!

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)


So you grow your plants „like everybody else does”... by planting them in soil, and then pouring shitloads of fertilisers, so you can flush them out when the time comes. But have you ever thought, that what you're doing is absolutely crazy? Well, it is for reasons that are plenty!

It's hard to say when „flushing is necesssary for the smoothest bud” thing came about, but it definitely rose in popularity with indoor/hydro boom of the early 90s, when warehouse operations around the world started churning out tonnes of middling quality bud, while outdoor operations came to a halt (well, not really, but they were diminished).

The thing is, that hydro and soil growing are two very different animals, and they have very little in common, so using hydro methods in soil is like crossbreeding an elephant and an eagle. No way it'll work! EVER!

Another problem is, that cannabis growers can't even agree on what flushing is, and how it works! So let's check the looney bin to see if we can find any logic or anything that is based on indisputable facts for that matter.

First version of flushing that you usually bump on when browsing through different threads is that flushing is giving pure water for 2-3 last weeks of flowering, which gives you a smoother bud. Now what is smooth for one smoker is totally unacceptable for another one, and comes down to one thing: the palate!

Logically, effects of this type of flushing, can only be assessed by the smoker with his subjective take. There's no scientific way to settle if it gives a really smooth smoke or not!

However, the problems with this practice remain, and they have much more to do with theory behind it or lack thereof. First of all, flushing in the world of cannabis growing has nothing in common with what flushing really is, which is defined in Soil Remediation and Plants as:

An in situ chemical method of soil remediation. It involves the extraction of heavy metals via a fluid injected into the contaminated soil. The extraction fluid is pumped to the surface, which brings along the absorbed contaminants with itself.

The extraction fluid is made by the liquefaction of various gases such as propane, carbon dioxide and butane. Soil flushing works on all types of soil pollutants, usually in combination with other techniques.


As confronted with this definition, cannabis growers rarely use proper flushing, cause they really don't need to, so when they use the term they WRONGLY DEFINE a process of simple watering... which is what we do with every other plant on this planet! There's nothing mystical about it, and you obviously can't go wrong with giving pure water.

What is really mind-boggling is that, when growers talk about watering – as no flushing is really involved here – they also go out on a limb claiming pure water forces the plant to use leftover nutrients in soil, so they purge or cleanse, and some go completely trippin' by saying that plants „sweat” the nutrients or put them back in soil!

Now that's like saying you can dodge gravity and start flying by only eating bread with peanut butter for two weeks... there's no consequence in this chain of thought as false presumption is muddling the water.

To be exact, expecting different effects from the same practice – watering – in different stages of plant's growth, that NEVER changes its basic biochemical functions, is a double fallacy! It also goes 100% against botanical knowledge, that we've acquired for the last 300 years, and it ignores absolutely everything we know about plants' metabolism.

And though cannabis is undoubtedly a unique and fascinating plant, IT IS STILL JUST A PLANT, SO EVERYTHING THAT APPLIES TO ALL THE OTHER PLANTS ALSO APPLIES TO CANNABIS!

One of these things that we know FOR CERTAIN – and you may accept it or not, but you really SHOULD – is that plants release ONLY products of photosynthesis during their life cycle. These are oxygen, exudates, which are carbon molecules used to feed beneficial bacteria and fungi, and volatile compounds (terpenoids, flavonoids).

THE FACT IS, that once nutrients uptaken by the roots have been absorbed by xylem/phloem, and got sent to various parts of the plant, or integrated into complex, biochemical pathways, they'll never be released back during plant's life. And the only way of putting them back in soil is to compost the whole plant, which is how cycle of nutrients works in nature!



Some growers fortunately possess minimum of botanical knowledge, and they know they shouldn't expect magic, where magic won't work. However with „purging myth” comes another one pervading every discussion about „flushing”. It's removing salt buildup in soil with water.

The obvious question that we should pose to ourselves here is, why do we use so much salts, that we need to flush them out? Wouldn't it be just easier to use fewer, so we don't have to flush (Occam's razor comes to help)? Well, that's what organic growers do indeed. They use very few salts in their grow – FYI: there are also organic salts – so they rarely have any problems, and they never flush.

But let's address the plants, that are on mad feeding schedules with synthetic nutrients added almost on a daily basis. Is there gonna be a salt buildup? Most definitely we'll see it eventually as potash, phosphate and ammonia salts (ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate) – so much abused by commercial growers – will start taking over the soil.

The problem is that even when we try to leach them by using rapid stream of water, which is another way cannabis growers define flushing (I know people using flushing tables for this reason), most of them will stick to soil particles or rather peat particles due to their high CEC! And sphagnum peat is the medium, which cannabis growers use as their staple!

Unfortunately for the growers, the only nutrients, that can be easily flushed away with water are mobile, anionic ones: nitrates and sulphur. And they are both crucial for cannabis in all stages of development, which is why growers, who leach nutes, often get heavy deficiencies in late flowering! Another myth, that automatically comes with it as a bias reinforcement, is that they're necessary!

Cations, which have postive charge, don't easily flow away with percolating water, except if percentage of soluble ones is higher than CEC, which leads to unlatching of weakly binding ones and being carried them down the stream of water, which has a neutral charge, so it takes both cations and anions.

Unfortunately again, potash and phosphate salts are very strongly binding ones, so those that escape fastest are cations of calcium and magnesium, which frequently lose competiton with abovementioned, especially when base saturation is low.

Sadly, both calcium and magnesium are central to quality of cannabis (terpene and THC production) and to final yield (they raise specific gravity), which means by trying to leach salts you not only get nothing in return, but you lower your potential yield, destroy microlife and put your plants in a state of shock!

And here we finally get to the right question, is there a way out of this? Yes, you can go organic, start working with low concentration of nutrients, weak salts, building your soil microlife, caring more about your plants' health, and you'll never have to flush again in your life! I personally never did!


There's really no other way to achieve high quality, nutrient dense or #higbrix cannabis, which I wish everybody was able to compare their current produce too! But if you wanna keep flushing, it's your choice... I'm not here to force you to do anything.

My only wish is that even if you wanna follow the flock and stick to flushing, you get a better understanding of how soil works, and stop spreading inaccurate or outrightly deranged info, that makes a circus out of cannabis growing.

Photo credits (from the top): Sunset Sherbet grown by Purple Gun Rack, Slurricane grown by Care Staker, Platinum Gorilla grown by Stage, Acapulco Gold nugs grown by Curly Beaver. All pics courtesy of 420magazine

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Thanks for this awesome info!

Thx for reading my article in 47 seconds. It seems you've just beaten World Record!

And votes his own comments up. Pfffff

Yeah it's a steemit hydra! Anywhere you go there are spammy accounts leaving irrelevant comments and then self-upvoting them and when they get downvoted by @steemcleaners, dozen new one will spring up!

It's actually one of the main reasons why steem will not be mooning any time soon!

You already know, I love this. Like many things on this earth, industry for profit is not the best teacher. You can find a patch of natural land & watch the flowers, weeds, bushes & trees grow & you can learn much more imo

I agree! That's why you learn so much by growing outdoor in the ground! You are nature's guest and it doesn't matter what you'd like to do, you're not in the driver's eat!

A lot of my plant knowledge came from trying to beat back overgrowth in my yard for a decade before I even wanted to grow plants. Amazing how healthy natural plants in a good environment are. Blackberries & nettles are some of the fastest growing plants I’ve ever seen, & they never get a drop of fertilizer. & of course the 100+ foot trees they are growing underneath get all their food from biological processes as well. Old trees have some things to teach us if we can step away from our own thoughts long enough to watch & listen to them breathe.

Smoked some good organic weed between my first & second comments 😂

I'm gonna have to side with that, bud! In my case I started growing plants, cause I started growing weed... indoor to be exact under two lousy CFLs, but organically with EWC, which kinda set me on track.

Now I grow vegetables, herbs, lemon trees and anything I feel like growing. One of the worst thing about cannabis growers is that a lot of them just grow weed and they should be growing much more, cause that's what real green thumb and nature therapy is about.

You can grow anything and when you start doing it, you also start getting how wrong this pump and dump bullshit is, that's perpetuated by growers who got jumped by the fertiliser industry and didn't know any better.

I'm vaping on my stuff... BTW you wanna know how good your bud really is, test it in a good vapouriser. Nasty stuff will fall off the rails :D

My veg room is starting many vegetables to go outside right now 😃

Haha I usually wait till comment once i get coffee in me and wake up, if i didnt then my comment will be basically spam!! lol

A really top article you have written there. With rinsing the opinions break up really. However, fact is the organically tilled cannabis around something better tastes

It's not about opinions, man! It's about facts! Obviously there's now point in trying to convince each other which method of growing is better, but there are FACTS of how soil works and YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEM! As far as taste and flavor you won't beat organic #highbrix IMO.

Epic post!! There is so much sudo science going out there, All the plethora of novice growers trying to give advice cause it worked one time. Now we have the steemit Ganja team! Helping folks find the natural way of working with life. Thanks for your work!!

I hope we're gaining momentum! Funny how things work out. I never considered putting my thoughts about technical side of things in posts like that, but steemit really wooed me. Now let's hope this ripple has enough stamina to go against the tide of crap :D

Ive always been taught to flush, and its because it i was told, never because i did research and came to a conclusion. I know i always fell good about it when i do it, and buds always seem to taste better then my buds picked before a flush. THis could be a placebo effect, or maybe its not. I know i really need to evolve my grow if its going to get any better. Im resteeming this so i can further read it and understand it, also to get this post more attention to further the discussion, cause i know i will still flush for the time being until my evolution. Its funny that im this way and im sure theirs alot of growers doing it for the same reasons as me.

Definitely not a placebo effect, I noticed this to and noticed this many times(I always grow on soil), I always give numbers to my plants.
Way back when I started I used to test it out.
Always produced smoother smoke with plants that were fed a water diet the last 2 weeks
Dont know why it happens, seems to make a very little but noticeable changes.
Like the smoke gets a little smoother, I bet its somehow something from the nutes that can give that harsh taste/feeling in the throat.

Yes it is the additives, and people who use additives probably do need to flush, but i think what our friend is getting at is we need to get away from these additives and go back to the basics.

seakraken coming by to promote this golden post!

Thx for the plug, bro! Much appreciated :)

I know one thing that i doscoverd that’s complete bullshit when it comes to flushing. White ash! People think just because you have white ash its because of flushing. I’ve discovered that white ash is all about the cure. What do you have to say about white ash?

Low concentration of K & P, higher concentration of Ca/Mg will give you ash like the driven snow :)

also people doing the ice water flush, thats complete bull shit too! I actually did it one time and nothing happend different. Then i saw a journal on 420 magazine when a guy actually did a great side by side comparison and debunked that shit. I follow some people on ig and there always doing the ice water flush. It is crazy how these myths get started and become truths. I think ill be cutting my tahoo down 7 days earlier now.

One thing really has done it! PROHIBITION! Cause we couldn't really research that shit we were left in the dark and first ones to exploit it were FERTILISER companies. But now we're entering post-prohibition mindset and with it comes fact-based gardening... I once cooked my fuckin' roots after harvest when I was starting to grow weed and I'm the first one to say that I was crazy!

YOu saying the fertilizers company exploiting it, really is ringing a bell in my head. Makes complete since to me. Us steemians are all about saying fuck you to the powers at be! I think with my other tahoo im going to let it do its thing and i wont do a flush and see if there is a difference. Cool thing that this is going to happen in the next month. Ill do my best at making the post for it. Thanks for the motivation. Besides its not like i use synthetic fertilizer. Whats your thought on a bud wash?

You should really start by making a proper soil mix to transplant your clones into. If the mix is right it'll need just occasional fertilisation, which you can dial in a very easy way.

Bud wash came from 420mag as a way to clean after treating plants with brix raising sprays. I washed my buds twice or something to check if I could detect any difference and I don't think you need it if your produce is clean in the first place. But it makes the bud smoother sometimes.... kinda choice thing, but not mine :)

Yeah sounds like a plan. I know one thing next time i go to the garden store i wont bring my little boy. That kid was going crazy like he was at disney land! Couldn't concentrate with him running in circles, lol

Release the Kraken! You got a 20.46% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @jonyoudyer!

Good to see posts like these about the science of growing and just common sense approaches. Good soil Biology beats over fertilizing everyday IMO and will naturally make good buds

Amen, bro! I couldn't smoke any hydro weed these days even if I wanted too :)

Interesting article, and i fully do agree.
I grow them in 10 Liter pots under 600 Watt; soil mix.
First weeks they will receive all the industrial stuff from bottles, but then i will closely watch the plants and treat them individually.
My way of "flushing" is to stop the heavy N, P and K additions after week 6 and supply them with some epsom salt (Magnesium) and some calcium that is plenty full in our tap-water.
Normally i use rain to prevent up-building of salts inside the soil.
You are very right about the fact that every structure and every substance inside the plant will not be "Flushed" by providing almost distilled water during the last weeks.
Long ago i once did Hydro.
I can tell you that it was not smelling nice; it really stunk...

So another soil convert. I meet you all the time :D BTW welcome to steemit, man! You've just gained your 1st follower.

I am doing this already for 45 years by the way.
During that time i selected my own strains; some received from friends, some selected from seeds.

One week ago I planted several plants into the greenhouse (from glass, outside).
If we are lucky in the Netherlands there will be no heavy frost and round the first week of May I could harvest them for oil (Rick Simpsom method).
Those plants will have 2 months to bloom, and when the days are getting longer in May they will revert to growing.
That is the moment to cut them and hang them to dry without any cutting.
The will look ugly but they will deliver very good oil...

I guess you're talking about autos. I have a couple of those growing too actually... but only cause I got them for free from the sponsors :)

No, not automatics.
A little known fact is this: If you put your (growing) plants into an environment with less then 12 hours daylight, they will start blooming immediately.
So, if you put them outside in a greenhouse, round March 1, they will be fully blooming round March 21.
They will vigorously continue to do so.
Round the start of May, when the day gets longer, they will slowly start to revert back to the vegetative state.
That is the moment to cut them, hang them and after several weeks you will have extremely potent material to make oil...

So you're doing sun dep! It's a great method to use season for multiple harvests! I've been doing it too, but on a small scale :) The quality of flowers is often noteworthy!

amen & resteemd


Thx a bushel as always!


we can telepathicly talk with anything in nature i even learned i can get information from so called solid objects

What if, instead of flushing with distilled water, you flushed with mineral water (to retain the magnesium, etc.) during the last two weeks?

I understand your reasoning, but something just seems wrong about keeping some of these nutrients in the water all the way up to harvest. The synthetic fertilizers have crazy chemicals in them, my dog.

Have you ever had your buds crackle while smoking them? And I don't mean seeds popping—I mean a light crackling sound.
Bud wasn't properly flushed.

I don't think you've understood my point! I'm absolutely against feeding schedules, using synthetics and high concentration of nutrients in general! But even if you give only water, which I do all the time, cause my methods are exactly opposite: water all the time and only occasionally nutes, you won't get rid of salts in the soil this way!

Does it taste better, cause you've stopped pouring ridiculous amounts of fertilisers for these last weeks? Maybe, but it's impossible to say for sure without a double blind test! What will taste great for someone, will taste foul for someone else.

For me personally a synthetically grown bud will always taste of fertilisers, flushed or not. And no, my joints never crackle and my smoke is never harsh, cause everything I grow is pure and organic. No pain in the ass or worrying about the black ash, man!

Okay well, you can at least admit that if someone has already done the grow with synthetic fertilizers and scheduled feeding, it would then be desirable to give it a "flush"?

I'm sure that organic is the only way to go with the soil substrate, though—I'll agree with you there.
And I've never had the issue of crackling with bud I have grown in the past. But I don't grow now and sometimes I'll get some iffy stuff and that shit will happen. Makes me switch who I get it from.

As I said watering cannot hurt, so why not?

Nice input. I dont agree that smoothness is subjective, though. I call myself a farmer, not a grower. I dont have an educational background in anything plant related. Of course things dont grow backwards. But I did pull a branch and hang it to dry prior to "flushing" and the bud was a lot harsher than the rest of the harvest. It also gave a weird, extra head spin-y feeling, which I attribute to the nutes. So, in my experience, flushing is worth it, even if you've been nuking your plants with chemicals the entire season.

Of course that any smoker with experience should be able to tell the difference between organically and synthetically grown weed... but it's not a rule and it can only be tested with so called double blind to be valid. Otherwise what you're saying is anecdotal and and cannot be treated as a proof unfortunately. That's the problem with personal experience... it's personal, but cannot be used to form a general conclusion.

As I wrote, you can't go wrong with giving pure water, but it doesn't flush the bud and it doesn't flush the soil! The only thing you do by watering for the last few weeks you lower the concentration of nutes, but plant still takes them from the soil!

youre absolutely right! which is why i had my friend test them out after I did. I knew which bud was which, but he did not. it doesnt flush the plant totally, but at least it wont have AS much. Just saying that IF youre bound to using nutes, then the two wk water flush is necessary.

Loved it all. I absorb. Thank you for sharing this great info for a newbie grower, and for putting it in such a great tone. Love it!

I'm so inspired to move out of the house and start planting my own crew. For now I've been planting tomatoes and other edible herbs.. Shoutout @conradino23..

There is to much misinformation around growing cannabis, it should be called just a watering indeed.
If seen people completely drown their plants with buckets of water haha.
But it does improve the taste and smoothnes if the plants get only regular water the last week/2 weeks, dont know why it happens, I think impurieties in the nutes most people use or something like that.

What happens is you lower the concentration of salts if you use them for these last 2 weeks :)